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Professur für Mess- und Sensortechnik
Professorship of Measurements and Sensor Technology

Potential of carbon nanomaterials based electrochemical and gravimetric sensor (PIONNER)

Project Overview

PIONNER project aims to lay the foundation for developing dual transduction systems for a wide range of applications covering different multi-disciplinary fields. It aims to establish a binational collaboration between Technische Universität Chemnitz and the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Cnam-Paris). This cooperation will enable the exchange and transfer of knowledge and innovation between the two groups creating a multi-disciplinary environment. In addition, the involvement of junior researchers in the project and providing them the opportunities for the research stay in the partner university will enable them to gain international experience, expand and deepen their knowledge in research and methodology, thereby equipping them with the necessary skills and know-how to tackle different challenges in the field of chemical sensor systems. It also gives them exposure to a range of research infrastructure possibilities to disseminate the research findings at international conferences and thereby enabling them to improve their communication and research skills and training them to become prominent leaders in the future in their research field. Professors and Ph.D. students from both universities will be invited to present their work in digital webinars, which will be held annually and in the upcoming International Workshops on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) organized by TU Chemnitz. This will be the occasion for them to exchange with top scientists from all around the world and to promote active discussion on cutting-edge topics.


