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Women in Data Science Chemnitz

Women in Data Science Conference Chemnitz

June 6th - 7th, 2024

in the University Library of TU Chemnitz

WiDS Chemnitz is independently organized by members of the Junior Research Group SALE to be part of the mission to increase participation of women in data science and to feature outstanding women doing outstanding work.

About WiDS Global

WiDS Chemnitz provides an opportunity to hear about the latest data science-related research in a number of domains, learn how leading-edge companies are using data science for success, and connect with potential mentors and collaborators in the field.

WiDS Chemnitz will be held in English.

WiDS Chemnitz 2023

June 6th 2024

group photo thursday


June 7th 2024

group photo friday


WiDS Chemnitz takes place at the University Library on Straße der Nationen 33, 09111 Chemnitz, near the main train station. The main entrance is behind the bus station Omnibusbahnhof.


TU Chemnitz, Department of Mathematics