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Democratically Shaping Urban Society

Professorship of General Psychology and Biopsychology at Chemnitz University of Technology participates in KOSMOS CHEMNITZ with the "Festival of Differing Opinions" on July 17, 2021 - Presenters wanted for dialogue format

With the dialogue format "Sehe ich anders - Das Festival der Meinungsverschiedenheit," (I see it differently – the Festival of Differing Opinions) C³ Chemnitzer Veranstaltungszentren GmbH in cooperation with the City of Chemnitz and the Chair of General Psychology and Biopsychology at Chemnitz University of Technology would like to offer a platform as part of “KOSMOS CHEMNITZ - The Festival for Democracy." The event is about an honest and respectful exchange between people of different opinions, views, and origins on topics that currently move the citizens of the city of Chemnitz. The event team therefore invites you to the third edition of the discussion format in the Chemnitz Stadthallenpark on July 17, 2021. Interested parties can come from 3 pm to about 5:30 pm to talk with each other at about 30 tables. Registration in advance is not necessary.

The Professorship of General Psychology and Biopsychology (Head: Prof. Dr. Udo Rudolph) at Chemnitz University of Technology is training so-called table moderators for this event format, who will lead the discussion rounds. "We invite all interested parties and of course also students as well as employees at Chemnitz University of Technology to support this event format as moderators," says Annett Meylan, research assistant at the professorship. "In the previous years, there has been a good atmosphere of discussion at the tables on the most diverse topics," she adds. All suggestions from this afternoon will be taken up by the city administration and will flow into the planning processes of the city of Chemnitz.

Notes on the course of the event:

  • 2:00 pm: Registration begins - allocation of the participants and participants takes place in a lottery, per table four guests and a table host/inside will come together in each case
  • 3:00 pm: Welcome and explanation of the schedule
  • 3:15 pm: Start with the 1st round of talks á 45 minutes
  • 4:00 pm: Break
  • 4:15 pm: 2nd round of talks á 45 minutes
  • 5:00 pm: The most important findings from the discussions or the individual tables are documented for all to see.
  • Until 6:00 pm: Conclusion of the event

Interested parties who would like to join the discussions during the event or at a later time can simply register at the registration desk on the day of the event.

Background: "I see it differently – The Festival of Differing Opinions”

The Festival of Differing Opinions took place for the first time in 2019 and was an attempt to break down the walls within the city - through listening and understanding. In 2020, it was one of the micro-projects funded as part of the city of Chemnitz' application for the title of European Capital of Culture. The dialogue format is a cooperation between the C³ Chemnitzer Veranstaltungszentren GmbH, the city of Chemnitz, and the Chair of General Psychology and Biopsychology at Chemnitz University of Technology. Video impressions from 2020 and more information: www.c3-chemnitz.de/seheichanders


KOSMOS CHEMNITZ is intended to invite citizens to actively participate in topics of urban society and urban development. In doing so, it is important to make Chemnitz residents aware that they are the shapers of their own future. This requires active participation and thus enables a decisive influence on urban development in all its facets.

Additional information: https://www.kosmos-chemnitz.de/

For additional information, please contact Prof. Dr. Udo Rudolph, Phone: 0371 531-36394, E-mail: udo.rudolph@psychologie.tu-chemnitz.de, and Annett Meylan, Phone: 0371 531-33389, E-mail: annett.meylan@psychologie.tu-chemnitz.de.

(Author: Matthias Fejes / Translation: Chelsea Burris)


Picture from the video

Matthias Fejes

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