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Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences


Preparation project in India

preparation of the research project

Under a funding research project of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Indian partner organization (ICSSR) the research teams of Prof. Rangaiah (Pondicherry University, India) and Prof. Sedlmeier (TU Chemnitz) have been investigating intercultural differences in time perception and the comprehension of time-relevant information.

The preparation of the research project started in summer term 2014, while Prof. Rangaiah was visiting the TU Chemnitz for three months, and was finished in winter term 2014/15, while Prof. Sedlmeier was on a six week research stay in Pondicherry, India. There are currently four final theses at the TU Chemnitz coordinated by Mrs. Winkler, Ph.D., and an additional thesis is being carried out at the Pondicherry University, India.

Prof. Sedlmeier (2nd on the right) at Pondicherry University, India, with the cooperation partner Prof. Rangaiah (1st on the right) and project participants (Ph.D. student and Master graduate)