Enhanced opportunities for Library usage
Since the beginning of May 2022, up to 350 persons may use the University Library at the same time – opening hours are extended – some instructions on usage have to be observed
The doors of the University Library open now wider and wider. Photo: University Library/ Tino Riedel
The opportunities for usage of the University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology are significantly enhanced from May 2022 on in comparison to the time before. 350 persons may stay on all levels of the building at the same time. This applies to members and adherents of Chemnitz University of Technology as well as to all other users. Currently, the doors of the University Library are open from Monday to Saturday from 09:00 am until 07:00 pm. From May 30 on, the Library opens until midnight. The workplaces at the Library may be used without reservation. And also events, guided tours and trainings are possible for a maximum number of 20 participants. “Our University Library is now able to be what it ever would have liked to be from its relocation on – a knowledge and service provider but also a vibrant location of communication, of meeting and interaction as well as of culture in the heart of Chemnitz”, quotes Angela Malz, Director of the University Library.
However, some protection measures still have to be observed – among them the mandatory wearing of a FFP2-mask and the regulations on distance keeping. “In order to assure the compliance with the maximum number of persons permitted to be in the building at the same time, we would like to kindly ask our users to take a counting card when entering the building and to drop it in a box provided for that purpose when leaving the Library”, says Malz. Along with the raising of the total number of persons being in the building, the cleaning scheme is intensified. “Recently cleaned workplaces are designated by a respective label. Also in this context, we would like to ask the users for their assistance in the way that they turn the label after usage of the workplace so that it can again be cleaned for the following user”, explains the Director.
On Saturdays from noon and from May 30 on at weekdays from 07:00 pm on, the University Library may only be used within a limited scope until closing hour as in those periods the information and lending desks are not staffed and exclusively guarding staff is on-site. “For this reason, registrations as Library users, changes on the user account as well as payment of charges may only be made beyond those periods”, quotes Malz. However, the workplaces, the open-stack collections, the electronic media, several designated computer workstations as well as the multifunctional devices may still be used at that times. In addition, also media may be borrowed via the self-issue devices on the first level resp. being returned via the return machine on the ground floor. Detailed information regarding the current usage opportunities are provided on the website of the University Library.
(Translation: Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht)
Mario Steinebach