Automotive-Demonstrator "BlackPearl"
The BlackPearl-demonstrator is added to Car2X-Indoor-Lab of profressorship computer engineering. The BlackPearl mechanical structure is based on Henes-products F820 series which provide a high sophisticated and reliable mechanical and electrical platform. In our Car2X-Indor-Lab we implement and evaluate functions for Car2Xcommunication and automated driving based on cloud computing approaches.
BlackPearl privides:
- ECU-Box:
- All electronic control units (ECU) are assembled in a central box and each ECU can be exchanged on modular basis.
- A control panel for vidaulization of contril and status has been added.
- Image Processing
- New MultiCore-Prozessor-Modules based on ParpberryPi technology were added for high performance image processing. All modules are integrated by CAN-Bus in the ECU network.
- Softwarerchitectur
- Functionalities
- Automated driving
- Light control
- Traffic sign detection and recognition
- Car2x: Data exchange with TraffiClould