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TU Chemnitz - Forschungszentrum MAIN - Rosenbergstr. 6 - 09126 Chemnitz


Current Projects

Funding Bodies
Funding Code
and Duration
Principal Investigator
[Research Entity]
Collaborating Participants
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG ...(TUC 2181603)
01.10.2023 - 30.06.2027
Systematically designed polypeptides to explore the CISS effect ((2) B02)
Part of DFG CRR/TRR 386: Hyperpolarization in molecular systems (HYP*MOL)
Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gemming
[MAIN Research Professorship Theoretical Physics of Quantum Mechanical Processes and Systems]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG ...(TUC 2181604)
01.10.2023 - 30.06.2027
Chiral nanoclusters for spin hyperpolarization upon photoexcitation ((2) B03)
Part of DFG CRR/TRR 386: Hyperpolarization in molecular systems (HYP*MOL)
Prof. Dr. Georgeta Salvan
[MAIN Research Group Magneto Optics]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG ...(TUC 2181604)
01.10.2023 - 30.06.2027
Chiral nanoclusters for spin hyperpolarization upon photoexcitation ((2) B03)
Part of DFG CRR/TRR 386: Hyperpolarization in molecular systems (HYP*MOL)
Prof. Dr. Michael Mehring
[MAIN Research Professorship Coordination Chemistry]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG ...(TUC 2181605)
01.10.2023 - 30.06.2027
Block cooligomers for spin filtering and transport across all-organic interfaces ((2) B05)
Part of DFG CRR/TRR 386: Hyperpolarization in molecular systems (HYP*MOL)
Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer
[MAIN Research Professorship Polymer Chemistry]
German Research Foundation (DFG): NanoSec2
01.04.2024 - 31.03.2027
Nanomaterial-based platform electronics for PUF circuits with extended entropy sources
Part of SPP 2253: From Nano-Electronics to Secure Systems
Dr. Sascha Hermann
[MAIN-Forschungsgruppe Technologien der Nanoelektronik]
Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser (Universität Passau)
Prof. Dr. Elif Bilga Kavun (Universität Passau)
European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 2021)
EU-Nr. 101039802 (TUC 20120159)
01.05.2022 – 30.04.2027
Smart-Dust Batteries Integrated with Near-Zero-Power Surveillance (SMADBINS)
Dr. Minshen Zhu 
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG ZA 146/58-1 (TUC 2112940)
01.04.2023 - 31.03.2027
Correlation between electronic and optical properties of materials used in printed organic solar cells
Part of DFG FOR 5387: Printed & Stable Organic Photovoltaics from Non-fullerene Acceptors (P*PULAR)
Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn 
[MAIN Research Professorship Semiconductor Physics]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG SE 1087/17-1 
01.03.2024 - 28.02.2027
Structural, electronic and chemical properties of low-index high-entropy alloy surfaces
Prof. Thomas Seyller
[MAIN Reseach Professorship Technical Physics]
ESF Plus Young Research Group
SMWK/SAB 100693458
01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026
Transferable knowledge-based process models for agile production
Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller
[MAIN Research Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies]
(TUC 2413096)
01.10.2023 – 30.09.2026
Development of thermo-mechanical stress tests for small µ/n structures
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wunderle
[MAIN Research Professorship Materials and Reliability of Micro Systems]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG ZA 146/59-1 (TUC 2113015)
11.08.2023 - 10.08.2026
Novel cation-substituted quarternary chalcogenide nanocrystals Cu2XSnS4 (X = Zn, Ni, Fe, Co): Properties and potential applications
Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn 
[MAIN Research Professorship Semiconductor Physics], ISP Kiew, NUK Kiew
German Research Foundation (DFG)
01.07.2023 – 30.06.2026
Dr. Danny Reuter 
[MAIN-Forschungsgruppe Optoelektronische Systeme],
Prof. Dr. Dirk Plettemeier (TU Dresden)
EU Horizon Europe
EU GA No. 101091980 
01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
Single Photon source and detector based on novel materials for the detection of endocrine disruptors (GREENER)
Dr. Martin Möbius 
[MAIN Research at the Center for Microt- and Nanotechnologies]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG SE 1087/16-1
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
Proximity-induced supraconductivity in graphene on SiC by intercalation
Part of DFG FOR 5242: Proximity-induced correlation effects in low-dimensional structures
Prof. Dr. Thomas Seyller  
[MAIN Research Professorship Technical Physics]
European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant 2018)
EU-Nr. 835268 (TUC 20120154)
01.11.2019 – 31.10.2025
Medical Microbots to support new assisted reproduction techniques (MicroRepro)
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt 
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG ZH 989/2-1 (TUC 20112659)
Carbohydrate-based block copolymers as sustainable zinc micro anodes in aqueous 3D micro batteries
Dr. Minshen Zhu
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics],
Prof. Dr. Kai Zhang (Georg-August-University Göttingen, Wood Technology and Wood-Based Materials)
SMWK/SAB (EFRE-Validierungsförderung)
01.01.2024 - 30.06.2025
Fab-compatible additive semiconductor process CNT-on-insulator (COI)
Dr. Sascha Hermann  
[MAIN-Forschungsgruppe Technologien der Nanoelektronik]
SMWK/SAB (EFRE-Validierungsförderung)
01.01.2024 - 30.06.2025
DNA-Origami goes Wafer Level (DNAup)
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Morschhauser 
[MAIN-Forschungsgruppe Optoelektronische Systeme]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG SCHM 1298/26-1 (TUC 20112519)
01.04.2018 – 30.04.2025
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2018
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt 
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics]


