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Professur für Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement
Innovation Research and Technology Management
Professur für Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement 
Logo der Professur Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement

Team, External Researchers & Adjunct Lecturers

Dr. Julien Bucher

Research Associate

(0371) 531 34366
Thüringer Weg 7, Room 112 (new: C33.112)
by email agreement

Current research interests / topics for theses

  • Extralegal, useful illegality and useful shadow economy
  • Crypto & Blockchain Economy - Business Models, Adoption & Organization
  • Individual and organizational imagination, imagination and innovation, imagination economy, science fiction research
  • Frugal innovation, sustainability assessment and criticism
  • Business ethics, CSR, innovation ethics
  • decentralized socio-technical systems, global / international / intra- and inter-organizational networks, platform economy
  • Disruptive Innovation, Social Innovation, Innovation Systems & Innovation Ecosystems
  • Case studies and mixed methods research designs
  • Qualitative and quantitative research methods
  • Design Science Research and Evaluation Research

Initial and continuing education

  • 2020 PhD to Dr. rer. pole. with the work "Innovation Studies on Sustainability, Frugality, Imagination and MEMS Technology" at the Faculty of Economics at Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC), supervised by Stefan Hüsig and Marlen Arnold
  • 2013 Magister Artium in Political Science, Philosophy and German Literature Studies, TUC
  • 2011 Participation in the 5th American-African-European Summer School, focus on "Communication across borders and environments", University of Texas, El Paso
  • 2010 Participation in the 4th American-African-European Summer School, focus on "Communication of change and development in intercultural context", TUC


  • Since 08/2021 Research Associate, Chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management, TUC
  • 01/2021-08/2021 Research Associate, Chair for Organization and International Management, TUC
  • 07/2020-12/2020 Research Associate, Chair for Personnel Management and Leadership, TUC
  • 07/2020-12/2020 Research Associate, Chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management, TUC
  • 06/2017-08/2020 Research Associate and Deputy Project Manager, ESF Junior Research Group E-PISA, Chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management, TUC
  • 2015-2017 Research Associate, Chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management, TUC
  • 2014-2015 Research Associate, Chair for Innovation Research and Sustainable Resource Management, TUC
  • 2013-2014 tutor, MOS course, Faculty of Economics, TUC
  • 2011-2013 Trainer, Chair for Innovation Research and Sustainable Resource Management, TUC
  • 2010-2014 assistant, chair for organization and ergonomics, TUC
  • 2010-2011 project management, project "Wissensbilder", EU program "Youth in Action"
  • 2009-2011 Trainer, Working Group Social Skills and Simulation Games, Faculty of Economics, TUC
  • 2007 Test leader, DFG project: "The development of media skills in preschool and elementary school children", Professorship of media use, TUC
  • 2006-2007 field assistant, research project: “Heaven on earth. Conversion and morality in eastern Germany ”, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle / Saale


  • 2021 Managing Global Networks and Cooperations
  • 2021-2022 Change management in practice - A framework for the transformation work of Versicherungsforen Leipzig GmbH, application project
  • 2021-2022 Useful illegality and extralegalism as barriers & opportunities of blockchain adoption, application project
  • 2020-2021 introduction to management, lecture and exercises
  • 2014-2016, 2020-2021 Methods of Empirical Social Research, Seminar
  • 2015-2021 innovation and advice, especially creativity methods, lecture / exercise
  • 2016-2020 technology management, lecture
  • 2010, 2011, 2014-2020 African-American-European-Summer-School
  • 2018-2019 Disruptive potential and sustainability of technological innovation, application project
  • 2017 Value creation in the digital age: Sharing, Platform and Collaborative Economies, research seminar
  • 2017-2018 Transdisciplinary and intercultural innovation for sustainable development, application project
  • 2016-2017 The Emergence of the Cannabis Industry in the USA, Application Project
  • 2016 Audiovisual economic research, research seminar
  • 2015-2016 technology monitoring & analysis for Deutsche Bahn, application project
  • 2015 organizational research, seminar
  • 2015 Innovation & Education, professional field project
  • 2014-2015 Strategisches Innovationsmanagement, Seminar
  • 2014-2015 Interventio, Planspiel
  • 2014 Economy & Society, Seminar
  • 2013-2014 student application projects, tutorial
  • 2013 Asperitas, simulation game
  • 2011-2013 Social science basics, tutorial
  • 2011 group and project work, tutorial
  • 2010 Scientific work, tutorial
  • 2009 Basics of intercultural communication and cooperation: Japan, tutorial


