Virtual Safe Space: Tell us about your experiences at TU Chemnitz
When studying in a foreign country you can face many challenges. A new university environment contains forms of teaching that you might have not known before. What is a seminar or a lecture? What do they expect from me? What shall I do in group work? The latter questions are only some examples of many questions an international student can ask himself or herself and that need to be answered as soon as possible.
We want to give you the opportunity to tell us anonymously about your experiences in the new environment that is called university in Germany. In the time ahead we hope to support you in the best way we can with DigiAssist.
You have two possibilities: Either you log in to our room on BigBlueButton or you just write everything you have in mind in the online form below. For the room on BigBlueButton applies the following:
- The talk is strictly confidential and anonymous.
- The information you have given us are not going to transferred to anybody.
- You do not need to turn on your camera.
- You can use a pseudonym as a name.
- If you do not want to talk, you can also use the chat in BigBlueButton to write everything.
- The Virtual Safe Space does not replace psychosocial consultation. In case, we provide you with relevant contacts.
- The room and the talk is not recorded.
- We will control the access to the room on BigBlueButton, so that nobody can listen in.
- We would be glad, if you could rate this offer.