People @ TU Chemnitz
Title | Name | Unit | E-mail address | Phone +49 371 531- |
Nedhal Ali Mahmood Al-Nuaimi | PH |… | 37077 | |
Dr. | Tony Albers | PH | tony.albers@… | 39353 |
Dave Apenburg | PH WR | dave.apenburg@… | 32295 | |
Constantin Bach | PH | constantin.bach@… | 32589 | |
Dr. | Narmina Balayeva | PH | narmina.balayeva@… | 37113 |
Conny Becht | PH | conny.becht@… | 35752 | |
Daniel Beer | PH |… | 39166 | |
Prof. | Alexandra Bendixen | PH | alexandra.bendixen@… | 31681 |
Dr. | Eva-Maria Berens | PH | eva-maria.berens@… | 32385 |
Georg Blanke | PH | georg-julian.blanke@… | 39443 | |
Danylo Bohomolov | PH | danylo.bohomolov@… | 35987 |
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