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Complex Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics


PhD thesis

We offer topics for Diploma as well as PhD thesis in Theoretical Physics. Please consult the menu item research for suitable research fields and contact one of the group members for further details.

Bachelor and Master thesis

We offer topics for Bachelor as well as Master thesis in physics and computational science. Please consult the menu item research for suitable research fields and contact one of the group members for further details.


We are offering studentships in exchange for support in teaching or research. These tasks may be considered as preliminary work for Master or Diploma thesis. For details please contact Tel.: +49 (0)371 531-33205, Fax: +49 (0)371 531-833205 or Email: radons@physik.tu-chemnitz.de.

  • Graphic

    Cutting-Edge Research in Retirement

    The research group “Complex Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics” publishes in “Physical Review Letters” its newest insights on chaotic diffusion in delay systems …

  • 3 men standing around a computerl.

    A New Form of Chaos is Realized in the Lab

    Renowned publication: An international research team including members from Chemnitz confirms their prediction of a new type of chaos – with potential applications in communication technology, cryptography and data processing …

  • Olderly man with beard is holding a certificate.

    Chemnitz Physicist Awarded

    Prof. Dr. Günter Radons honored by an International Physics Society for excellent peer reviewing …

  • •	Dr. Günter Radons, Dr. Andreas Otto and David Müller sit in front of a computer.

    New Type of Chaos Discovered

    Discovery of a new type of chaos by physicists from Chemnitz draws worldwide attention –opportunities in communication, cryptography, and computing …