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Our Network

Our Alumni Network


You can register as a former student or employee of Chemnitz University of Technology in our TUCalumni portal. Use the possibilities of our portal:

  • Get in contact with former fellow students
  • Receive invitations to alumni meetings and other events of Chemnitz University of Technlogy
  • Subscribe to our newsletter TUCnetwork (in German)
  • Register for our POST-TUC-Service


Social Media

Visit our social media channels on LinkedIn and Instagram. Also join our alumni specific group (LinkedIn TUCalumni) in order to network with your former fellow studetns.

TUCnetwork - Newsletter for Alumni and Friends of our University

Chemnitz University of Technology publishes TUCnetwork four times a year. Our newsletter contains news from science and research, current topics from the faculties and central institutions, information from the university management, advices on alumni activities inside and outside of the university as well as interesting portraits of our alumni.

Readers are very welcome to send in their comments and suggestions to:  alumni@tu-chemnitz.de. Via the Alumni-Portal you have the possibility to subscribe to the TUCnetwork newsletter.