  • Böttger, S., Bucher, J., Kriebel, D., Meinel, K., Solonenko, D., Stiebing, M., Stöckel, C. 2020: Abschlussbericht ESF Nachwuchsforschergruppe E-PISA. Energieautarke, drahtlose piezoelektrische MEMS Sensoren und Aktoren in der Medizintechnik und Industrie 4.0, TU Chemnitz. DOI, NBN
  • Bucher, J. 2020. Innovation studies on sustainability, frugality, imagination, and MEMS technology. Dissertation, Technische Universität Chemnitz.
  • Breßler, J., Froß, P., Bucher, J. 2020. Creativity Techniques as Springboards for Collaborative Working Groups. In: Schulz, Klaus-Peter & Mnisri, Kamel: Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development, PUN - ÉDITIONS UNIVERSITAIRES DE LORRAINE, 235-258.
  • Heinbucher, D. & Bucher, J. 2020: How do shared mental models foster team creativity? A team level analysis of drivers of ideation in the team creativity process of innovation teams. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 75-77.
  • Schmitten, J.-P. & Bucher, J. 2020: ...and then Blockchain solved all of our Problems. How Sci-Fi and Cyberpunk Narratives are used to frame the Discourse of Blockchain Development. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 175-178.
  • Molina, J., Bucher, J.; Speelmann, S. & Lange, A. 2020: Understanding frugal innovations in the water sector and their impact on sustainable development: insights from two social innovations in México. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 95-98.
  • Bucher, J. & Hüsig, J. 2020: Conceptualizing Imagination as an Inherent Element of the Innovation Process. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 162-165.
  • Huber, C. & Bucher, J. 2020: Drink the Jungle: Business shamans and their unconventional coaching methods. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference,19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 170-173.
  • Frenz, R., Bucher, J. & Hermann-Fankhänel, A. 2019: Is an Artist a Better Scientist?: An Empirical Analysis on the Impact That Artistic Activity Has on a Scientist's Achievement. In: Fields, Z., Bucher, J. Weller, A. (Eds.): Imagination, Creativity, and Responsible Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, IGI Global, 102-125
  • Bucher, J. & Weller, A.2019: From the Visual Turn to Turned Up Visuality: Modes of Interaction in the Digitalized Era and Ways to Utilize Them. In: Fields, Z., Bucher, J. & Weller, A. (Eds., 2019): Imagination, Creativity, and Responsible Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, IGI Global, 80-100
  • Fields, Z., Bucher, J. & Weller, A. 2019: Preface. In: Fields, Z., Bucher, J. & Weller, A. (Eds.): Imagination, Creativity, and Responsible Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, IGI Global, xvi-xxiv
  • Fields, Z., Bucher, J. & Weller, A. (Eds.) 2019: Imagination, Creativity, and Responsible Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, IGI Global.
  • Bucher, J. 2019: The overlooked roots of innovations. Exploring the relevance of imagination on innovation using Science Fiction. In Z. Fields, S. Hüsig (Eds.) Responsible, Sustainable, and Global Aware Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 55-75
  • Dressler, A., Bucher, J. 2018: Introducing a sustainability evaluation framework based on the Sustainable Development Goals applied to four cases of South African frugal Innovation. Special Issue: The role of SDGs for progressing sustainability, Business Strategy and Development.
