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International Office
General Information
International Office 

General Information

No tuition fees

Chemnitz University of Technology is not requiring tuition fees for assuring an outstanding quality of teaching and research but it acquires increasingly successful additional financial resources besides the assistance from the state in order to continuously enhancing the framework conditions for the students and scientists to learn, teach and explore. In addition to a very favorable student-lecturer ratio TU Chemnitz also offers a state-of-the-art infrastructure and excellent technical equipment.

Outstanding quality of teaching and research

Chemnitz University of Technology can rely on a distinctive profile in teaching and research including the three transdisciplinary focus areas "Energy efficient production processes", "Human Factors in Technology" as well as "Smart Systems and Materials". The institution includes a great variety of high-performance technology cluster, collaborative research centers and research training groups. Thanks to research- and at the same time practice-oriented teaching graduates are optimally prepared for beginning their professional career. Close connections to extramural research institutions and to the economy are furthermore enriching teaching and research at the university.

Bright professional perspectives

Graduates of Chemnitz University of Technology are highly demanded within the region as well as on the national and international level. This fact derives from a curriculum organisation which focuses on the acquirement of those abilities and competencies which are definitly needed in the later working life. Furthermore a variety of practical elements assure that the students get an early insight into possible professional fields so that they are able to orient and specialize at an appropriate stage. Finally, the traditional partnership between TU Chemnitz and the economy represents another advantage for finding a job after the studies.

Global orientation

Chemnitz University of Technology puts great emphasis on internationality which is really lived. For this reason it co-operates with more than 100 partner institution world-wide, it is involved in international networking organizations for actively further developing the global knowledge society and it engages intensivly in the international exchange of students and scientists as well as in the organisation and implementation of cross-border research projects. Thanks to this strategic internationalization TU Chemnitz is proud to welcome a constantly growing number of students and scientist from abroad.