Prof. Dr. Heiner Rindermann - Publications
- Baumeister, A. E. E., Jacobsen, J. & Rindermann, H. (2023). The educational and parenting test for home-based childcare: A socially valid self-rating instrument. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1147954.
- Becker, D., Kiel, C. & Rindermann, H. (2023). Cross-national associations of IQ and infectious diseases: Is the prevalence of Corona an exceptional case? Qeios. doi: 10.32388/YAEGXV
- Rindermann, H. & Becker, D. (2023). The future of intelligence: A prediction of the FLynn effect based on past student assessment studies until the year 2100. Personality and Individual Differences, 206, 112110.
- Lovis-Schmidt, A., Peterfy, M., Schaub, A., Becker, D., & Rindermann, H. (2022). Bildschirmkonsum und kognitive Kompetenzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. [Screen consumption and cognitive competence in adolescence.] Lernen und Lernstörungen, 11, 104–116.
- Rindermann, H. (2022). Biological categorization within Homo sapiens and its consequences for differences in behavior – or not. Human Evolution, 37(3-4), 139–179.
- Burhan, N. A. S., Sabri, M. F. & Rindermann, H. (2022). Cognitive ability and economic growth: How much happiness is optimal? International Review of Economics.
- Baumeister, A. E. E. & Rindermann, H. (2022). It is the life in your years: Familial factors relating to kindergarten teachers’ mental health. International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development, 5(1), 1–21.
- Becker, D., Coyle, Th. R., Minnigh, T. Y., & Rindermann, H. (2022). International differences in math and science tilts: The stability, geography, and predictive power of tilt for economic criteria. Intelligence, 92, 101646. (
- Lovis-Schmidt, A., Bilz, L., Pahlke, K. & Rindermann, H. (2022). Physical health complaints in adolescents. Findings from the 2018 Brandenburg HBSC study. European Journal of Health Psychology. ( )
- Ackermann, L., Strobel, A. & Rindermann, H. (2022). Kognitives Training mit Kindern: Die Bedeutung von Need for Cognition. [Cognitive training with children: The importance of need for cognition.] Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie. (Doi: 10.1024/1010-0652/a000340 )
- Burhan, N. A. S., Sabri, M. F. & Rindermann, H. (2021). Cognitive ability and economic growth: How much happiness is optimal? SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Rindermann, H. (2021). On characteristics of good instruction at universities. Application-Oriented Higher Education Research, 6(4), 39–46.
- Rindermann, H. (2021). Psychologie der Weltanschauungen. A current outlook from the perspective of psychology. Existenz, 16(1), 28–35. (First published 21.03.2023,
- Lovis-Schmidt, A. L., Bochmann, R., Reiher, M., Baumeister, A. & Rindermann, H. (2020). Merkmale guter Vorlesungen: Studierende und Dozierende im fachkulturellen Vergleich. [Characteristics of goodlectures: Students and lecturers in disciplinary comparison.] Die Hochschullehre, 6, 402–412.
- Rindermann, H. & Ackermann, L. (2020). Piagetian tasks and psychometricintelligence: Different or similar constructs? Psychological Reports. (
- Woodley of Menie, M. A., Heeney, M. D., Peñaherrera-Aguirre, M., Sarraf, M. A., Banner, R. & Rindermann, H. (2020). A meta-analysis of the “erasing race” effect in the United States and some theoretical considerations. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1635. (
- Rindermann, H., Ackermann, A. L. & te Nijenhuis, J. (2020). Does blindness boost working memory? A natural experiment and cross-cultural study. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1571.
- Rindermann, H. & Carl, N. (2020). The good country index, cognitive ability and culture. Comparative Sociology, 19, 39–68.
- Canlorbe, G. (2019). A conversation with Heiner Rindermann. Man and the Economy, 6 (2). (
- Bochmann, R., & Rindermann, H. (2019). Absentismus und Lehrqualität in Vorlesungen. Richtige Strategien für Lehrende finden. [Absentism and teaching quality in lectures. Finding the right strategies for instructors.] Weiterbildung, 31(6), 14–17.
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D. & Coyle, Th. R. (2020). Survey of expert opinion on intelligence: Intelligence research, experts’ background, controversial issues, and the media. Intelligence, 78, 101406.
- Roepke, A. L., Bochmann, R., Reiher, M., & Rindermann, H. (2019). Vorlesungen heute: eine Studie zum fachkulturellen Zusammenhang zwischen Lehrmethoden in Vorlesungen und Lehransätzen von Dozierenden. [Lectures today: A study on the subject-cultural connection between teaching methods in lectures and teaching approaches by lecturers.] Die Hochschullehre, 5, 474–500.
- Woodley of Menie, M. A., Rindermann, H., Pallesen, J. & Sarraf, M. A.(2019). How intelligence affects fertility 30 years on: Retherford and Sewell revisited — with polygenic scores and numbers of grandchildren. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22(3), 147–153.
- Rindermann, H. (2019). Das Wohlergehen der Nationen. [The wellbeing of nations.] Wissenswert, 12(1), 31-40.
- Bochmann, R., Roepke, A. L., Reiher, M. & Rindermann, H. (2019). Mangelnde Anwesenheit in Vorlesungen: Eine fächerübergreifende Einschätzung von Studierenden in Deutschland. [Lack of attendance in lectures: An interdisciplinary assessment by students in Germany.] Die Hochschullehre, 5, 201–222.
- Woodley of Menie, M. A., Dutton, E., Figueredo, A.-J., Carl, N., Debes, F., Hertler, S., … Rindermann, H. (2018). Communicating intelligence research: Media misrepresentation, the Gould Effect, and unexpected forces. Intelligence, 70, 84–87.
- Carl, N., Kirkegaard, E. O. W., Dalliard, M., Frost, P., Kura, K., Meisenberg, G., Presta, B. J., Rindermann, H. & Williams, R. L. (2018). Editorial: A response to criticisms of the OpenPsych journals. Open Differential Psychology. ( )
- Rindermann, H. & Ceci, S. J. (2018). Parents’ education is more important than their wealth in shaping their children’s intelligence: Results of 19 samples in seven countries at different developmental levels. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 41(4), 298–326.
- Rindermann, H., Becker (2018). FLynn-effect and economic growth: Do national increases in intelligence lead to increases in GDP? Intelligence, 69, 87-93.
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D. & Thompson, J. (2018). Honesty, rule violation and cognitive ability: A reply to Gächter and Schulz. Intelligence, 68, 66–69.
- Rindermann, H. & Carl, N. (2018). Human rights: Why countries differ. Comparative Sociology, 17, 29-69. (-PDF-, Link)
- Coyle, Th. R., Rindermann, H., Hancock, D. G. & Freeman, J. (2018). Nonlinear effects of cognitive ability on economic productivity. Journal of Individual Differences, 39(1), 39-47.
- Wai, J. & Rindermann, H. (2017). What goes into high educational and occupational achievement? Education, brains, hard work, networks, and other factors. High Ability Studies, 28(1), 127-145.
- Becker, D. & Rindermann, H. (2017). Cognitive sex differences: Evolution and history. Mankind Quarterly, 58(1), 83-92.
- Tost, C. M. & Rindermann, H. (2017). Entwicklung von Normwerten zur Evaluation individueller psychologischer Forschungsleistungen in Abhängigkeit vom akademischem Alter und der Fachrichtung. [Development of benchmarks for the evaluation of psychologists' individual research performances depending on academic age and subject area.] Psychologische Rundschau, 68(2), 103114.
- Rindermann, H. & Carl, N. (2017). Indigenous Ecuadorian children: Parental education, parental wealth and childrens cognitive ability level. Learning and Individual Differences, 54, 202-209.
- Baumeister, A. & Rindermann, H. (2017). Kindergartenqualität in Abhängigkeit von familialen Merkmalen, pädagogischer Ausrichtung und Trägerschaft. [Kindergarten quality depending on family characteristics, educational orientation and sponsorship.] Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 64(1), 4-23.
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D. & Coyle, T. R. (2017). Survey of expert opinion on intelligence: The FLynn effect and the future of intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 106(2), 242-247.
