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Professorship Algorithmic and Discrete Mathematics
Professorship Algorithmic and Discrete Mathematics 

Sebastian Debus

image Welcome! Since October 2023 I am a postdoctoral researcher in the resarch group Algorithmic and Discrete Mathematics of Christoph Helmberg at TU Chemnitz.
Before, I was a member of the research group Discrete, Convex and Toric Geometry Group at OVGU Magdeburg.
I defended my PhD in November 2022 in Tromsø at UiT The Arctic University of Norway under the supervision of Cordian Riener and Hugues Verdure. In Tromsø I belonged to the research group Applied and Computational Algebra and was an Early Stage Researcher in the European Innovative Training Network POEMA.



Address Technische Universität Chemnitz
Faculty of Mathematics
Professorship Algorithmische und Diskrete Mathematik
09107 Chemnitz
Room Reichenhainer Straße 39
Room 715