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Career Service
Career Service

TUCconnect | Spring 2024

Dear students,

The Career Service of TU Chemnitz cordially invites you to TUCconnect - the company contact fair of TU Chemnitz.

You are about to start your career, would like to gain experience with an internship, or inform yourself about thesis topics? On May, 15th 2024 from 10:30 am to 03:30 pm you have the chance to meet numerous regional as well as national employers from various industries directly in the Central Lecture Hall Building (Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude (ZHSG)).

In the run-up to TUCconnect, again we are using the interactive app "talentefinder", which works similarly to a conventional dating app. To make its use as easy as possible, there is no need to download anything, as ‘talentefinder’ is a browser-based application. On the one hand, you can use the app to find out which companies are taking part, just like in a trade fair catalog - and on the other hand, you can arrange meetings for the day of the trade fair in advance. If you like, you can take a look at the profiles of all the companies participating in TUCconnect during the registration and matching phase starting on April 24th (individual companies only participate in TUCconnect in this digital way) and assign likes. If a company shows interest in your profile as well, a match will be created. Now, you can schedule a time slot for an on-site meeting at ZHSG or for a meeting in a webroom on May 15th or an online meeting on May 16th. For more information about the app and how it works, visit website of talentefinder and their YouTube channel. Using the app is not a must, you can also just drop by the ZHSG on May 15th - but this way you can secure an appointment in advance and get information about all the companies.

On the day of the fair itself, we'll be offering you a wide range of things to do. In addition to the regular trade fair activities, you will also have the chance to take part in a free application photo shoot with our photographer Mirko Mühlisch. In addition, job walls will inform you about the latest job openings of our exhibitors. We will also offer you one exciting company visit during the day.

As always, participation and admission are completely free of charge. To establish a positive relationship with a company, we highly recommend a German level of minimum B1 or better.

Registration link for TUCconnect | Spring on May 15th
With the registration link you can register on ‘talentefinder’, create your profile and start matching.

Do you want to learn more? Feel free to contact:

Your contact person

Anja Krumbiegel

Tel.: 0371 / 531 33 706