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Personality Psychology and Assessment
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Welcome to the professorship of
Personality Psychology and Assessment!


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"It is personalities not principles that move the age."
Oscar Wilde


Internship position DLR 2025

DLR, Department of Aerospace Psychology, is looking for interns for 2025.

Click here for more information!.

(Meldung vom 10.07.2024)


Adjusted Version of the Study Schedule Proposal

An adjusted version of the study schedule proposal can be found at the link to page.

(Announcement from 18.04.2024)

Diversity Day 2024 at TU Chemnitz

Chemnitz University of Technology invites all interested parties from the university and the city of Chemnitz to the 2nd Diversity Day on May 28, 2024 - Four lectures in the morning can also be attended online. Click here to see the program!

(Announcement from 28.05.2024)

Doctorate of Dr. Sarah Mandl

We congratulate Dr. Sarah Mandl on the successful completion of her doctoral thesis!
With the topic “Social, Moral Machines: Perception of Embodied Digital Technologies” she completed her PhD with summa cum laude.

(Announcement from 01.02.2024)