German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG KA 5051/3-1 (TUC 20112638)
01.05.2022 – 30.04.2025
Intelligent integrated stent II
Dr. Daniil Karnaushenko  
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics],
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden
TU Chemnitz
(TUC 2019005)
01.04.2024 31.12.2024 
Wellenspiele (TUCculture2025)
Dr. Thomas Blaudeck 
[Research Center MAIN, Management Office and Research Coordination],
Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt (Professorship Theoretical Physics: Simulation of New Materials),
Prof. Dr. Ralf Zichner (Professorship RF Technology and General Electrical Engineering),
Prof. Dr. Ulrich T. Schwarz (Professorship Experimental Sensor Technology)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG SCHU 2407/3-1
Ultra-scaled SiGeC HBTs beyond the existing roadmap - a simulation-based study (USHBER)
Dr. Jörg Schuster 
[MAIN Research at the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies, Research Group Process, Device and Component Simulations],
Prof. Dr. Michael Schröter (Dresden University of Technology, Electronic Components and Integrated Circuits)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG SCHM 1298/32-1 (TUC 2012339)
Intelligent integrated stent I
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics],
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden
EU Horizon Europe
EU GA No. 964248 
01.03.2021 – 31.08.2024
Cluster decorated recognition elements on DNA origami for enhanced Raman spectroscopic detection methods (DeDNAed)
Dr. Danny Reuter 
[MAIN Research at the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies]

Upcoming Projects

Funding Bodies
Funding Code
and Duration
Principal Investigator
[Research Entity]
Collaborating Participants

