University Council of Chemnitz University of Technology
The central bodies of the university are the Senate, the Extended Senate, the Rectorate and the University Council; they issue rules of procedure for themselves.
The formation of a University Council at every university in Saxony results from a reform of the Saxon Higher Education Act. The University Council replaces the former Board of Curators in 2009. The members of the University Council are selected by the Saxon Ministry of Science and Arts or by the Senate of Chemnitz University of Technology. The University Council is responsible for giving recommendations concerning the profile as well as concerning the enhancement of the performance and competitiveness of the university. It formulates also principles for the allocation of positions, resources and reserves. It takes into account universitiy development planning of the free state of saxony and the target agreements. The university management is obliged to report to the University Council at least once a semester how the economic situation has developed. The University Council is also responsible for elaborating a list of candidates for the position of the rector who is then elected by the Extended Senate. By law, the members of the University Council are independent in their acting and not subjected to any directives. The University Council meets at least two times a semester.
The University Council of Chemnitz University of Technology consists of seven members. Since 11/2023 the chairman is taken by Ralph Burkhart, Mayor for Human Resources, Finance and Education of the City of Chemnitz. His deputy is Dr. Nicole Lorenz, Managing Director axilaris GmbH in Chemnitz. Both are external members of the University Council.
The other members of the University Council of Chemnitz University of Technology are: Prof. Dr. Angelika Bullinger-Hoffmann from the Faculty Mechanical Engineering, Professorship of Ergonomics and Innovation Management. Another member Prof. Dr. Bernadette Malinowski from the Faculty of Humanities, Professorship of Modern German and Comparative Literature. Prof. Dr. Bullinger-Hoffmann and Prof. Dr. Malinowski are internal members of the Universitiy Council.
Further external member of the University Council is Ronald Sieber, chairman of the board of SYS TEC electronic AG in Heinsdorfergrund/Vogtland.
Prof. i.R. Dr. Ludwig Gramlich has been a member of the committee since 02/2022, he taught from 1992 - 2016 at Chemnitz University of Technology, he held the professorship Public Law at the Faculty of Economic Sciences.
The position of an external member is currently vacat.