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Personality Psychology and Assessment
Personality Psychology and Assessment 


Thoughtful. Differentiated. Practice-oriented.

Psychology deals with the description, explanation, and prediction of human experience and behavior. The working group of the Chair of Personality Psychology and Diagnostics provides education in the field of personality psychology, seeking answers to questions such as what makes an individual unique, how individuals differ, and where these differences come from.

Additionally, the working group of the chair provides education in the field of diagnostics, aiming to answer questions such as how to capture individual characteristics, how to recognize a good test, and what test theory actually is. The working group of the Chair of Personality Psychology and Diagnostics also provides various tests upon request to students and staff as part of the test library.

The group works with an applied focus on the following research priorities:

  • Investmenttraits/Need for Cognition
  • Personnel selection and development
  • Moral judgment and moral behavior in organizations

As an active participant in the Special Research Area "Hybrid Societies" (www.hybrid-societies.org), the chair contributes to this initiative through subprojects like E02 "Responsibility in Hybrid Societies" and MGK "Graduate College."

The chair supports apprentice (AZUBI) selection at TU Chemnitz. Under the leadership of M.Sc. Psych. Inga Hoff, a team of scientific and student assistants, along with research interns, collaborates with the administration on a meaningful and transparent selection process.
