Current Projects
Funding Bodies
Funding Code
and Duration
Principal Investigator
[Research Entity]
Collaborating Participants
Part of DFG CRR/TRR 386: Hyperpolarization in molecular systems (HYP*MOL)
[MAIN Research Professorship Theoretical Physics of Quantum Mechanical Processes and Systems]
Part of DFG CRR/TRR 386: Hyperpolarization in molecular systems (HYP*MOL)
[MAIN Research Group Magneto Optics]
Part of DFG CRR/TRR 386: Hyperpolarization in molecular systems (HYP*MOL)
[MAIN Research Professorship Coordination Chemistry]
Part of DFG CRR/TRR 386: Hyperpolarization in molecular systems (HYP*MOL)
[MAIN Research Professorship Polymer Chemistry]
Part of SPP 2253: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems
[MAIN-Forschungsgruppe Technologien der Nanoelektronik]
Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser (Universität Passau)
Prof. Dr. Elif Bilga Kavun (Universität Passau)
EU-Nr. 101039802 (TUC 20120159)
01.05.2022 – 30.04.2027
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics]
Part of DFG FOR 5387: Printed & Stable Organic Photovoltaics from Non-fullerene Acceptors (P*PULAR)
[MAIN Research Professorship Semiconductor Physics]
[MAIN Reseach Professorship Technical Physics]
SMWK/SAB 100693458
01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026
[MAIN Research Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies]
(TUC 2413096)
01.10.2023 – 30.09.2026
[MAIN Research Professorship Materials and Reliability of Micro Systems]
[MAIN Research Professorship Semiconductor Physics], ISP Kiew, NUK Kiew
01.07.2023 – 30.06.2026
[MAIN-Forschungsgruppe Optoelektronische Systeme],
Prof. Dr. Dirk Plettemeier (TU Dresden)
[MAIN Research at the Center for Microt- and Nanotechnologies]
Part of DFG FOR 5242: Proximity-induced correlation effects in low-dimensional structures
[MAIN Research Professorship Technical Physics]
EU-Nr. 835268 (TUC 20120154)
01.11.2019 – 31.10.2025
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics]
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics],
Prof. Dr. Kai Zhang (Georg-August-University Göttingen, Wood Technology and Wood-Based Materials)
01.01.2024 - 30.06.2025
[MAIN-Forschungsgruppe Technologien der Nanoelektronik]
01.01.2024 - 30.06.2025
[MAIN-Forschungsgruppe Optoelektronische Systeme]
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics]
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics],
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden
[Research Center MAIN, Management Office and Research Coordination],
Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt (Professorship Theoretical Physics: Simulation of New Materials),
Prof. Dr. Ralf Zichner (Professorship RF Technology and General Electrical Engineering),
Prof. Dr. Ulrich T. Schwarz (Professorship Experimental Sensor Technology)
[MAIN Research at the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies, Research Group Process, Device and Component Simulations],
Prof. Dr. Michael Schröter (Dresden University of Technology, Electronic Components and Integrated Circuits)
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics],
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden
[MAIN Research at the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies]
Upcoming Projects
Funding Bodies
Funding Code
and Duration
Principal Investigator
[Research Entity]
Collaborating Participants
Currently, there are no upcoming projects
Previous Projects
Funding Bodies
Funding Code
and Duration
Project Manager
[Research Centers]
and Participant
(TUC 2112453)
01.10.2021 – 30.06.2024
Company Max Clean & Health UG
16KN087139 (TUC 2112017)
01.06.2021 – 31.05.2024
MAVEG Maschinen-Vertriebsgesellschaft GmbH, Chemnitz;
Comline Elektronik-Elektrotechnik GmbH, Wackersdorf ;
(TUC 20113209)
01.12.2023 – 31.05.2024
[MAIN Research Professorship Micro Systems and Biomedical Engineering]
EKFZ Call 2021 (TUC 20112567)
01.01.2021 – 31.12.2023
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics], Prof. Dr. med. Tjalf Ziemssen, PD Dr. med. Katja Akgün, Martin Nötzel (TU Dresden, Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Dresden, Department of Neurology, Center of Clinical Neuroscience),
(TU Dresden, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Applied Physics, Honorary Chair of Nanophysics),
(Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden)
[MAIN Research at the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies, Research Group Carbon Nano Devices],
Prof. Dr. Michael Schröter (Dresden University of Technology, Electronic Components and Integrated Circuits)
[Research Center MAIN, Management Office and Research Coordination],
Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt (Professorship Theoretical Physics: Simulation of New Materials),
Prof. Dr. Ulrich T. Schwarz
(Professorship Experimental Sensor Technology)
Part of DFG-SPP 2248: Polymer-based batteries
Dr. Matthias Müller (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Berlin, PTB),
PD Dr. Michael Walter (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg),
Prof. Dr. Soumyadip Choudhuri (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
Part of DFG-SPP 1857: Electromagnetic sensors for life sciences (ESSENCE)
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics],
Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden
[MAIN Research Professorship Coordination Chemistry],
Prof. Dr. Alexander A. Auer
FG 4117603SA8
01.02.2019 – 31.03.2022
[MAIN Research Professorship Inorganic Chemistry],
SanuC GmbH
30.11.2020 – 31.12.2020