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Speaker Affiliation Topic
Bjarne Andresen

University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark

Dynamics from near-equilibrium to chaos
Hassan R. Dalafi    
Aleksander G. Evstafiev Moscow St. University, Moscow, Russia New approaches to equilibrium thermodynamics

Vladimir E. Fortov

Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Thermodynamics of extreme state of matter

Alain Fuchs Université de Paris-Sud 349, Orsay, France Calculation of thermodynamic functions for composite materials
Jeffrey Gordon Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel Thermomechanics
Karl Heinz Hoffmann Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany Thermodynamics, optimization and information theory
Sten Bay Jorgensen Techn. Univers. of Denmark 229, Lyngby, Denmark Thermodynamics and stability
Sandor Kaliszky Budapest Univ. of Techn. & Ec., Budapest XI, Hungary  
Endre Kiss BMGE, Budapest, Hungary  
Vladimir A. Kouzminov UNESCO Venice Office - ROSTE, Venezia, Italy  
Viktor Maikov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Non-local thermodynamics, gravity and cosmology
Wolfgang Muschik Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany "Limits to the second law of thermodynamics”
“Limits to the third law of thermodynamics”

Andrea Pelissetto

Università di Roma 1, Roma, Italy Critical phenomena in pure substances and multiple component system

Ana Proykova

University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria Thermodynamics of systems with few degrees of freedom
Harald Ries Optics & Energy Concepts, Muenchen, Germany Thermodynamics of radiation
Enrico Sciubba Univer. di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy  
Evald E. Shpilrain Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Thermodynamics of non-conventional phase transitions
Stanislaw Sieniutycz Warsaw Univers. of Technology, Warsaw, Poland Thermodynamics and optimal control
Manuel G. Velarde Universidad Complutense Madrid, Madrid, Spain