- Tost, C. & Rindermann, H. (2016). Evaluation of Psychological and Educational Research Using the Bibliometric Databases Scopus and Google Scholar. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 15(2), 241-267.
- Coyle, Th. R., Rindermann, H. & Hancock, D. (2016). Cognitive capitalism: Economic freedom moderates the effects of intellectual and average classes on economic productivity. Psychological Reports, 119(2), 411-427.
- Woodley of Menie, M. A., Piffer, D., Peñaherrera, M. A. & Rindermann, H. (2016). Evidence of contemporary polygenic selection on the Big G of national cognitive ability: A cross-cultural sociogenetic analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 90-97.
- Nizielski, S. & Rindermann, H. (2016). Self- and external-rated emotional competence. More than personality? Journal of Individual Differences, 37(2), 88-95.
- Andreas, S. F. K., Zech, S., Coyle, Th. R. & Rindermann, H. (2016). Unconventionality and originality: Does self-assessed unconventionality increase original achievement? Creativity Research Journal, 28(2), 198-206.
- Becker, D. & Rindermann, H. (2016). The relationship between cross-national genetic distances and IQ-differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 300-310.
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D. & Coyle, Th. R. (2016). Survey of expert opinion on intelligence: Causes of international differences in cognitive ability tests. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(399), 1-9. (-Link-)
- Rindermann, H. & Thompson, J. (2016). The cognitive competences of immigrant and native students across the world: An analysis of gaps, possible causes and impact. Journal of Biosocial Science, 48(1), 66-93.
- Wai, J. & Rindermann, H. (2015). The path and performance of a company leader: A historical examination of the education and cognitive ability of Fortune 500 CEOs. Intelligence, 53, 102-107.
- Rindermann, H. & Pichelmann, S. (2015). Future cognitive ability: US IQ prediction until 2060 based on NAEP. PLoS ONE, 10(10), e0138412.
- Rindermann, H., Kodila-Tedika, O. & Christainsen, G. (2015). Cognitive capital, good governance, and the wealth of nations. Intelligence, 51, 98-108.
- Rindermann, H., Stiegmaier, E. M. & Meisenberg, G. (2015). Cognitive ability of preschool, primary and secondary school children in Costa Rica. Journal of Biosocial Science, 47, 281-310.
- Rindermann, H. & Baumeister, A. E. E. (2015). Validating the interpretations of PISA and TIMSS tasks: A rating study. International Journal of Testing, 15(1), 1-22.
- Rindermann, H. & Baumeister, A. E. E. (2015). Parents SES vs. parental educational behavior and childrens development: A reanalysis of the Hart and Risley study. Learning and Individual Differences, 37, 133-138.
- Rindermann, H. & Thompson, J. (in press). The cognitive competences of immigrant and native students across the world: An analysis of gaps, possible causes and impact. Journal of Biosocial Science. (-Supplement- -Link- final publication in 2015)
- Rindermann, H., Falkenhayn, L. & Baumeister, A. E. E. (2014). Cognitive ability and epistemic rationality: A study in Nigeria and Germany. Intelligence, 47, 23-33.
- Woodley, M. A., Rindermann, H., Bell, E., Stratford, J. & Piffer, D. (2014). The relationship between Microcephalin, ASPM and intelligence: A reconsideration. Intelligence, 44, 51-63.
- Rindermann, H., Baumeister, A. E. E. & Gröper, A. (2014). Cognitive abilities of Emirati and German engineering university students. Journal of Biosocial Science, 46, 199-213.
- Baumeister, A. E. E., Rindermann, H. & Barnett, W. S. (2014). Crèche attendance and childrens intelligence and behavior development. Learning and Individual Differences, 30, 1-10.
- Rindermann, H. & Thompson, J. (2013). Ability rise in NAEP and narrowing ethnic gaps? Intelligence, 41(6), 821-831.
- Perissutti, Ch. & Rindermann, H. (2013). Kognitive Kompetenzen von Kindern und Einflussfaktoren des Sozioökonomischen Status (SÖS) der Eltern. [Cognitive competences of children and influential socio-economic status (SES) factors of parents.] Psychologie in Österreich, 33(3/4), 232-240.
- Rindermann, H., Hoang, Q. S. N., & Baumeister, A. E. E. (2013). Cognitive ability, parenting and instruction in Vietnam and Germany. Intelligence, 41, 366-377.
- Coyle, Th. R. & Rindermann, H. (2013). Spearmans Law of Diminishing Returns and national ability. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 406-410.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). African cognitive ability: Research, results, divergences and recommendations. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 229-233.
- Rindermann, H. & Baumeister, A. E. E. (2013). Effekte des Klauerschen Denktrainings bei Schülern mit Migrationshintergrund, Förderbedarf und bei Senioren. [Effectiveness of Klau-ers cognitive training with immigrant students, special-needs students and elderly people.] Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 60(2), 121-132.
- Rindermann, H., Schott, T. & Baumeister, A. E. E. (2013). FLynn effect in Turkey: A comment on Kagitcibasi & Biricik (2011). Intelligence, 41(3), 178-180.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). The intelligence of nations: a productive research paradigm. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8(2), 190-192.
- Flores-Mendoza, C., Widaman, K. F., Rindermann, H., Primi, R., Mansur-Alves, M. & Couto Pena, C. (2013). Cognitive sex differences in reasoning tasks: Evidence from Brazilian samples. Intelligence, 41(1), 70-84.
- Steinhauser, G., Adlassnig, W., Ahau Risch, J., Anderlini, S., Arguriou, P., ... Rindermann, H. et al. (2012). Peer review versus editorial review and their role in innovative science. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 33, 359-376.
- Rindermann, H. & te Nijenhuis, J. (2012). Intelligence in Bali A case study on estimating mean IQ for a population using various corrections based on theory and empirical findings. Intelligence, 40(5), 395-400.
- Rindermann, H. & Baumeister, A. E. E. (2012). Unterschiede zwischen Montessori- und Regelkinder-gärten in der Kindergartenqualität und ihre Effekte auf die kindliche Entwicklung. [Differences between Montessori and traditional kindergartens concerning quality and their effects on child development.] Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 59(3), 217-226.
- Meisenberg, G., Rindermann, H., Patel, H. & Woodley, M. A. (2012). Is it smart to believe in God? The relationship of religiosity with education and intelligence. Temas em Psicologia, 20(1), 101-120. (-Link-)
- Rindermann, H., Woodley, M. A. & Stratford, J. (2012). Haplogroups as evolutionary markers of cognitive ability. Intelligence, 40(4), 362-375.
- Rindermann, H. (2012). Intellectual classes, technological progress and economic development: The rise of cognitive capitalism. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(2), 108-113.
- Rindermann, H., Flores-Mendoza, C. & Woodley, M. A. (2012). Political orientations, intelligence and education. Intelligence, 40(2), 217-225.
- Dresel, M. & Rindermann, H. (2011). Counseling university instructors based on student evaluations of their teaching effectiveness: A multilevel test of its effectiveness under consideration of bias and unfairness variables. Research in Higher Education, 52, 717-737.
- Rindermann, H., Michou, Ch. D. & Thompson, J. (2011). Children's writing ability: Effects of parent's education, mental speed and intelligence. Learning and Individual Differences, 21, 562-568.
- Rindermann, H. (2011). Increase of Intelligence in Childhood and Youth. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 58(3), 210-224.
- Rindermann, H. & Thompson, J. (2011). Cognitive capitalism: The effect of cognitive ability on wealth, as mediated through scientific achievement and economic freedom. Psychological Science, 22(6), 754-763.
- Rindermann, H., Flores-Mendoza, C. & Mansur-Alves, M. (2010). Reciprocal effects between fluid and crystallized intelligence and their dependence on parents' socioeconomic status and education. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 544-548.
- Rindermann, H. & Ceci, S. J. (2009). Educational policy and country outcomes in international cognitive competence studies. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(6), 551-577.
