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International MERGE Technologies Conference

Review 2021

5th International MERGE Technologies Conference: Sustainability through Lightweight Technologies

At the 5th International MERGE Technologies Conference (IMTC) on December 1st and 2nd, 2021, more than 100 participants from Germany, Poland, Russia, Portugal and Austria exchanged views on the latest findings and trends in the field of lightweight construction, resource efficiency and the circular economy. The 5th edition of the event focused on the topic of "Sustainability through Lightweight Technologies".

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a hybrid event concept was implemented. While the speakers were invited to give their presentation in person at Chemnitz University of Technology, all other participants were able to join virtually via the digital event platform Zummit.

All attendants of the conference were welcomed by Prof. Lothar Kroll, coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence MERGE and conference host, as well as by the University President Prof. Gerd Strohmeier, Sebastian Gemkow, Saxon State Minister for Science, Thomas Schmidt, Saxon State Minister for Regional Development, and Peter W. Patt, Member of the Saxon State Parliament. All five emphasized the importance of lightweight construction when it comes to the current challenges of resource efficiency and sustainable production solutions.

In his keynote speech, MinR Loscheider, head of Division “Construction industry, lightweight construction/new materials and resource efficiency” at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy explained why lightweight construction serves as a game-changer technology. His lecture was followed by the keynote of Dr. Georg Holzinger from KraussMaffei, who spoke about pultrusion and its role in reducing the carbon footprint.

An important point on the agenda of the first conference day was the showcase on the topic of structural change in Saxony. Participating universities, research institutions, start-ups and Saxon SMEs were invited to present themselves and their relevant initiatives. Chemnitz University of Technology and the Cluster of Excellence MERGE presented its two Saxon state projects InnoCarbEnergy and CircEcon. CircEcon plans to establish the so-called CircEcon Campus in Lusatia, where new paths for a highly efficient circular and bio economy are to be explored together with Saxon companies. InnoCarbEnergy wants to promote sustainable structural change in Lusatia based on "green" carbon fibres. The innovation cluster Circular Saxony, which was initiated by the Circular MTC e.V., was also presented. It aims to develop and implement regional circular economy concepts. Finally, the IMTC participants were able to take a look behind the scenes of the LAB Lausitz Art of Building project, which aims to transform all construction in Lusatia into a climate- and resource-neutral construction.

The first block was followed by a round table discussion about circular economy and lightweight structures of the future. Meeting digitally in various thematic breakout rooms, the participants used the opportunity to exchange views on these important topics and to network.

The topic was further deepened in the special session “Circular Economy and the Carbon Footprint”, before Session 1 “Materials, Semi-Finished Products and Composite Structures” concluded the lecture programme of the first day.

The first conference day was rounded off by a video show, which provided interesting impressions of the MERGE research centre, including the new laboratory building, which only went into operation in 2020. The video provided partner institutions, companies and guests exciting insights into the available technology, current research and production technology, and know-how in the field of lightweight construction research and application.

In order to promote the close networking of science and industry and technology transfer, a strategy meeting of the central institution MERGE with the industrial advisory board (IAB) was also on the agenda as part of the IMTC. The advisory body brings together almost 50 national and international companies, including Saxon SMEs. The central aspect of the meeting was the scientific and structural development of MERGE. In addition, the new regulations of the central institution were presented to the members.

On the second conference day, numerous interesting lectures were presented in the three topic blocks "Processing, Systems and Applications for Large-Scale Production" (Session 2), "Modelling and Simulation of Hybrid Structures and their Production Processes" (Session 3), and "Smart Systems Integration" (Session 4).

A highlight of the second day of the conference was the digital poster session. The 12 posters were presented on a virtual poster wall with a short video pitch or teaser image, the poster abstract, information about the author, and a detailed poster in A0 format. At the live poster session, the audience was able to interact with the poster participants, ask questions and discuss via live video chat in the respective poster rooms. Each participant had the opportunity to use a survey tool to evaluate the scientific and visual quality of the posters and thereby actively participate in the awarding of the best posters. At the end of the event, the three best posters received the Best Poster Award.

The second event day closed with a company exhibition. During the slot, participants could talk with the exhibitors about their services and product innovations via the digital exhibitor profiles with live video and chat function.

Even though the IMTC 2021 could not take place in its usual manner, the event was a full success, providing memorable speeches and initiating lively and productive discussion about sustainable lightweight technologies.

Conference programme