Currently, there are no upcoming projects

Previous Projects

Funding Bodies
Funding Code
and Duration
Project Manager
[Research Centers]
and Participant
(TUC 2112453)
01.10.2021 – 30.06.2024
Development of a sponge with self-triggering disinfection dosage
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Lang 
[MAIN Research Group Organometallic Chemistry],
Company Max Clean & Health UG
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi-AiF-ZIM)
16KN087139 (TUC 2112017)
01.06.2021 – 31.05.2024
Synthesis and IR characterization for database creation including optimization (Smart Lub)
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Lang 
(TUC 20113209)
01.12.2023 – 31.05.2024
SiO2 Vacbond I & II
Prof. Dr. Jan Mehner
[MAIN Research Professorship Micro Systems and Biomedical Engineering]
Else Kröner Fresenius Center (EKFZ) for Digital Health
EKFZ Call 2021 (TUC 20112567)
01.01.2021 – 31.12.2023
Miniature proteometric sensor for label free cytokine identification and quantification (ProteoSens)
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt 
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics], Prof. Dr. med. Tjalf Ziemssen, PD Dr. med. Katja Akgün, Martin Nötzel (TU Dresden, Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Dresden, Department of Neurology, Center of Clinical Neuroscience),
(TU Dresden, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Applied Physics, Honorary Chair of Nanophysics),
(Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG NanoCon
01.01.2021 – 31.12.2023
Low-ohmic contacts for high-frequency carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (NanoCon)
Dr. Sascha Hermann
[MAIN Research at the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies, Research Group Carbon Nano Devices],
Prof. Dr. Michael Schröter (Dresden University of Technology, Electronic Components and Integrated Circuits)
TU Chemnitz
(TUC 209003)
01.04.2022 – 31.12.2023
Dr. Thomas Blaudeck
[Research Center MAIN, Management Office and Research Coordination],
Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt (Professorship Theoretical Physics: Simulation of New Materials),
Prof. Dr. Ulrich T. Schwarz
(Professorship Experimental Sensor Technology)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG CH 2376/2-1
01.05.2020 – 30.04.2023
Novel Li-S batteries with dual redox couples: design, synthesis, in operando X-ray studies and theoretical modelling
Part of DFG-SPP 2248: Polymer-based batteries
Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer 
[MAIN Research Professorship Polymer Chemistry],
Dr. Matthias Müller (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Berlin, PTB),
PD Dr. Michael Walter (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg),
Prof. Dr. Soumyadip Choudhuri (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG KA 5051/1-1
01.01.2022 – 31.03.2023
Lab-in-a-Tube: Non-linear dielectric spectroscopy for multiparametric bioanalytics
Part of DFG-SPP 1857: Electromagnetic sensors for life sciences (ESSENCE)
Dr. Daniil Karnaushenko  
[MAIN Research Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics],
Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG ZA 146/45-1
Environment-friendly 0D/2D nanocomposites for broadband UV-vis-NIR-sensitive photodetectors
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dietrich R. T. Zahn [MAIN Research Professorship Semiconductor Physics]
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG ME 2284/5-2
01.11.2018 – 31.01.2023
Heavy main group elements as dispersion energy donors - experimental and theoretical studies of bismuth compounds with bismuth-pi-interactions as structure determining component
Prof. Dr. Michael Mehring
[MAIN Research Professorship Coordination Chemistry],
Prof. Dr. Alexander A. Auer
German Research Foundation (DFG)
DFG SelEtch
01.10.2019 – 31.12.2022
Rational design of selective thermal atomic layer etching processes through computational chemistry
Dr. Xiao Hu
[MAIN Research at the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies, Research Group Process, Device and Component Simulations]
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi-AiF-ZIM)
FG 4117603SA8
01.02.2019 – 31.03.2022
Synthesis of uranyl-specific ligands and their optimization for their use in the micro-and nano-analytic on the basis of the in the project to develop a measurement method
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Lang
[MAIN Research Professorship Inorganic Chemistry],
SanuC GmbH
SMWK/SAB (Programm RL TG70)
30.11.2020 – 31.12.2020
Retrofitting of laboratory glass washer MAIN: Retrofitting of suction lances, lower baskets, holding grids and dosing devices for special liquid cleaners, among others. for automatic residue-free cleaning and drying of synthesis and formulation dishes
Research Center MAIN [Management Office and Building Services], Professorship Inorganic Chemistry, Professorship Polymer Chemistry, Professorship Coordination Chemistry, Professorship Material Systems in Nanoelectronics, Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies, Department Construction and Technology