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Technical Physics
Technical Physics 


Here you can find news from the working group!

09.01.2025 Susi successfully defended

Susanne Wolff successfully defended her dissertation Entkopplung von Graphen auf SiC(0001) durch Interkalation today. She has done a very good job and can look forward to holding her doctoral certificate in her hands soon. Congratulations and all the best for the future

Oct. 2024 Three new papers published

This month, the physicists from TEPH were able to publish three new papers in the New Journal of Physics and Small Structures.
The first was authored by Susi and Mark on Bi-intercalated epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001), focusing on two-dimensional bismuth layers at the interface between graphene and SiC. The paper highlights the detailed characterization of two distinct phases and the transition between them. This work was done in collaboration with the Tautz group at FZ Jülich and is available as an open-access publication here.
Struktur von Sb-interkaliertem Graphen.
This was followed by Large-Area Lead Monolayers under Cover: Intercalation, Doping, and Phase Transformation, based on the master’s theses of Peter and Franzi under the supervision of Philip. The paper investigates lead layers beneath graphene on SiC, focusing on their electronic band structure. The theoretical calculations were contributed by the Gemming group at TU Chemnitz as part of the DFG research group FOR5242. The paper is available without subscription here.
Struktur von Sb-interkaliertem Graphen.
Finally, Adrian, under the supervision of Fabian, published the paper Exploring Metal-Organic Molecular Beam Epitaxy as an Alternative Pathway towards 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides WSe2 and WS2. In this work, two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures were grown on epitaxial graphene using MOMBE and thoroughly characterized with a range of methods. The open-access paper is available here.
Struktur von Sb-interkaliertem Graphen.

09.10.2024 - 11.10.2024 International SPALEED Workshop Chemnitz

This week, the annual SPALEED workshop took place in Chemnitz, where around 50 national and international guests discussed the latest research on electron diffraction at surfaces, nanostructures, and quantum materials. TEPH contributed with presentations on graphene-substrate interactions, intercalation of epitaxial graphene, and high-entropy alloys.

18.07.2024 Hiking Trip Kriebstein Dam

For their annual hiking day, the technical physics working group set off to the Kriebstein dam today. Once there, the participants spent the day on the water in canoes or in swimming trunks. The evening ended comfortably with beer, salmon and grilled cheese by the fire bowl.

06.06.2024 - 07.06.2024 PI Meeting FOR5242 Braunschweig

This week one of the regular PI meetings with all its members of the DFG research group FOR5242 took place at the PTB Braunschweig. In addition to the scientific discourse, the opportunity was used to visit the atomic clocks and quantum Hall standard resistance labs there.

27.05.2024 Holger successfully defended

Today Holger Schwarz defended his dissertation Herstellung und Charakterisierung gesputterter Dünnschichten der Hochentropielegierung CoCrFeNi. He did an outstanding job. Congratulations and all the best on your further journey!

25.03.2024 - 27.03.2024 Student Exchange with PTB Braunschweig

Peter and Christoph visited the PTB Braunschweig for three days this week as part of a student exchange within the DFG research group FOR5242. In the clean room center there, they prepared and characterized epitaxial graphene layers.

17.03.2024 - 22.03.2024 DPG Spring Meeting - Condensed Matter Section Berlin (GER)

This week the annual DPG spring meeting on the condensed matter section took place in Berlin. The Technical Physics working group contributed to the exploration of proximity effects in intercalated epitaxial graphene and the investigation of high-entropy alloys.

22.02.2024 Peter defended his Thesis

Today, Peter Richter successfully defended his master's thesis Wachstum und Struktur zweidimensionaler interkalierter Pb-Schichten unter epitaktischem Graphen auf SiC(0001). Congratulations and a good start for your PhD!

02.02.2024 Fabians latest Publication is online

Fabians current paper with the title Transfer doping of epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) using Cs was published today in 2D Materials. It is available here.

07.12.2023 Franzi defended her Thesis

Today, Franziska Schölzel successfully defended her master's thesis Elektronische Eigenschaften zweidimensionaler interkalierter Pb-Schichten unter epitaktischem Graphen auf SiC(0001). Congratulations and best wishes for continued success!

27.11.2023 Susis latest Paper is published (Editors Choice)

Today, Susis latest publication Quasi-Freestanding Graphene via Sulfur Intercalation: Evidence for a Transition State was posted online in Advanced Materials Interfaces as Editors Choice. It ist available here.

11.09.2023 - 15.09.2023 Retreat Meeting FOR5242 Achen Lake (AUT)

This week, a project meeting of the Research Unit FOR5242 took place. In addition to scientific exchange, the participants used the time for hikes, swimming or other social activities.

17.08.2023 Niclas defended his Thesis

Today, Niclas Tilgner successfully defended his master's thesis Modifikation der elektronischen Eigenschaften von epitaktischem Graphen auf 4H-SiC(0001) durch Interkalation von Silizium. Congratulations!

23.07.2023 New Paper is online

A new paper in collaboration with the Tautz group from FZ Jülich, the Tegenkamp group from Chemnitz University of Technology and the Starke group from the MPI for Solid State Research has been published in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Domain Boundary Formation Within an Intercalated Pb Monolayer Featuring Charge-Neutral Epitaxial Graphene is now available here. Furthermore, an interview with the two first authors has been published on the sites of the TUC.
Struktur von Sb-interkaliertem Graphen.

09.06.2023 Holger's latest Publication has been published

Holger was able to publish his latest paper in Advanced Materials entitled Fabrication of Single-Crystalline CoCrFeNi Thin Films by DC Magnetron Sputtering: A Route to Surface Studies of High-Entropy Alloys. It is available here.
Struktur von Sb-interkaliertem Graphen.

27.04.2023 Shrinidhi defended her Thesis

Shrinidhi Ramasubramanian succesfully defended her master thesis Low Temperature Monitoring of Rapid Thermal Processing Tool (in cooperation with X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries GmbH in Erfurt) today. Congratulations on a great performance!

08.12.2022 Fabian defended his Thesis

Fabian Göhler defended his PhD thesis Oberflächenphysikalische Untersuchungen an ferekristallinen Dünnschichten und van-der-Waals Heterostrukturen. Super strong performance! Congrats to Fabian!

19.10.2022 New joint Paper with FZ Jülich

Together with the Tautz group from FZ Jülich, a new paper was published in Physical Review B. The Work with the title Vertical structure of Sb-intercalated quasifreestanding graphene on SiC(0001) can be found here (subscription needed). Congrats to all the authors, especially You-Ron, Susanne and Philip!
structure of Sb-intercalated graphene.

07.10.2022 Peter defended his Thesis

Peter Henning successfully defended his bachleor thesis Sputterdeposition von einkristallinen Dünnschichten der Hoch-Entropie-Legierung CoCrFeNi. He performed excellently! Congrats to Peter!

22.07.2022 Eric defended his Thesis

Ha Kit (Eric) Wong successfully defended his master thesis Sputter deposition and characterization of HEA thin films on crystalline substrates. He did very well! Congratulations to Eric!

07.07.2022 Fabians latest Paper is online

Fabian's latest paper in Nanoscale has just been published online as an Advance Article. The paper titled Modulation doping and charge density wave transition in layered PbSe-VSe2 ferecrystal heterostructures is now available here (subscription required). Congratulations Fabian!
PbSe und VSe2 Schichten.

01.07.2022 Philip successfully defended

Today Philip Schädlich successfully defended his dissertation Surface Physics Investigations on Graphene-Substrate Interaction. He did very well and can now look forward to holding his doctoral certificate in his hands soon. Congratulations Philip!