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Czech Republic

TUCambassador Czech Republic

Barbora Bhattacharjee M.A.
Alumni of the Faculty of Humanities

Email: barbora.bhattacharjee@gmail.com
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbora-bhattacharjee-2105b2147

Current postition: Project Consultant, Aktion Zivilcourage e. V., Pirna

"Hello everyone, hallo zusammen, ahoj všichni!
Throughout my bachelor's and master's studies of Intercultural Communication at the TU Chemnitz, this university and city have grown very dear to my heart. I am thrilled to remain part of the TUC community through this programm which provides an excellent plattform for exchange. I look forward to sharing my personal experiences and insigts with you and answering your questions!"