- Rindermann, H., Sailer, M. & Thompson, J. (2009). The impact of smart fractions, cognitive ability of politicians and average competence of peoples on social development. Talent Development and Excellence, 1(1), 3-25.
- Rindermann, H. & Meisenberg, G. (2009). Relevance of education and intelligence at the national level for health: The case of HIV and AIDS.Intelligence, 37, 383-395.
- Rindermann, H. (2009). Quality development in higher education. Contributions to teacher education, 27(1), 64-73.
- Freudenthaler, H. H., Neubauer, A. C., Gabler, P., Scherl, W. G. & Rindermann, H. (2008). Testing and validating the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) in a German-speaking sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 673-678.
- Rindermann, H. (2008). Relevance of education and intelligence for the political development of nations: Democracy, rule of law and political liberty. Intelligence. 36(4), 306-322.
- Rindermann, H. (2008). International student assessment and intelligence studies: Why countries differ? An attempt for explanation by exclusive use of educational variables Empirische Pädagogik, 22(1), 17-48.
- Rindermann, H. (2008). Relevance of education and intelligence at the national level for the economic welfare of people. Intelligence, 36, 127-142.
- Rindermann, H., Kohler, J. & Meisenberg, G. (2007). Quality of instruction improved by evaluation and consultation of instructors. International Journal for Academic Development, 12(2), 73-85.
- Rindermann, H. (2007). The big G-factor of national cognitive ability (author‘s response on open peer commentary). European Journal of Personality, 21, 767-787.
- Rindermann, H. (2007). The g-factor of international cognitive ability comparisons: The homogeneity of results in PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS and IQ-tests across nations. European Journal of Personality, 21, 667-706.
- Oesterdiekhoff, G. W. & Rindermann, H. (2007). The spread of AIDS in developing countries: A psycho-cultural approach. Journal for Social, Political, and Economic Studies, 32(2), 201-222.
- Rindermann, H. (2007). Intelligence, cognitive skills, human capital and rationality on various levels. Psychologische Rundschau, 58(2), 137-145.
- Rindermann, H. (2007). The Relevance of Class Ability for Teaching and Development of Individual Competences Unterrichtswissenschaft, 35(1), 68-89.
- Rindermann, H. (2006). Forms of scientific debate. Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik (Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften), 17(2), 251-263 u. 313-321.
- darin: Rindermann, H. (2006). Scientific debate as a feature of epistemic rationality. Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik (Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften), 17(2), 313-321.
- Rindermann, H. (2006). What do international student assessment studies measure? School performance, student abilities, cognitive abilities, knowledge or general intelligence? Psychologische Rundschau, 57(2), 69-86.
- Rindermann, H. & Heller, K. A. (2005). The benefit of gifted classes and talent schools for developing students’ competences and enhancing academic self-concept. Journal of Educational Psychology, 19(3), 133-136.
- Rindermann, H. & Neubauer, A. (2004). Processing speed, intelligence, creativity and school performance: Testing of causal hypotheses using structural equation models. Intelligence, 32(6), 573-589.
- Ritterfeld, U. & Rindermann, H. (2004). Parental attitudes towards the psycholinguistic therapy of their children. Journal of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 33(3), 172-182.
- Rindermann, H. (2003). Evolutionary Psychology between Research, Society and Ethics Journal für Psychologie, 11(4), 331-367.
- Rindermann, H. (2003). Teaching evaluation in higher education: Conclusions from research and applications for higher education and its evaluation. Journal of Evaluation, 3(2), 233-256.
- Rindermann, H. (2003). Methodology and application of the course evaluation for quality improvement in higher education Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis, 26(4), 401-413.
- Rindermann, H. & Kohler, J. (2003). Does Evaluation and Consulting Improve Quality of Instruction? Test of an Evaluation-Consulting-Model Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 50(1), 71-85.
- Rindermann, H. & Schofield, N. (2001). Generalizability of multidimensional student ratings of university instruction across courses and teachers. Research in Higher Education, 42(4), 377-399.
- Rindermann, H. & Neubauer, A. (2001). The influence of personality on three aspects of cognitive performance: Processing speed, intelligence and school performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(5), 829-842.
- Rindermann, H. & Lehmann, W. (2000). Promoting mathematical abilities of children with above-average skills. Pädagogisches Handeln, 4(3), 103-119.
- Kohler, J. & Rindermann, H. (2000). Evaluation of speech therapy training: consulting of the lecturers and institutional basis of the evaluation process as conditions for effective evaluation. L.O.G.O.S. interdisziplinär, 8(4), 244-252.
- Kohler, J. & Rindermann, H. (2000). Evaluation of teaching as a measure for quality assurance in speech therapy training - Presentation of the Reichenau model and its test of effectiveness. L.O.G.O.S. interdisziplinär, 8(3), 164-171.
- Rindermann, H. (2000). The self-objectification problem in the academic milieu (II): Correlation between scientific methodology and the influence of social background variables in the research of teaching evaluation Das Hochschulwesen, 48(4), 117-123.
- Rindermann, H. (2000). The self-objectification problem in the academic milieu (I): Research at universities about the quality of teaching at universities. Das Hochschulwesen, 48(3), 74-82.
- Rindermann, H. (2000). Evaluation of a program to promote geometric skills with above-average and interested elementary school children. Magdeburger Arbeiten zur Psychologie, 2(3), 1-34.
- Heller, K. A., Reimann, R. & Rindermann, H. (2000). Evaluation results to secondary school with an eight-year education program in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Pädagogisches Handeln, 4(1), 9-15.
- Rindermann, H. & Neubauer, A. (2000). Speed of information processing and success at school: Do basal measures of intelligence have predictive validity? Diagnostica, 46(1), 8-17.
- Rindermann, H. (1999). What are the criteria of good teaching? The result of an open questionnaire given to students and instructors. Journal of Higher Education Didactics, 23(1), 136-156.
- Rindermann, H. (1999). Concept and Examination of the Munich Multifactored Model of Course Quality. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 27(4), 357-380.
- Rindermann, H. & Oubaid, V. (1999). Selection of Students by Universities - Criteria, Methods and Predictability of Study Success. Journal of Personality and Psychological Assessment, 20(3), 172-191.
- Rindermann, H. (1999). Sexual relationships between tourists and natives in Cuba: Forms and experiences from the viewpoint of Cubans. Journal of Sexuality Research, 12(2), 159-177.
- Rindermann, H. (1998). The Munich multifactorial model of the course quality: design, justification and verification. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 3, 189-224.
- Rindermann, H. (1998). Correspondence and divergence in student evaluation of university teaching: Methods and consequences for the practice of evaluation . Journal of Personality and Psychological Assessment, 19(2), 73-92.
- Rindermann, H. (1997). The student evaluation of courses: current state of research and implications for the use of teaching evaluations. In R. S. Jäger, R. H. Lehmann & G. Trost (ed.), Tests und Trends (Jahrbuch der Pädagogischen Diagnostik, 11) (pp. 12-53). Weinheim: Beltz.
- Rindermann, H. (1997). Generalizability of Student Ratings of University Teaching: Can the Evaluation Results of one Course be Transfered to Other Courses of the Same University Teacher or to Courses with Equal Content but Different Teachers? Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 44(3), 216-234.
- Rindermann, H. (1996). Students' Qualitative Judgements about the Quality of Teaching Journal of Educational Psychology, 10(3/4), 151-152.
- Rindermann, H. (1996). On the Quality of Students' Evaluations of University Teaching: An Answer to Evaluation Critique Journal of Educational Psychology, 10(3/4), 129-145.
- Rindermann, H. & Amelang, M. (1994). Development and testing of a questionnaire for Students' Evaluations of University Teaching. Empirische Pädagogik, 8(2), 131-151.
- Amelang, M., Eisenhut, K. & Rindermann, H. (1991). Responding to adjective check list items: a reaction time analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 12(6), 523-533.
- Amelang, M., Rindermann, H. & Pirron, P. (1990). Response times of questions about current and enduring attributes. Journal of Experimental and Applied Psychology, 37(4), 541-564.
