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International Office
Conclusion of international agreements
International Office 

Conclusion of international cooperation agreements at Chemnitz University of Technology

The international orientation as well as the expansion and deepening of not only national but also international networking are an integral part of the institutional strategy of Chemnitz University of Technology and accordingly anchored in its University Development Plan.

The strategic internationalization of Chemnitz University of Technology is supported by agreements with international cooperation partners, which provide a contractual basis for the joint implementation of research projects and mobility measures for students, scientists and staff.

All agreements with international partners are signed by the President of Chemnitz University of Technology.

If you would like to conclude a new agreement with an international partner university, the International Office will provide you with standard contract templates which will be adapted to the needs of your planned partnership. The International Office is responsible for the entire process coordination for the management of international agreements.

Please contact us, we will be happy to support you!