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Junior Professorship of Sociology with Specialization in Technology
Teaching Modules

Current courses in WS 2023/24

On this page you can find the courses offered by the professorship in WS 2023/24. Please check this page or the course catalog again shortly before the start of the courses.

Thesis Colloquium (Bachelor Sociology & Master "Digital Work" (optional))

The colloquium is conducted in the form of a research workshop and is open to bachelor and master students and anyone interested in writing a thesis in the field of Sociology of Technology & "Digital Work". If you are planning a thesis in our field, please be sure to attend colloquium sessions to get an impression and discuss your topic with us.

Lecture Introduction to the Sociology of Technology (M3)

Exercise Sociology of Technology (M10)

Colloquium Preparation of the empirical investigation (M_DA 1; M3)

All information about the courses can now be found in the university's central course catalog.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact Tanja Lehmann.