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People @ TU Chemnitz

Title Name Unit E-mail address Phone
+49 371 531-
 Nedhal Ali Mahmood Al-NuaimiPH 37077
Dr.Tony AlbersPH 39353
 Dave ApenburgPH
 Constantin BachPH 32589
Dr.Narmina BalayevaPH 37113
 Conny BechtPH 35752
 Daniel BeerPH 39166
Prof.Alexandra BendixenPH 31681
Dr.Eva-Maria BerensPH 32385
 Georg BlankePH 39443
 Danylo BohomolovPH 35987

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  • Abbreviations and patterns * are possible, e.g:

    Givenname Name G. Name Name, G Given* Name *math*

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  • For data protection reasons, only a maximum of 10 search hits are displayed to external or not authorized users.