Welcome to the Junior Professorship "International Economics, especially Europe"
The Junior Professorship "International Economics, especially Europe" deals with topics of real and monetary foreign trade. This includes all issues of cross-border trade in goods, persons, services, and capital, which are considered in both teaching and research. In particular, the junior professorship is devoted to empirical analysis of economic effects and interdependencies in the areas of European integration, international capital flows, and international technology transfer. The research conducted in these areas aims to apply the findings to teaching and to make useful contributions to policy and practice.
Current Information
April 2024: New discussion paper published
Kaan Celebi, Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens, "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment", DIW Discussion Papers, No. 2074, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Berlin.
DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 2074
Start of "Europäische Wirtschaft I"
The lecture "Europäische Wirtschaft I" will start on 2 April 2024. Further information: OPAL
March 2024: New discussion paper published
Kaan Celebi, Jochen Hartwig & Anna Pauliina Sandqvist, "Baumol's Cost Disease in Acute vs. Long-term Care - Do the Differences Loom Large?", Chemnitz Economic Papers No 62, Department of Economics, Chemnitz University of Technology. EconPapers
Bachelor seminar (Berufsfeldseminar) summer term 2024
In the coming summer semester, the Junior Professorship for International Economics, especially Europe is offering a BF seminar (Bachelor) with the following title: "Europäische Handelspolitik im Wandel: Herausforderungen, Chancen und Perspektiven für die Zukunft". Students can register via OPAL between 17 and 19 January 2024. Further information: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/wirtschaft/studium/bachelor/wiwi/sup.php
Recent Presentations at Conferences:
26. - 30. August 2024: 39th European Economic Association Annual Congress, ERASMUS University, Rotterdam, Niederlande
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)
3 - 5 July 2024: International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science (EcoMod2024), Izmir, Türkiye
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)
29 June - 3 July 2024: Western Economic Association International 99th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, USA
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)
20-22 May 2024: RCEA International Conference in Economics, Econometrics, and Finance (ICEEF2024), Brunel University London, UK
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)
4-5 March 2024: 16. dggö Jahrestagung 2024, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Title: "Baumol's Cost Disease in Acute vs. Long-term Care - Do the Differences Loom Large?" (with Jochen Hartwig & Pauliina Sandqvist)
1-3 February 2024: XVI. International Conference on Economics (EconWorld2024), Madrid, Spanien
Title: "Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment" (with Werner Röger & Paul J.J. Welfens)