- Rindermann, H. (2023). Review of: „Deep roots of admixture-related cognitive differences in the USA“. Qeios.
- Rindermann, H. (2023). Review of: „The intelligence of nations. National IQs. Update 2023.“ Qeios.
- Ackermann, L. & Rindermann, H. (2022). Klauersches Denktraining mit Vor- und Grundschulkindern in Gruppen und unter Berücksichtigung von Personenmerkmalen der trainierenden Kinder. In Ch. Bermeitinger & W. Greve (Hrsg.), 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Abstracts. (S. 111–112). Lengerich: Pabst.
- Baumeister, A. & Rindermann, H. (2022). Der Bildungs- und Erziehungstest für TagesElternBetreuung (BET) in Forschung und Praxis. In Ch. Bermeitinger & W. Greve (Hrsg.), 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Abstracts. (S. 126). Lengerich: Pabst.
- Becker, D., Coyle, Th. R., Minnigh, T. L. & Rindermann, H. (2022). Leistungsunterschiede zwischen PISA-Kompetenzbereichen – Eine ländervergleichende Untersuchung kultureller Einflussfaktoren. In Ch. Bermeitinger & W. Greve (Hrsg.), 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Abstracts. (S. 127–128). Lengerich: Pabst.
- Rindermann, H. (2022). Symposium Kompetenzen, Entwicklung und Förderung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. In Ch. Bermeitinger & W. Greve (Hrsg.), 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Abstracts. (S. 84). Lengerich: Pabst.
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D., Coyle, Th. R. & Minnigh, T. L. (2022). PISA-Tilt (Mathematik>Lesen) und mögliche Folgen auf internationaler Ebene. In Ch. Bermeitinger & W. Greve (Hrsg.), 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Abstracts. (S. 363). Lengerich: Pabst.
- Matthews, L. & Rindermann, H. (2021). Dr. Heiner Rindermann on the importance of the cognitive elite. Channel Lipton Matthews.
- Rindermann, H. (2021). Gibt es kulturell bedingte Intelligenzunterschiede? Gehirn und Geist, 21(7), 20–21.
- Nguwi, M. & Rindermann, H. (2020). IQ & national development. In this article Memory Nguwi interviews Heiner Rindermann a top German Psychologist who has done a lot of research on IQ and national development. The Human Capital Hub (IPC), January 23, 2020,
- Rindermann, H. (2020). Kommentar zum Beitrag „Intelligenzdiagnostik bei Migranten“ von Bruno Klauk. [Commentary on “Intelligence diagnostics of migrants” from Bruno Klauk.] Wirtschaftspsychologie, 22(2), 33–34.
- Kummert, I., Lütge, Ch., Grün, K.-J., Homburg, S., Rindermann, H., Thorhauer, Y. & Hüther, M. (2020, April 9). Offener Brief an die Bundesregierung: Bitte kehren Sie zur Verhältnismäßigkeit zurück! [Open letter to the German Federal Government: Please return to com-mensurability.] Ethikverband der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. Retrieved from Linked
- Rindermann, H. (2020, April 2). The coronavirus and its social consequences. Retrieved from The Unz Review website:
- Rindermann, H. (2020). Der Schwenk wird kommen: Corona und die gesellschaftlichen Folgen. [The turn will come. Corona and its consequences for society.] Tichys Einblick, 2020, March 27,
- Canlorbe, G. (2019b, November 28). A conversation with Heiner Rindermann, for Man and the Economy. Retrieved from Grégoire Canlorbe website:
- Rindermann, H. (2019). Interview: Psychologe Heiner Rindermann: Intelligentere Gesellschaften sind reichere Gesellschaften (von Lukas Mihr). [Interview: Psychologist Heiner Rindermann: Smarter societies are richer societies (by Lukas Mihr).] Tichys Einblick, 17. November 2019,
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- Rindermann, H. (2015). Ein Hintergrundgespräch zum Migrations-Artikel im Focus. [Background interview on the migration article in Focus.] Hintergrund. Zeitschrift für kritische Gesellschaftstheorie und Politik, 28(4), 44-66.
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- Rindermann, H. (2013). De voorsprong blijft. Termans Termites als adolescenten. Interview of Jan te Nijenhuis with Heiner Rindermann about the Terman study. Talent, 15(3, May), 9-11.
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- Rindermann, H. (2012). School political choices from a pedagogical point of view. Stimmen der Zeit, 230(6), 385-396.
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- Rindermann, H. (2010). The nature of intelligence. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (am Sonntag), 12-9-10, 54-55.
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- Rindermann, H. (2010). Why the Internet will change our thinking. In H. Burda, M. Döpfner, B. Hombach & J. Rüttgers (eds.), 2020 - Gedanken zur Zukunft des Internets (pp. 51-60). Essen: Klartext.
- Rindermann, H. (2010). Fundamental change in thought patterns. For decades, the average IQ in the world increases. The psychologist Heiner Rindermann from the University of Graz, explains how does it happen - and what role the new media play. Gehirn und Geist, 9(4), 49-51.
- Rindermann, H. (2009). Intelligence as a bourgeois phenomenon. Merkur, 63 (8/723), 666-676.
- Rindermann, H. (2008). Ethics of scientific work and in social practice of teaching and research. Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik, 19/(4), 537-540.
- Rindermann, H. (2008). Developmental Psychology: kindergarten children learn better. Frankfurter Rundschau, 64(87), 12. (Link)
- Heise, K. & Rindermann, H. (2007). "Are there differences in intelligence and knowledge between people of different countries?" Radio Germany, requested interview by Katrin Heise on 04/12/2007 (Questions, titles, subtitles etc. by Radio Germany, titles and subtitles on the net changed for intervention by me;
- Rindermann, H. (2007). Epistemic rationality and reflection as normative foundations of institutionalized science. Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik (Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften), 18(1), 51-54.
- Rindermann, H. (2005). HILVE-II in a computer based form with standards [Computer-Software]. Berlin: Blubbsoft.
- Rindermann, H. (2005). For a nationwide selection process of freshmen on capacity measurements. Psychologische Rundschau, 56(2), 127-129.
- Rindermann, H. (2004). HILVE-II in a computer based form with standards, individualized, performance-related feedback, with interpretation assistance and advice proposals to improve teaching and with automated evaluation and result delivery via EvaSys. Lüneburg: Electric Paper.
- Rindermann, H. (2003). El desarrollo de la creatividad. Mente y cerebro, 2(2), 38-39.
- Rindermann, H. (2002). Improvement of teaching. Evaluation of courses by students. Forschung und Lehre, 9(7), 370-372.
- Rindermann, H. (2002). Creativity for everyone? Gehirn & Geist. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 2, 50-51.
- Rindermann, H. & Kohler, J. (2001). What helps to improve the training: evaluation or consulting in a systemic intervention? L.O.G.O.S. interdisziplinär, 9(2), 123.
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- Rindermann, H. (1999). The combination of intellectual giftedness research and -promotion: The scientific work of Kurt A. Heller. Labyrinth, 62, 3-4.
- Rindermann, H. (1999). Material for geometry for the 3rd and 4th Primary school class LVH-aktuell, 2(3), 10.
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- Rindermann, H. & Oubaid, V. (1999). Selection of freshmen: suggestions for a reliable method. Forschung und Lehre, 41(11), 589-592.
- Rindermann, H. (1999). A course to promote skills in geometric for mathematically gifted and interested primary school children. Labyrinth, 61, 43-46.
- Rindermann, H. & Görlitz, G. (1999). The majority and the minority. Social problems of gifted children. Labyrinth, 61, 36.
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- Rindermann, H. (1996). Teaching evaluation and criticism: Students rate their lecturers. Schups (Journal of the student council in school psychology), 2, 13-15.
- Rindermann, H. (1995). Conformity and divergence in the student evaluation of courses. Journal of Personality and Psychological Assessment, 16(4), 274.
- Rindermann, H. (2023). Merkmale guter Lehre. [On characteristics of good instruction at universities.] In J. Cai, H. Lackner, & Q. Wang (Eds.), Jahrbuch Angewandte Hochschulbildung 2021. Deutsch-chinesische Perspektiven und Diskurse [Yearbook applied higher education 2021. German-Chinese perspectives and discourses.] (pp. 217–230). Springer.
