Digital support for international students thanks to „DigiAssist“
The digital information platform “DigiAssist” helps international students with the most important questions concerning study organization
The platform “DigiAssist” supports international students of Chemnitz University of Technology. Graphic: Alexenadra Shaburova/International Office
The International Office of Chemnitz University of Technology is intensively expanding its digital support services for international students. After the Virtual Safe Space and the subject mentor program, the digital information and communication platform “DigiAssist” is another tailor-made offer within the framework of the model project “TUCinterdigital” available as of now.
Facilitating the start of studies – developing a platform that is flexible and tailored to needs
At the beginning of their studies, international students are confronted with a wide variety of terms: seminar, Prüfungsvorleistung, dean’s office or Testat – the online platform already explains important terms in six languages as they start their studies, including Bulgarian, Arabic and Chinese. Further languages are in preparation.
The “DigiAssist platform also provides an overview of student contact points. The subject mentors can be reached either via “BigBlueButton”, “Matrix” or by e-mail and are available to help interested parties with questions about the organization of studies or with subject-specific questions. Furthermore, initial FAQs lists can be found on the site. So far, the student contact points are available to interested students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
It also offers the opportunity to provide feedback. Users can send a message to the project team with further suggestions and requests. The platform is intended to remain flexible and to be adapted to the needs and wishes of the users.
The “DigiAssist” platform is available online.
Background: Model project “TUCinterdigital”
The model project “TUCinterdigital, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) until the end of 2023, aims to increase the success of (international) students, to facilitate the introductory phase of studies, to strengthen academic support and to increase intercultural competence. The services are aimed at (international) prospective and current studies, doctoral candidates, and university staff.
For further information, please contact Jennifer Bosniatzki, staff member at the International Office of Chemnitz University of Technology, phone +49 (0)371 531-33072, e-mail:
(Author: Jennifer Bosniatzki)
Matthias Fejes