University News: Human- und Sozialwissenschaften
Diabetes, also Known as the “Sugar Disease”: Recent Findings on Prevention and Treatment
Professor Isabel Sacco, from the University Sao Paulo in Brazil, will give a guest lecture on Thursday, December 8, 2016
The Power of Music
Psychologists of the TU Chemnitz fathom the effects of a human behavior thousands of years old
From A as in Aikido to Z as in Zumba
The Zentrum für Fitness und Gesundheit offers a wide range of fitness programs after its extensive renovation
Exercise as Medicine? What the Evolution of our Body can Teach us
Daniel E. Lieberman, Professor of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University, will give a guest lecture, December 7, 2016, on how exercise can optimize health in the light of evolution
New Task Force Shall Support and Accompany “Lighthouse Projects”
Optimal framework conditions for successful application will be developed in working groups – within the strategy for excellence “Chemnitz Cluster+” supports applications
Time to Go Abroad – Time to Get Informed
The International Office‘s (IUZ) "International Day" takes place on November 9, 2016
“TU Chemnitz is the Most International University in Saxony”
The number of international students in Chemnitz is still increasing – TU Chemnitz is a cosmopolitan university in a welcoming city
New University Leadership Determined
Three Vice Presidents were elected by the Senate to five-year terms in office
City rally, Guided Tour of the Kaßberg and Welcome Party
The orientation week for more than 400 newly enrolled international students of TU Chemnitz finished with a welcome dinner
Third-party Funding: TU Chemnitz Nationwide Among the Top Ten
The university was able to procure more than 74 million euros in 2014 – The TU Chemnitz is in 7th place nationwide based on proceeds per professor
Free Admission for Chemnitz Students
Beginning October 1, 2016, the Kulturticket (Culture Ticket) will take effect – free tickets to museums – and Theater fans can hope for last-minute seats
Expert Network on Inclusion in Schools Established at the TU Chemnitz
The Professorship of General Psychology and Biopsychology provides scientific support to Saxony’s inclusion assistant project for the next five years
For Better Teaching Quality at German Universities
The Professorship of Educational and Developmental Psychology at the TU Chemnitz will present the latest research findings at the 50th Congress of the German Psychological Society
When Chemnitz Throws a Party, the Uni is Right in the Middle
The TU Chemnitz participates in the Chemnitz City Festival on August 27, 2016 with a variety of different entertainment acts and offers
Ready, Set, Run for the Uni
On September 7, 2016, the TU Chemnitz has the chance to recapture the title of “Most Athletic Company” at the WiC Firmenlauf (company run) – Late deciders can still register until August 26
Summer, Sun, Support - Writing Week
From August 22 through 26, TU Chemnitz students have the chance to work on their writing projects together – the Writing Week offers both structural and content-related assistance
Swimming the Strait of Gibraltar
Defying the currents and his own limitations: In September, Joseph Heß will face the challenge of swimming from Spain to Morocco
Sports As A Social Phenomenon
Eleven Questions for Jun. Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger, who has held the Junior Professorship of Sport and Exercise Sociology (with focus on Health Management) since November 2015
Living the Life on Campus
Students in Chemnitz enjoy living on campus - In the ten TU Chemnitz dormitories, there are 1,800 beds in single apartments, doubles or apartments shared among multiple people
New TU Chemnitz Rector Elected
Extended Senate of the Technische Universität Chemnitz voted to elect political scientist Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier