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"O-Phase" Prepares Students for Their Studies

Orientation week from October 2 to 6, 2023 aims to support first-semester students at Chemnitz University of Technology with numerous events and information offers

A successful start to studies is essential for academic success. To make it easier for the first-semester students at Chemnitz University of Technology to start their studies, an introductory week will take place from October 2 to 6, 2023. During this orientation period (in short: "O-Phase"), students are provided with numerous offers. The newly enrolled students get insights into their respective courses of study, can make initial contacts with their fellow students, and get to know the campus and the city. Registration is required for some events – which can be done on the websites of the respective departments, central institutions, or faculties. A comprehensive overview of the introductory week can be found on the website of the Central Course Guidance Service: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/studentenservice/zsb/start/.

Another guide for the beginning of studies is the brochure "Start Winter Semester 2023/2024". This guide, specifically designed for new students, contains relevant information for a smooth start to their studies. It includes, among other things, a checklist, important contact details for various areas of the university, advisory services, information about the student ID and the annual and cultural ticket, tips for creating a timetable, maps, and many useful links.

An ideal platform for further exchange and networking with the university is available – not only for first-year students – on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), Mastodon and YouTube.

For more information about studying at Chemnitz University of Technology: https://www.studium-in-chemnitz.de

Contact: Central Course Guidance Service of Chemnitz University of Technology, tel. 0371 531-55555, email studienberatung@tu-chemnitz.de

(Author: Mario Steinebach / Translation: Brent Benofsky)

Matthias Fejes

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