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Technical Physics
Name Room Telephone
+49 371 531-
Head of professorship
Photography of Prof. Dr. Thomas Seyller Prof. Dr. Thomas Seyller C60.051 32898 thomas.seyller@physik
t.b.a.   21770 technische.physik@
PostDoctoral Researchers
Dr. Philip Schädlich C50.322 31720 philip.schaedlich@physik
Dr. Fabian Göhler C60.037 31765 fabian.goehler@physik
PhD Students
M.Sc. Susanne Wolff C50.321 31616 susanne.wolff@physik
M.Sc. Niclas Tilgner C60.139 34841 niclas.tilgner@physik
M.Sc. Niels Rösch C60.037 34236 niels.roesch@physik
M.Sc. Peter Richter C60.037 38734 p.richter@physik
Technical Staff
Andreas Müller C60.038 38256 andreas.mueller@physik
Matthias Storck C60.038 35971 matthias.storck@physik
Bachelor- and Master Students
Grishma Praful C60.139   grishma.praful@s2021
Dongyang Liu C60.037   dongyang.liu@mb
Student assistants and research project students
Christoph Lohse     christoph.lohse@s2022
Mohammad Elkhawaga     mohammad.elkhawaga@chemie
Sandra Shaji     sandra.shaji@physik