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Computational & Statistical Physics
The lab

Computational & Statistical Physics

The TUC Research Lab Computational & Statistical Physics is focused on problems in statistical physics of hard and soft condensed matter as well as on applications to complex socio-economic systems with quantitative methods. To tackle such problems we rely on a wide range of analytical and numerical techniques, most prominently large-scale Monte Carlo simulations as well as combinatorial and heuristic optimisation algorithms, but also techniques for random graphs and networks as well as solution methods for stochastic processes such as epidemic spreading processes.

Group head

Prof. Dr. Martin Weigel

Phone: +49 371 531-34570
Fax: +49 371 531-834570
Office: P211 (C60.211)
Web: Personal website
Scholar: Google Scholar
Portrait: Prof. Dr. Martin Weigel

Admin office

Angelique Gaida

Phone: +49 371 531-33212
Fax: +49 371 531-833212
Office: P210 (C60.210)