- Baumeister, A. E. E., & Rindermann, H. (2021). Montessoripädagogik in der wissenschaftlichen Evaluation. In Th. Schmidt, U. Sauerbrey, & W. Smidt (Hrsg.), Frühpädagogische Handlungskonzepte. Eine wissenschaftliche Bestandsaufnahme (S. 65–84). Münster: Waxmann.
- Halpern, D. F., Flores-Mendoza, C. & Rindermann, H. (2020). Sex, gender, and intelligence: Does XX = XY for intelligence? In F. M. Cheung & D. F. Halpern (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of the international psychology of women (pp. 139–152). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Barnett, S. M., Rindermann, H., Williams, W. M., & Ceci, S. J. (2020). Society and intelligence. In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of intelligence (2. Ed., pp. 964–987). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Bochmann, R., Roepke, A., Koczielski, C. & Rindermann, H. (2018, March). The influence of inner drivers, positive thinking, motivation and social support on the attendance of lectures at German universities. Proceedings of the 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference INTED2017 (pp. 1882-1886) in Valencia, Spain: IATED. doi: 10.21125/inted.2018.0335
- Bochmann, R., Roepke, A. L., Johannschröder, J., Reiher, M. & Rindermann, H. (2018, March). The use of didactic methods to teach competences at German universities - a quantitative analysis across different departments. Proceedings of the 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference INTED2017 (pp. 1097-1106) in Valencia, Spain: IATED. doi: 10.21125/inted.2018.0149
- Rindermann, H. (2018). Cognitive capitalism: Human capital and the wellbeing of nations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781107279339, Appendix: PDF, Link
- Rindermann, H. (2017). Stichwörter: Emotionale Intelligenz (emotional intelligence); Emotionale Kompetenz (emotional competence); Emotionale-Kompetenz-Fragebogen (EKF) (Emotional Competence Questionnaire); Heidelberger Inventar zur Lehrveranstaltungs-Evaluation (HILVE) (Heidelberg Inventory for Evaluation of Teaching); Humankapital (human capital); Lehrevaluation (teaching evaluation); Kognitive Kompetenzen im Kulturvergleich (cognitive competences in cross-cultural comparison); Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue). In M. Wirtz (Hrsg.), Lexikon der Psychologie. [Encyclopedia of psychology.] Dorsch. Bern: Hogrefe.
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- Rindermann, H. (2017). Herausforderungen bei der beruflichen Integration von Flüchtlingen. [Challenges for the integration of refugees into the job market.] In S. F. Dietl, H. Schmidt, R. Weiß & W. Wittwer (Hrsg.), PersonalAusbilden [Train staff] (120. Erg.-Lfg. 4A/37, pp. 1-22). Köln: Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst.
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- Baumeister, A., Bochmann, R. & Rindermann, H. (2016). Instructors socio-cognitive conflicts after students evaluations of instruction a driving force for change management? Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN16 Barcelona) (pp. 8798-8802). Valencia, Spain: IATED. doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2016.0921
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation an Hochschulen: Der Einfluss der Rahmenbedingungen auf Qualität von Lehre und Ergebnisse von Lehrevaluation. [Students evaluation of teaching: The influence of general conditions on teaching quality and results of evaluation.] In T. Wolbring & D. Großmann (Hg.), Evaluation von Studium und Lehre. Grundlagen, methodische Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. [Evaluation of university education and teaching.] (pp. 227-262). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Entries: Emotionale Intelligenz (emotional intelligence); Emotionale Kompetenz (emotional competence); Emotionale-Kompetenz-Fragebogen (EKF) (Emotional Competence Questionnaire); Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue). In F. Pe-termann, G. Gründer, M. Wirtz & J. Strohmer (Eds.), Lexikon der Psychotherapie und Psy-chopharmakotherapie. Dorsch (pp. 234, 235, 878). [Encyclopedia of psychotherapy and psy-chopharmacotherapy.] Bern: Hogrefe.
- Rindermann, H. (2015). Experteninterviews: In der Mitte des Semesters am besten [Expert interviews: Best at half term]. In M. Schneider & M. Mustafic (Hrsg.), Gute Hochschullehre [High quality university teaching] (pp. 167-171). Berlin: Springer.
- Rindermann, H. (2014). Preface: A European perspective. In S. W. Itzkoff (Ed.), Liberty's dilemma: America, two nations dependent/independent. (pp. IX-XVI). New York: Peter Lang.
- Baumeister, A. E. E. & Rindermann, H. (2014). Klauer's inductive reasoning training as a cognitive apprenticeship approach for special-needs students. In J. L. Polman, E. A. Kyza, D. K. O'Neill, I. Tabak, W. R. Penuel, A. S. Jurow, K. O'Connor, T. Lee & L. D'Amico (Hrsg.), Learning and becoming in practice: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014, Volume 1 (S. 38-45). Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). Entries: Emotionale Intelligenz (emotional intelligence); Emotionale Kompetenz (emotional competence); Emotionale-Kompetenz-Fragebogen (EKF) (Emotional Competence Questionnaire); Heidelberger Inventar zur Lehrveranstaltungs-Evaluation (HILVE) (Heidelberg Inventory for Evaluation of Teaching); Humankapital (human capital); Lehrevaluation (teaching evaluation); Kognitive Kompetenzen im Kulturvergleich (cognitive competences in cross-cultural comparison); Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue). In M. Wirtz (Ed.), Lexikon der Psychologie. Dorsch. [Encyclopedia of psychology.] Bern: Huber.
- Rindermann, H., Ceci, S. J. & Williams, W. M. (2013). Whither cognitive talent? Understanding high ability and its development, relevance, and furtherance. In S. B. Kaufman (Ed.), The complexity of greatness. Beyond talent or practice (pp. 43-69). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). Intellectual classes, technological progress and economic development: The rise of cognitive capitalism. In H. Nyborg (Ed.), Race and sex differences in intelligence and personality: A tribute to Richard Lynn at 80 (pp. 131-167). London: Ulster Institute for Social Research.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). Emotionale Kompetenz. [Emotional competence.] In W. Sarges (Ed.), Management-Diagnostik [Management-measurement] (pp. 443-451). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Hubig, Ch. & Rindermann, H. (2012). Education and competence. Series Philosophy and Psychology in the dialogue, published by Gerd Jüttemann & Christoph Hubig. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. (-PDF-)
- Rindermann, H. (2011). Results in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) as indicators of the intellectual classes? cognitive-ability level. In A. Ziegler & Ch. Perleth (ed.), Excellence. Essays in honour of Kurt. A. Heller (pp. 303-321). Münster: Lit.
- Barnett, S. M., Rindermann, H., Williams, W. M. & Ceci, S. J. (2011). Society and intelligence. In R. J. Sternberg & S. B. Kaufman (ed.), Cambridge handbook of intelligence (pp. 666-682). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Rindermann, H. (2011). Personality in teaching-learning contexts of school and university. In M. Amelang, L. F. Hornke & M. Kersting (ed.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, B/II/1 Grundfragen und Anwendungsfelder psychologischer Diagnostik (pp. 281-342). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Rindermann, H. (2011). Karl Jaspers and the psychology of ideology. In H. R. Yousefi, W. Schüßler, R. Schulz & U. Diehl (ed.), Karl Jaspers - Grundbegriffe seines Denkens (pp. 251-263). Reinbek: Lau.
- Rindermann, H. & Rost, D. H. (2010). Intelligence, culture and society - Thilo Sarrazin and his theses. In J. Bellers (ed.), Zur Sache Sarrazin. Wissenschaft. Medien. Materialien. (pp. 77-96). Münster: Lit.
- Rindermann, H. (2010). The psychological and cultural development dimension of reason. In H. R. Yousefi & K. Fischer (ed.), Many forms of thinking - one reason? About the various forms of thinking. (pp. 161-171). Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz.
