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English Literatures


June 2015

We organised a panel discussion that took place in the town library in DAStietz, Chemnitz. We invited experts who haven been researching in the fields of migration as well as European and intercultural communication studies, who provided us with interesting insights into academic perspectives in these fields. Furthermore, the commissioner for foreigners of the City of Chemnitz attended the discussion to inform us about numbers and facts on the current refugee debate. Additionally and most importantly, people who have once come to Chemnitz and sought asylum shared their experiences with the audience. Their very personal stories gave us an idea of what it means to have to flee from one's home country, what it means to settle down in a foreign environment, with a language one does not speak and understand, or with cultural habits one does not know.

September 2015

In September, we organised the event ''Where is my home?'' in the Club of Cultures at TU Chemnitz. This occasion gave refugees the opportunity to share their experiences of leaving their home and family behind and coming to a foreign country. The discussion gave us a very emotional and personal insight into their lives. As part of the event, a Syrian band as well as two drummers from Iraq provided the musical background for dancing and getting together. At this event, refugees and students, thus, came into direct personal contact.