  • Immanuel Wallerstein 2018 (2004): Welt-System-Analyse. Eine Einführung. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von Julien Bucher, Felix Merz & Sylke Nissen. Neue Bibliothek der Sozialwissenschaften, Springer VS.
  • Dressler, J., Bucher, J. 2017: Introducing a framework for the evaluation of the sustainability of Frugal Innovations: An explorative study of four South African cases. 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 14.-16.09.2017, Nancy, Frankreich.
  • Breßler, J., Froß, P., Bucher, J. 2017: Creativity techniques as spring boards for collaborative working groups. 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 14.-16.09.2017, Nancy, Frankreich.
  • Bucher, J. 2016: „Die Proliferation der Möglichkeiten und Anforderungen. Über Infrastrukturinnovationen und ihre wirtschaftliche und soziale Adaption", 1. interdisziplinäre Konferenz zur Zukunft der Wertschöpfung, Hamburg. [Po]
  • Bucher, J.; Weller, A. 2016: The Connection between Technological and Social Innovation. The Case Wernher von Braun - Imagination, Science Fiction, Imagery and the Visual, IVSA Conference 2016, Lillehammer, https://hil.conference-services.net/reports/template/onetextabstract.xml?xsl=template/onetextabstract.xsl&conferenceID=4936&abstractID=975081.html
  • Bucher, J.; Weller, J. 2016: From the European Financial to the Humanitarian Refugee Crisis. Visualized Imagination of Crisis, Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Wien, https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2016/webprogram/Paper82338.html
  • Weller, A.; Bucher, J. 2016: Interactive Research in School – Visual Worlds of the Youth, Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Wien, https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2016/webprogram/Paper82265.html
  • Weller, A.; Bucher, J. 2016: Visualisierte Imaginationen der Lebenswelt und der Einfluss der Medien, in: Jürgen Raab & Rainer Keller (Hrsg.): Wissensforschung - Forschungswissen. Beiträge zum 1. Sektionskongress der Wissenssoziologie, Weinheim: Belz Juventa, 595-607.
  • Bucher, J.; Weller, A. 2016: The Connection between Technological and Social Innovation. The Case Wernher von Braun - Imagination, Science Fiction, Imagery and the Visual, IVSA Conference 2016, Lillehammer.
  • Bucher, J.; Weller, A. 2016: From the European Financial to the Humanitarian Refugee Crisis. Visualized Imagination of Crisis, Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Wien.
  • Weller, A.; Bucher, J. 2016: Interactive Research in School – Visual Worlds of the Youth, Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Wien.
  • Bucher, J.; Strobel, S.; Kirchner, G. 2016: The American-African-European (AAE) Summer and Winter Schools, Poster, AC21 Conference, Chemnitz.
  • Weller, A.; Bucher, J. 2015: "Das graphische Interview - Visualisierung imaginierter Welten", 1. Sektionskongress der Sektion Wissenssoziologie der DGS, Landau.
  • Bucher, J.; Breßler, J. 2014: „Die Förderung von Reflexivität und Kreativität in Anwendungsprojekten", Poster, Tag der Lehre 2014, Chemnitz.
  • Bucher, J. 2014: „Science Fiction, Ethik und Zukunftsforschung: SciFi als ethisches Laboratorium und kreative Zukunftsforschung am Beispiel von Stanislaw Lem“, Wie viel Science steckt in Science Fiction?, Chemnitz.
  • Breßler, J.; Bucher, J. 2014: „Didactical decisions regarding reflexivity and creativity: Experience and frontiers“, INTED 2014, Valencia.
  • Bucher, J.; Weller, A. 2011: „Visual environmental mass communication in Germany after the nuclear reactor disaster in Fukushima. A qualitative pictoral analysis of articles in two leading online newspapers.“, COCE 2011, El Paso.