- Rindermann, H. & Heller, K. A. (2010). The benefit of gifted classes and talent schools for developing students' competences and enhancing academic self-concept. In K. A. Heller (ed.), Munich studies of giftedness (pp. 373-376). Münster: Lit.
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- Rindermann, H. (2010). Indicators of good teaching. In C. Spiel, B. Schober, P. Wagner & R. Reimann & (ed.), Bildungspsychologie (pp. 410-415). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
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- Rindermann, H. (2009). Teaching Evaluation - Introduction and overview of research and practice of of the course evaluation in higher education. With a contribution to evaluate computer-based teaching. Landau: Empirische Pädagogik.
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- Rindermann, H. & Oesterdiekhoff, G. W. (2008). HIV, AIDS and pre-modern thinking: the cognitive causes of an epidemic. In G. W. Oesterdiekhoff & H. Rindermann (ed.), Culture and Cognition: The contributions of psychometry and psychology of Piaget for understanding cultural differences (pp. 133-164). Münster: Lit.
- Rindermann, H. (2008). Interactions between intelligence and society from the view of psychometric intelligence research. In G. W. Oesterdiekhoff & H. Rindermann (ed.), Culture and Cognition: The contributions of psychometry and psychology of Piaget for understanding cultural differences (pp. 165-207). Münster: Lit.
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- Rindermann, H. & Wagner, A. (2003). Dropout and subject change: causes and intervention. In G. Krampen & H. Zayer (ed.), Psychology of didactics and evaluation IV (pp. 232-249). Bonn: Deutscher Psychologen Verlag.
- Rindermann, H. & Greunke, E. (2003). Advanced training in systemic-psychological consulting techniques for unemployed educators: Presentation of the program and the results of evaluation. In G. Krampen & H. Zayer (ed.), Psychology of didactics and evaluation IV (pp. 460-477). Bonn: Deutscher Psychologen Verlag.
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- Rindermann, H. (2002). Models and results of the potential estimation for the eight-year grammar school. In K. A. Heller (ed.), Scholarship system at grammar school. Results of a ten-year longitudinal study (pp. 179-216). Opladen: Leske+Budrich.
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- Rindermann, H. (2002). Evaluation: An overview of evaluation of communication technologies for education and teaching. In H. H. Adelsberger, B. Collis & J. M. Pawlowski (Eds.), Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training (pp. 309-329). Berlin: Springer.
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- Rindermann, H. (1997). Course evaluation: experiences and their use for faculty development. In H. Altrichter, M. Schratz & H. Pechar (ed.), Universities on the test bench (pp. 179-196). Innsbruck: Studienverlag.
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- Becker, D. & Rindermann, H. (2017). Rezension von Fischbach & Niggeschmidt (2016), Erblichkeit der Intelligenz. [Review of Fischbach & Niggeschmidt (2016), Heredity and heritability of intelligence.] Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 31(2), 161-163.
- Rindermann, H. (2014). Tobias Wolbring: Fallstricke der Lehrevaluation. [Tobias Wolbrings traps of students evaluation of teaching.] Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 13(2), 362-363.
- Rindermann, H. (2014). Georg W. Oesterdiekhoffs Ansatz der strukturgenetischen Soziologie und kulturvergleichenden Forschung. [Georg W. Oesterdiekhoffs approach of structure-genetic sociology and cross-cultural research.] Anthropos, 109(2), 617-621.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). Wissenschaftliches Denken und Intelligenz: Rezension von Haller & Niggeschmidt (2012), Der Mythos vom Niedergang der Intelligenz, und Zimmer (2012), Ist Intelligenz erblich? [Scientific thinking and intelligence. Review of Haller & Niggeschmidts The myth of intelligence decline and Zimmers Is intelligence heritable?] Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 27(4), 295-302.
- Rindermann, H. (2012). Wissenstransfer zwischen Forschung und Gesellschaft. Rezension von Dieter E. Zimmer (2012), Ist Intelligenz erblich? Eine Klarstellung. Reinbek: Rowohlt. [Knowledge transfer between science and society. Review of Zimmers Is intelligence heritable?] Personalführung, 45(8), 82-83.
- Steinmayr, R., Spinath, B. & Rindermann, H. (2010). TBS-TK Review: „Differential educational self-concept grid with scale for measuring of the self-concepts of educational achievements and abilities (DISK-grid with SKSLF-8)“. Psychologische Rundschau, 61(2), 119-121.
- Steinmayr, R., Spinath, B. & Rindermann, H. (2010). TBS-TK Review: „Differential educational self-concept grid with scale for measuring of the self-concepts of educational achievements and abilities (DISK-grid with SKSLF-8)“. Report Psychologie, 35(1), 36-37.
- Rindermann, H. (2003). Research in Education: Content, problems and perspectives. A discussion by Tippelt, R. (ed.) (2002). Manual Education Research. Opladen: Leske+Budrich. Journal of Educational Psychology, 17(3/4), 269-272.
- Rindermann, H. (2003). Judgements agreement and inter-rater reliability: a discussion by Wirtz & Caspar (2002): Judgements agreement and Judgements reliability. Journal of Personality and Psychological Assessment, 24(1), 77-79.
- Hentschel, Ch. & Rindermann, H. (2002). The link of science theory, methodology and statistics - a discussion by Rainer Westermann (2000): Science theory and experimental methodology. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 61(2), 105-107.
- Rindermann, H. & Hentschel, Ch. (2002). Review of Rainer Westermann (2000): Science theory and experimental methodology. Psychologische Beiträge, 44, 465-468.
- Rindermann, H. (1996). Review of Richter, R. (ed.). (1994). Care of quality of in teaching. Guide for student teaching evaluation. Neuwied: Luchterhand. In Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 43(4), 313-314.
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- Rindermann, H. (2023). Astonishingly low results of cognitive ability studies in developing countries: Are the results credible? Poster for APS-Convention 2023 in Washington, 25–28 May 2023.
- Rindermann, H. (2023). Vernunft und Freiheit in der aktuellen Wissenschaft. [Reason and freedom in current science.] Presentation on January 9, 2023 as part of the lecture series Academic Freedom: Prerequisites – Restrictions – Defense” of the Network for Academic Freedom (Netzwerk Wissenschaftsfreiheit) (Online).,
- Ackermann, L. & Rindermann, H. (2022). Klauersches Denktraining mit Vor- und Grundschulkindern in Gruppen und unter Berücksichtigung von Personenmerkmalen der trainierenden Kinder. Vortrag am 15. September 2022 auf dem 52. Kongress der DGPs in Hildesheim.
- Baumeister, A. & Rindermann, H. (2022). Der Bildungs- und Erziehungstest für TagesElternBetreuung (BET) in Forschung und Praxis. Vortrag am 15. September 2022 auf dem 52. Kongress der DGPs in Hildesheim.
- Becker, D., Coyle, Th. R., Minnigh, T. L. & Rindermann, H. (2022). Leistungsunterschiede zwischen PISA-Kompetenzbereichen – Eine ländervergleichende Untersuchung kultureller Einflussfaktoren. Vortrag am 15. September 2022 auf dem 52. Kongress der DGPs in Hildesheim.
- Rindermann, H. (2022). Symposium Kompetenzen, Entwicklung und Förderung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Vortrag am 15. September 2022 auf dem 52. Kongress der DGPs in Hildesheim.
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D., Coyle, Th. R. & Minnigh, T. L. (2022). PISA-Tilt (Mathematik>Lesen) und mögliche Folgen auf internationaler Ebene. Vortrag am 15. September 2022 auf dem 52. Kongress der DGPs in Hildesheim.
- Rindermann, H. & Becker, D. (2022). The future of intelligence: A prediction of the FLynn effect until the year 2100 for about 80 countries. Vortrag am 27. Juli 2022 auf der 22. Tagung der International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Wien, Österreich.
- Coyle, Th. R., Minnigh, T. L., Becker, D., Rindermann, H. & Sanders, J. (2022, May). International differences in tilt: The stability, geography, and predictive power of tilt for economic criteria. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2022 Association for Psychological Science Conference in Chicago, IL.
