Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kaan Celebi
“Quo Vadis, Britain? – Implications of the Brexit process on the UK’s real economy”, 2021, International Economics and Economic Policy, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 267-307.Best Paper Award Finalist at INFER 2020https://doi.org/10.1007/s10368-021-00493-7
“The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on the German Stock Market: Evidence for the Crisis, Pre- and Post-Crisis Periods” (with Michaela Hönig), 2019, International Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 7, Issue 2.https://doi.org/10.3390/ijfs7020018
“The impact of Brexit news on British pound exchange rates” (with Arthur Korus), 2019, International Economics and Economic Policy, Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 161-192.Research Paper within the Deutsche Bundesbank-sponsored EIIW project: Institutional changes and economic dynamics of international capital markets in the context of BREXIT.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10368-018-00423-0
“FDI and Sustainability: Empirical Findings and Policy Implications” (with Paul J.J. Welfens & Tian Xiong), 2022, EIIW Discussion Paper (forthcoming).
“New Aspects of the International Demand for Reserves: The Role of Inward Foreign Direct Investment” (with Paul J.J. Welfens), 2022, EIIW Discussion Paper (forthcoming).
“OECD Countries’ Twin Long-run Challenge: The Impact of Ageing Dynamics and Increasing Natural Disasters on Savings Ratios” (with Tian Xiong and Paul J.J. Welfens), 2021, EIIW Discussion Paper No. 309.https://ideas.repec.org/p/bwu/eiiwdp/disbei309.html
“FDI Globalization and the New Phillips Curve: Role of Multinational Companies and Institutional Changes” (with Paul J.J. Welfens), 2021, EIIW Discussion Paper No. 301.https://ideas.repec.org/p/bwu/eiiwdp/disbei301.html
“The Stock Market and the Labor-Income Risk in the US: Empirical Findings and Policy Implications” (with Paul J.J. Welfens), 2021, EIIW Discussion Paper No. 291.https://ideas.repec.org/p/bwu/eiiwdp/disbei291.html
“The Economic Impact of Trump: Conclusions from an Impact Evaluation Analysis” (with Paul J.J. Welfens), 2020, EIIW Discussion Paper No. 281.https://ideas.repec.org/p/bwu/eiiwdp/disbei281.html
“CO2 Allowance Price Dynamics and Stock Markets in EU Countries: Empirical Findings and Global CO2-Perspectives” (with Paul J.J. Welfens), 2020, EIIW Discussion Paper No. 267.Paper presented at the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Meeting, Rome 2021.https://ideas.repec.org/p/bwu/eiiwdp/disbei267.html
The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Policy Events on the Financial and Real Economy”, 2020, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Doctoral Thesis.https://doi.org/10.25926/QGEP-MD31
“ParkenDigital – Entwicklung von übertragbaren Erhebungsmethoden unter Berücksichtigung innovative Technologien zur Parkraumdatengenerierung und Digitalisierung des Parkraums” (with Petra Schäfer, Tobias Hagen, Katharina Lux and Marco Wolf), 2019, Final report of a research project funded by the mFUND of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) about data generation and digitization of parking space.