Lectures and posters

  • Schmid, S. & Bucher, J. 2020: Exploring leadership configurations in extreme situations – Fighting the heroic leader through informal team leadership on the sharp end?!, Herbstworkshop des WK Personal (VHB), 17.09.-18.09.2020, Düsseldorf.
  • Schmid, S. & Bucher, J. 2020: Blame for fame?! Findings of a study on leadership behaviour in emergency teams in a high fidelity simulation setting. 36th EGOS Colloquium, 30.06.-04.07.2020, Hamburg.
  • Heinbucher, D. & Bucher, J. 2020: How do shared mental models foster team creativity? A team level analysis of drivers of ideation in the team creativity process of innovation teams. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 75-77.
  • Schmitten, J.-P. & Bucher, J. 2020: ...and then Blockchain solved all of our Problems. How Sci-Fi and Cyberpunk Narratives are used to frame the Discourse of Blockchain Development. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 175-178.
  • Molina, J., Bucher, J.; Speelmann, S. & Lange, A. 2020: Understanding frugal innovations in the water sector and their impact on sustainable development: insights from two social innovations in México. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 95-98.
  • Bucher, J. & Hüsig, S. 2020: Conceptualizing Imagination as an Inherent Element of the Innovation Process. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 162-165.
  • Huber, C. & Bucher, J. 2020: Drink the Jungle: Business shamans and their unconventional coaching methods. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference,19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, 170-173.
  • Bucher, J. 2020: Imagination und Utopie. Offene Diskussion im Rahmen der Veranstaltung Chemnitzer Utopistinnen, Aufstand der Utopien Festival, 10.11.2019, Chemnitz.
  • Bucher, J. & Hüsig, S. 2019: Innovation as Manifesting Imagination: Exploring the Role of Imaginations and Imaginators at the Front-End of Innovation, R&D Management Conference 2019, 17.-21.06.2019: Paris, France.
  • Bucher, J. & Schmitten, J. P. 2019: How visionaries and narratives explicate possible futures and create paths from imagination to innovation. Exploring the Fiction-Innovation-Nexus looking at the narratives, manifestation and discourses of MEMS, the Hyperloop and blockchain technologies. New Economic Sociology NES 2019, Warsaw, 20.-21.05.2019: Warsaw, Poland.
  • Dressler, A., Bucher, J. 2017: Introducing a framework for the evaluation of the sustainability of Frugal Innovations: An explorative study of four South African cases. 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 14.-16.09.2017, Nancy, Frankreich.
  • Breßler, J., Froß, P., Bucher, J. 2017: Creativity techniques as spring boards for collaborative working groups. 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 14.-16.09.2017, Nancy, Frankreich.
  • Bucher, J. 2017: Innovation, Imagination and Science Fiction, 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 14.-16.09.2017, Nancy, Frankreich.
  • Dressler, A., Bucher, J. 2017: Evaluating the sustainability of Frugal Innovations. An explorative study of four South African cases. Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global Development, CFIA Conference, 07.-08.11.2017, Leiden, Niederlande.
  • Bucher, J., Tracksdorf, P., Weller, A. 2017: Image and Fame – Behavioral Strategies on YouTube, IVSA Conference 2017, Montreal, http://www.ivsa2017.com/uploads/9/2/1/3/92133114/ivsa.abstracts.pdf
  • Weller, A., Bucher, J. 2017: The creative interview: A methodology for working with a corpus of respondent-generated pictures utilizing assembling, comparing, framing and reframing, IVSA Conference 2017, Montreal, http://www.ivsa2017.com/uploads/9/2/1/3/92133114/ivsa.abstracts.pdf
  • Bucher, J. 2016: „Die Proliferation der Möglichkeiten und Anforderungen. Über Infrastrukturinnovationen und ihre wirtschaftliche und soziale Adaption", 1. interdisziplinäre Konferenz zur Zukunft der Wertschöpfung, Hamburg.
  • Bucher, J., Weller, A. 2016: The Connection between Technological and Social Innovation. The Case Wernher von Braun - Imagination, Science Fiction, Imagery and the Visual, IVSA Conference 2016, Lillehammer, https://hil.conference-services.net/reports/template/onetextabstract.xml?xsl=template/onetextabstract.xsl&conferenceID=4936&abstractID=975081.html
  • Bucher, J., Weller, A. 2016: From the European Financial to the Humanitarian Refugee Crisis. Visualized Imagination of Crisis, Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Wien, https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2016/webprogram/Paper82338.html
  • Weller, A., Bucher, J. 2016: Interactive Research in School – Visual Worlds of the Youth, Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Wien, https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2016/webprogram/Paper82265.html
  • Bucher, J., Strobel, S., Kirchner, G. 2016: The American-African-European (AAE) Summer and Winter Schools, AC21 Conference, Chemnitz.
  • Weller, A.; Bucher, J. 2015: "Das graphische Interview - Visualisierung imaginierter Welten", 1. Sektionskongress der Sektion Wissenssoziologie der DGS, Landau, https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/landau/fb6/sowi/soziologie/aktuelles/wissenssoziologie2015/calls/abstracts/weller
  • Bucher, J.; Breßler, J. 2014: „Die Förderung von Reflexivität und Kreativität in Anwendungsprojekten", Tag der Lehre 2014, Chemnitz.
  • Bucher, J. 2014: „Science Fiction, Ethik und Zukunftsforschung: SciFi als ethisches Laboratorium und kreative Zukunftsforschung am Beispiel von Stanislaw Lem“, Wie viel Science steckt in Science Fiction?, Chemnitz.
  • Breßler, J., Bucher, J. 2014: „Didactical decisions regarding reflexivity and creativity: Experience and frontiers“, INTED 2014, Valencia.
  • Bucher, J., Weller, A. 2011: „Visual environmental mass communication in Germany after the nuclear reactor disaster in Fukushima. A qualitative pictoral analysis of articles in two leading online newspapers.“, COCE 2011, El Paso.

government office

  • Member of the trust council of the TU Chemnitz, deputy for the academic mid-level staff