Chemnitz provides affordable shared apartments for students
At the beginning of the summer term 2015, empirica has compared over 120 German university cities by rent paid for shared accommodations. Chemnitz is only slightly above the 200-euro mark
Chemnitz is not only a great place to study, but also to live affordably. Photo: Press Office Photo Archieve/Wolfgang Thieme
Just in time for the start of the summer term 2015, the Berlin market research institute empirica has released a price comparison of shared apartments in 121 major university cities in Germany. The result: Anyone looking for the most affordable student shared apartments is in the right place in Chemnitz. At an average rent per room of 213 euros, you can live in this university city in the state of Saxony with the most affordable rental deals by far. Chemnitz is located far away from the most expensive university locations in Munich and Hamburg, where you would have to pay 503 or 400 euros for just a room in a shared apartment. The choice of university can, therefore, drive the overall study costs significantly upwards. Generally, the drastic regional differences in shared rental apartment costs show that studying in Eastern German cities is much more reasonably priced compared with other parts of Germany.
The calculated standard rental rates are based on the average monthly rent of each city for an unfurnished room with a living space between 10 and 30 square meters in size. Based on more than 100,000 advertisements for rental rooms, empirica creates this special analysis every six months. This institute has been collecting this shared apartment price data since 2004.
(Author: Mario Steinebach, Translation: Nataliia Boiko and Sarah Wilson)
Katharina Thehos