- Rindermann, H. (2021). Why are there differences across German states in student achievement and cognitive ability? Vortrag am 4. September 2021 auf der 21. Tagung der International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), Online.
- Rindermann, H. (2021). Psychologie der Weltanschauungen – A current perspective from psychology. Presentation at the 42nd Annual KJSNA Meeting, April 9−10, 2021. Video:
- Ackermann, L. & Rindermann, H. (2020). Denktraining 2.0: Macht die Trainingsperson den Unterschied? Poster auf der 2. Interdisziplinären Graduiertenkonferenz der Hochschulgruppe "DoqColloq" der Universität Trier. Trier (online),
11. Dezember 2020. - Rindermann, H. (2020). About the advantages of being a heterodox and suppressed minority – a case study of intelligence research. Talk at the 2nd Biennial Heterodoxy in Psychology Conference in Orange, CA (USA), 9-12 January 2020.
- Rindermann, H. (2019). Test- und Fähigkeitsunterschiede zwischen Bundesländern: Muster, Ursachen und Wirkungen. [Test and ability differences among German states: Patterns, causes and effects.] Talk at the joint paEpsy meeting in Leipzig, 9-12 September 2019.
- Ackermann, L. & Rindermann, H. (2019). Ich denke, also bin ich (schlauer geworden)? Zielgruppen- und kontextspezifische Effekte der Klauerschen Denktrainings. [Differential effects of Klauer‘s cognitive training] Talk at the joint paEpsy meeting in Leipzig, 9-12 September 2019.
- Rindermann, H. (2019). International evidence on school education effects -> cognitive ability. Talk at ICPS-Convention 2019 in Paris, 7-9 March 2019.
- Rindermann, H. (2019). Kognitiver Kapitalismus: Intelligenz und das Wohlergehen der Nationen. [Cognitive capitalism: Intelligence and the wellbeing of nations.] Invited presentation on 5. February 2019 at the academic days „Artificial Intelligence“, Biberach.
- Rindermann, H. (2018). Chances and limits of an intellectual class ability approach. Invited Talk at the 2. European-American Summit on Talent Development in Nuremberg, 5. October 2018.
- Rindermann, H. (2018). The future of intelligence and the FLynn effect: Predicting the 21st century’s cognitive development across the world. Poster for APS-Convention 2018 in San Francisco, 24-27 May 2018.
- Rindermann, H. (2017). Emotionale Kompetenz und Gesundheit.[Emotional competence and health.] Invited presentation on 25. October 2017 at Zentrum für Psychische Gesundheit, Universitätsklinikum Leipzig.
- Ackermann, A. L. & Rindermann, H. (2017). Als Kollektiv besser? Lehrerkooperation und ihr Zusammenhang mit Arbeitszufriedenheit und emotionaler Kompetenz. Poster for Gemeinsamen Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie in Münster, 11-14 September 2017.
- Bochmann, R., Koczielski, C., Trommler, D., Peters, A. & Rindermann, H. (2017). Comparison of student's, external instructors and instructors own evaluation of teaching quality in higher education - application of a special evaluation web portal. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies EDULEARN17 (pp. 2720-2725) in Barcelona, Spain: IATED. doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2017.1574
- Baumeister, A., Schulze, H. & Rindermann, H. (2017). Qualitätsentwicklung sowie deren Akzeptanz bei Eltern und Tageseltern [Abstract]. In R. Bromme, S. Dutke, M. Holodynski, R. Jucks, J. Kärtner, S. Pieschl et al. (Eds.), Gemeinsame Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie PAEPSY 2017 (pp. 342-343). Münster: Universität Münster, Institut für Psychologie, Institut für Psychologie in Bildung und Erziehung.
- Baumeister, A., Stock, S. & Rindermann, H. (2017). Participatory Educational Quality Development for Parents and Day Care Nannies [Abstract]. In S. Branje & W. Koops (Eds.), 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology ECDP 2017 (p. 359). Utrecht, Netherlands: Utrecht University.
- Rindermann, H. & Carl, N. (2017). Country differences in human rights: Testing the effects of cognitive ability, religion, education, wealth, institutions and evolution. Poster for 29th APS-Convention 2017 in Boston, 25-28 May 2017.
- Coyle, Th. R., Rindermann, H., Hancock, D. G. & Freeman, J. (2017). Nonlinear effects of cognitive ability on economic productivity: A country level analysis. Poster for 29th APS-Convention 2017 in Boston, 25-28 May 2017.
- Bochmann, R., Baumeister, A. & Rindermann, H. (2017, March). Lecture, no thanks. Being on the track of absenteeism: implications for improvement of university teaching. Proceedings of the 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference INTED2017 (pp. 4901-4907) in Valencia, Spain: IATED. doi: 10.21125/inted.2017.1143
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Lehrevaluation und gute Lehre. [Good instruction and evaluation of teaching.] Invited presentation on 2. December 2016 at LMU Munich, Center for Leadership and Peoplemanagement.
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Entwicklung und Kompetenz: Faktoren und Förderung. [Development and competence: Factors and support.] Invited presentation on 18. November 2016 at the meeting Entwicklung und Lernen auf lange Sicht of Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (SGL, Swiss Society for the education of teachers) in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Baumeister, A. & Rindermann, H. (2016). Der Einfluss von Selbstselektion, Erfahrung und Geschlecht auf die Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Stressverarbeitungsstrategien von Kita-Erziehern. [The impact of self-selection, experience and gender on personality and coping strategies of crèche-educators.] Poster at 20. September 2016 at the 50. convention of DGPs (5zig LeiPsych) in Leipzig.
- Rindermann, H., Baumeister, A., Bochmann, R. & Koczielski, C. (2016). Externe, pädagogisch-psychologische Beratung von Dozenten/innen zur Verbesserung der Lehrqualität mit Fokus auf effektiver Nutzung sozio-kognitiver Konflikte. [External, educational-psychological consultation of university instructors for the improvement of teaching quality with focus on effective use of socio-cognitive conflicts.] Presentation on 20. September 2016 at the 50. convention of DGPs (5zig LeiPsych) in Leipzig.
- Rindermann, H., Bochmann, R., Baumeister, A. & Koczielski, C. (2016). SoKonBe: Externe, pädagogisch-psychologische Beratung von Dozenten/innen zur Verbesserung der Lehrqualität mit Fokus auf effektiver Nutzung sozio-kognitiver Konflikte. [SoKonBe: External, educa-tional-psychological consultation of university instructors for the improvement of teaching quality with focus on effective use of socio-cognitive conflicts.] Invited presentation on 12. September 2016 at the Workshop of the Cluster Lehr-/ Lernformen [Teaching and learning] in Berlin.
- Rindermann, H. (2016). On the cognitive and cultural enrichment of contemporary Europe by immigration. Invited presentation on 3. September 2016 at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society (PSF) in Bodrum (Turkey).
- Baumeister, A., Bochmann, R. & Rindermann, H. (2016). Instructors socio-cognitive conflicts after students evaluations of instruction a driving force for change management? Talk on 5. July 2016 at the 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) in Barcelona, 4.-6. July 2016 (doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2016.0921).
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Generation Z, Herausforderungen in der Ausbildung, Erwartungen an Ausbilder. [Generation Z, challenges in vocational education, expectations on instructors.] Invited presentation on 23. June 2016, Würth GmbH in Bad Mergentheim.
- Rindermann, H. (2016). International differences in ability and their relation to economy. Invited presentation on 31. May at the Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad Anáhuac (María Elena Labastida Tovar) in Mexico.
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Cognitive human capital, the gifted and national wellbeing. Invited presentation on 30. May 2016 at the First International Conference on Giftedness in Mexico, 30. May 2016.
- Becker, D. & Rindermann, H. (2016). Population genetics in intelligence research: How much can it help to retrace the evolution of intelligence? Talk on 14 May 2016 at the 3rd London Conference on Intelligence in London, 13-15 May 2016.
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Empirical evidence and arguments regarding an impact of evolutionary and genetic factors on cross-country differences in cognitive ability. Talk on 14 May 2016 at the 3rd London Conference on Intelligence in London, 13-15 May 2016.
