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Professorship Communications Engineering
Current Projects

Current Projects

VdFOS - Virtualisierung von Balisen-(Teil)funktionen durch Fiber Optic Sensing (FOS)


The project aims to enable the FOS system to clearly locate a train. Localisation should be made possible or simplified by a specific, clear acoustic signal. For this purpose, different variants of emissions and coding and their effect on the necessary evaluation algorithms must be analysed. The aim is to enable reliable evaluation and localisation using deterministic methods that are as simple as possible. A known signal is to be sent to the ...


STADT:up – Solutions and Technologies for Automated Driving in Town: an urban mobility project


STADT:up is a 3 year project starting in January 1st 2023. It is a joint effort of 22 partners from industry and research, consisting of automobile industry, suppliers, and research institutions. The project is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Automated driving offers the opportunity to significantly increase road safety and utilise the existing infrastructure much more efficiently. The project aims to...


5G-RACOM - 5G for Resilient and Green RAil COMmunications


The 5G-RACOM project, a collaboration between Germany and France, is focused on finding better ways to use the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) and its associated frequency spectrum. FRMCS, set to replace GSM-R, will enable faster and real-time wireless communication between trains and infrastructure using 5G technology. To support the expected increase in data rates from FRMCS applications, the European Commission has granted...


LCX4Rail - Leckwellenleiter (LCX) für linienförmige breitbandige Funkversorgung, hochverfügbare Fahrzeugortung und radarähnliche Hindernisdetektion im automatisierten SRCC- Bahnbetrieb


The LCX4Rail project aims to improve communication services for rail vehicles by utilizing Leaky Coaxial Cable (LCX) technology, which is ideal for the geographical challenges of railway tracks such as valleys and tunnels. This technology, already used in subway systems, involves coaxial cables with slot-shaped openings in the shielding that act as antennas, providing reliable radio coverage along linear routes. The project focuses on investig...