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Make a big contribution to the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 with small projects: All members of Chemnitz University of Technology are called upon to make Europe visible in Chemnitz with as many different ideas as possible. With its TUCculture2025 initiative, Chemnitz University of Technology is once again supporting projects by members of Chemnitz University of Technology.

TUCculture2025 is an independent initiative of Chemnitz University of Technology in the context of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025. In cooperation with the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 GmbH, there is also the possibility of particularly suitable projects to be included in the official programme of the Capital of Culture and to be allowed to use the logo of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025.

Application requirements

Applications can be submitted if the following requirements are met:

  • At least one person in the project team has an affiliation with TUC.
  • The project is associated with a structural unit of TUC. Student projects also have to be associated with a structural unit of the university.
  • Project proposals must not pursue commercial interests.

Selection criteria

University Management of Chemnitz University of Technology decides on the grant approval on recommendation of the Task Force TUCculture2025. The members of the Task Force are guided by the following criteria:

Selection criterion Aspect
Quality of the project
(up to 10 points)
  • The target group is clearly defined.
  • The project is clearly structured.
  • The project partners and their contribution are presented.
  • The financing plan is coherent and appropriate to the project.
  • The project results are available in the long term (i.e. at least clear and publicly accessible documentation).
Connection to TU Chemnitz
(up to 5 points)
  • TUC clearly emerges as an actor involved.
  • The project adds value to TUC.
  • The project has a communication plan to reach the university public.
  • It convincingly demonstrates how the project enriches campus life.
Connection to the City of Chemnitz
(up to 5 points)
  • The project has a communication plan to reach the city public.
  • It is convincingly demonstrated how the project enriches art and culture and public life in the city of Chemnitz.

Inclusion in the programme of the European Capital of Culture

In order for a project to be included in the official programme of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025, it is necessary to demonstrate the fit of the project with the Capital of Culture programme in the project application (see also selection criterion "Relation to the city of Chemnitz"). With the open call, projects shall be supported, which correlate with the five programme fields presented in the Application BidBook 2025

How can taking part in culture and civic participation strengthen social cohesion? The central element of the Capital of Culture programme is to inspire as many people as possible as to become “makers” – creative, self-effective people who contribute their skills and knowledge to shaping their social environment. This creative and entrepreneurial potential often lies hidden in Chemnitz and the region, but it is waiting to be discovered and experienced on closer inspection. The makers become European makers of democracy when they, together with others, use this potential to create something and take care of their fellow human beings, while treating each other with respect and seeing otherness as enriching for civil society.

The aim in this programme area is to uncover Eastern European influences on our everyday lives, which are often unjustly concealed, and to bring this influence to life in projects. By working together on creative endeavours, the intention is to open people’s hearts, bringing them closer together through shared stories and ideas. The aim of the projects is to create connections between a wide range of European maker identities.

Gelebte Nachbarschaft / Generous Neighbours is an invitation to take a look beyond your own horizons: What are other people actually doing? The aim is to make values such as respect, tolerance and solidarity something people can experience in their everyday lives together by discovering and experiencing unimagined commonalities in projects. Promoting democracy through art and culture, participation and long-term involvement – how does living together as real neighbours come about?

Makers shape cities, regions and Europe – that’s how they make history. They often work alone and unobserved – in the studio, at the workbench, in the cellar, in the garage or behind the counter. The programme aims to bring together creative people who have an inventive and entrepreneurial spirit, artistic skills and visionary drive. How can they be empowered to use their skills?

This programme area gets out of the city – into the 38 partner municipalities and communities of the Capital of Culture Chemnitz. And into a cultural region that is rediscovering its own tradition and history as part of a moving exchange and putting its topics front and centre. It’s Moving! opens up new encounters in projects along the Purple Path, the emerging art and sculpture trail, and initiates shared negotiations on the future of the region.

In the case of a funding recommendation by the TUCculture 2025 Task Force, the project application will be forwarded to the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 GmbH, which decides on the inclusion of the project in the programme. If appropriate, projects that have already received funding may be included retroactively.

Project duration

Funded projects must be completed by 31 Dec 2025.

Funding volume

Individual projects can be funded with a volume of up to 5.000 EUR.

The total volume of the call for proposals is 45.000 EUR, so that at least 9 projects can be funded, depending on the project volumes applied for.

Applicable costs

Applicable costs are:

  • Personnel costs (e.g. expenses for the remuneration of student assistants, expenses for the remuneration of guest lectures)
  • Travel expenses (only for employees of Chemnitz University of Technology)
  • Material costs (e.g. expenses for consumables, expenses for rent)

Notapplicable costs are:

  • Expenses for catering or other hospitality services
  • Expenses for give-aways that go beyond simple advertising materials
  • Investments (machinery, electrical equipment, etc.)

Funding of the same project measure by Chemnitz University of Technology and other third-party funding sources ("double funding") is not possible (e.g. remuneration of an assistant via two project accounts).

If a third party is to be remunerated for a service, the contract must be awarded via a procurement process in accordance with the Directive on the Procurement of Supplies and Services and the Associated Payment Transactions. Participation as an external project co-responsible party does not guarantee the award of a contract to them.

Application deadlines and submission procedure

Applications for project funding can be submitted until the following deadlines:

  • 18 September 2024

Proposals may be handed in in German or English language. To submit the proposal, please send the filled-in proposal form via e-mail to tucculture2025@tu-chemnitz.de.

Proposal Form

Questions about the tender

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact your department's representative in the TUCculture2025 Task Force or the Task Force spokesperson group.