The bachelor degree program in mathematics is accredited since 2022.
Standard period of study:
6 semesters
Start of studies:
usually with the fall term
Entrance requirement:
general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur, A level, high-school diploma)
or subject-linked eligibility of university admission or master craftman or an equivalently approved university admission.
There is no admission restriction for this degree program. Application is made
The respective study program is called "Mathematik".
Applications can be sent in until shortly before the start of the semester, see also
term deadlines.
From Bachelor to Master
After completing the bachelor program in mathematics,
you can pursue your studies with a master in mathematics, data science or finance.
Mathematics is a science that uses logic to examine self-created abstract structures for their
properties and patterns through logical definitions. Students receive the well-established basic
training in Calculus and Linear Agebra. Besides, the program is characterized by a broad range of
fundamentals in various disciplines of mathematics (Numerical Mathematics, Discrete
Mathematics, Optimization, Stochastics, Algebra, and Statistics). In addition, there is an initial
opportunity to specialize a little further in one of the areas. Special attention is also given to the
many options for applying mathematical knowledge within the framework of a minor subject. The
broad choices include Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Economics, Sensor Technology and Cognition, as well as Psychology.
1. to 4. sem.
Basics (Calculus, Linear Algebra, Measure and Integration Theory, Vector Calculus, Ordinary
Differential Equations)
1. to 2. sem.
Computer Programming
1. to 3. sem.
Minor (Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Economics, Sensor Technology and Cognition, Psychology)
Mathematicians are characterized not only by their theoretically sound and at the same time application-ready knowledge, but also by
their ability to think logically, to abstract, by their analytical mind, linguistic accuracy, persistence in solving problems and team spirit.
Attention is paid to the development of these skills in the study of mathematics in Chemnitz, and it is not least these skills that open up
the best career prospects for mathematicians. In addition, there is a sound knowledge of computer science, which should support the
application of mathematical knowledge and skills in professional practice. Since the sciences have an ever-increasing influence on the
development of modern industrial societies, the interdisciplinary interaction of the various branches is of particular importance today.
Mathematics education in Chemnitz has such interdisciplinary features with the wide selection of technical, natural and/or social science
minor subjects.
Graduates of the bachelor's program in mathematics are versatile and find employment in the following branches of industry and
commerce, among others:
Management consulting and insurance companies
Technology centers and high-tech companies
Banks and financial institutions
Software companies and telecommunications
Information technology
Mechanical engineering
Teaching and science
Development and research
Aerospace and aviation
Logistics and automotive industry
Graduates of the master's program have good opportunities for higher career entry in companies and the possibility of further
qualification in the college and university sector due to their special training. The unemployment rate for mathematicians is very low.
According to the Federal Statistical Office, it was 2.6% in 2016. According to, starting salaries Saveraged 52,300 euros gross.
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