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Neue Business-Modelle, neue Technologien, Generation Z: Wie radikal müssen sich Managementmethoden und Führungskonzepte verändern? [New business models, new technologies, generation Z.] Panel discussion on 25. April 2016 at the 26. Convention of the Club of Logistics in Prague.
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Migrationsbewegungen und Kompetenzniveau: Wie lassen sich kognitive Kompetenzunterschiede zwischen Personen und Gesellschaften erklären und wie kann in der Berufsausbildung gefördert werden? [Migration and competence: How we can explain cognitive competence differences between persons and societies and how we can further competence in job training?] Invited presentation on 4. March 2016 at the 11. DGFP convention for job training, Festo AG in Esslingen.
- Rindermann, H. (2016). Emotionale Kompetenz: Schlüssel für erfolgreiche Betriebsratsarbeit? [Emotional competence: The key for successful employee organization work?] Invited presentation on 1. March 2016 at the K&K Bildungsmanufaktur in Dresden.
- Rindermann, H. (2015). Lehrevaluation und Lehrpraxis. [Students evaluation and teaching.] Invited presentation on 11. November 2015 at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (htw Saar).
- Rindermann, H. & Pichelmann, S. (2015). Future US intelligence: IQ prediction until 2060 based on NAEP. Talk on 18. September 2015 at the 16. Conference of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Albuquerque, USA.
- Rindermann, H. (2015). Lehrevaluation und Beratung Beispiele aus der Praxis. [Students evaluation of teaching and consultation practical examples.] Invited presentation, 24. June 2015 at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.
- Coyle, Th. R. & Rindermann, H. (2015). Cognitive capitalism: Economic freedom enhances the effects of intellectual and average classes. Talk at the APS-Convention 2015 in New York, 21-24 May 2015.
- Rindermann, H. (2015). What causes international differences in cognitive test results? Talk at the APS-Convention 2015 in New York, 21-24 May 2015.
- Rindermann, H. (2015). Evolution vs. culture as background factors for international intelligence differences. Talk on 8. May 2015 at the 2nd London Conference on Intelligence in London, 8-10 May 2015. (PDF)
- Rindermann, H. & Thompson, J. (2014). The cognitive competences of immigrants and natives across the world: An analysis of gaps, causes and impact. Poster on 12. December 2014 at the 15th Conference of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Graz, Austria.
- Becker, D. & Rindermann, H. (2014). Genetic distances and IQ-differences: A cross-national study. Poster on 12. December 2014 at the 15th Conference of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Graz, Austria.
- Baumeister, A. E. E. & Rindermann, H. (2014). Klauer's inductive reasoning training as a cognitive apprenticeship approach for special-needs students. Talk on 26 June 2014 at The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), 23-27 June 2014 in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
- Rindermann, H. & Coyle, Th. R. (2014). Cognitive capitalism: Economic liberty increases the effects of cognitive competence on innovation and wealth. Poster for APS Convention 2014 in San Francisco, 22-25 May 2014.
- Rindermann, H. (2014). The psychology approach to macroeconomics. Talk on 3. January 2014 at the ASSA/AEA Meeting (Allied Social Science Associations/American Economic Association) in Philadelphia, USA.
- Rindermann, H., Coyle, Th. R. & Becker, D. (2013). 2013 survey of expert opinion on intelligence. Talk on 14. December 2013 at the 14th Conference of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Melbourne, Australia.
- Becker, D., Rindermann, H. & Coyle, Th. R. (2013). Expert opinion on the causes of international differences in intelligence 2013 Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence. Poster on 12. December 2013 at the 14th Conference of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Melbourne, Australia.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). Begabung und Förderung. [Talent and its nurturance.] Invited presentation celebrating the anniversary of BRAIN-ST on 10. October 2013, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg.
- Baumeister, A., & Rindermann, H. (2013). Effectiveness of Klauers Cognitive Training With Immigrants, Special-Needs Students and the Elderly. Talk on 11 July 2013 at The 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP) in Stockholm, Schweden.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). Lehrevaluation als Förderung von Lehrqualität? [Students evaluation of teaching as improvement of teaching quality?] Invited presentation (invited by the higher education department, Stefan Müller), Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau (WHZ), 13. 6. 2013.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). Lehrevaluation als Messung von Lehrqualität? [Students evaluation of teaching as measurement of teaching quality?] Invited presentation (invited by Prof. Dr. Roger Berger), Conference: Methodological problems of evaluation, 6.-7. June 2013, in Leipzig.
- Rindermann, H. (2013). Lehrevaluation als Messung von Lehrqualität. [Students' evaluation of teaching as measurement of teaching quality] Invited presentation (Prof. Dr. Josef Brüderl) at the Frühjahrstagung of DGS-Methodensektion (Soziology) in Munich, Methodological problems of rankings, 16. March 2013.
- Rindermann, H. & Thompson, J. (2012). Continuing rise of NAEP-derived cognitive competence scores in US 1971-2008. Talk on 14. December 2012 at the 13th Conference of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Rindermann, H. & Baumeister, A. (2012, September). Effekte des Klauerschen Denktraining bei drei (und mehr) verschiedenen Zielgruppen [Abstract]. [Effects of Klauers intelligence training in three (and more) samples.] In R. Riemann (Hrsg.), 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Supplement to Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling (S. 221). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Baumeister, A. & Rindermann, H. (2012, September). Unterschiede in der Kindergartenqualität in Abhängigkeit von pädagogischer Ausrichtung (Reformpädagogik vs. nicht) und Migrantenbesuchsquote [Abstract]. [Kindergarten quality, educational orientation and migrantss share.] In R. Riemann (Hrsg.), 48. der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Supplement to Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling (S. 542-543). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Rindermann, H. & Oesterdiekhoff, G. W. (2012). Cognitive development and modernization of society and culture. Vortrag auf der 24. APS-Convention in Chicago, 24.-27. Mai 2012.
- Rindermann, H. & Thompson, J. (2011). Intelligence of the future and economic development. Talk on 10 December 2011, the 12th meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Limassol, Zypern.
- Rindermann, H. (2011, September). Results of the International Mathematical Olympiads (IMO) and its effect by scientific and technical achievements in wealth. Invited guest talk (Prof. Dr. Christoph Perleth) on the MINT-EC und ABB-meeting, Erfurt.
- Rindermann, H. & StiegMayer, E.-M. (2011, September). Cognitive skills in Costa Rica and Austria in comparison. Talk at the 11th expert groups meeting Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and psychological diagnostics of the DGPs, Saarbrücken.
- Baumeister, A. & Rindermann, H. (2011, September). Quality of reform-educational kindergarten and its influence on child development. Poster at the 13th expert groups meeting Educational Psychology of the DGPs, Erfurt.
- Rindermann, H. (2011, September). Intelligence growth in childhood and adolescence. Talk at the 20th expert groups meeting Educational Psychology of the DGPs, Erfurt.
- Rindermann, H. (2011, July). The impact of ability, mediated through science and economic freedom, on wealth. Talk at the 15th ISSID-Conference, London.
- Rindermann, H. (2011, April). Educational opportunities and origin: What we know and what we can do. Invited guest talk (Prof. Dr. Udo Rudolph) on the interdisciplinary symposium "GROW UP!", Chemnitz.
- Rindermann, H. (2011, March). Intelligence and knowledge as a basis of social development. Invited guest talk at the college days "Development", Biberach.
- Baumeister, A. & Rindermann, H. (2011, March). Impact of pre-k education on children's intelligence and behavior. Talk at the First Annual Conference on Early Education and Technology for Children (EETC), Salt Lake City, USA.
- Rindermann, H. & Thompson, J. (2010, December). Parents' education, less so their money, nurtures the intelligence of their children: Results of 19 studies in six countries at different development levels. Talk at the 11th meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), Alexandria/Washington.
- Rindermann, H. (2010, November). Fundamental change in thought structures and the role of new media. Invited guest talk at the 19th Federal Congress of School Psychology, Hameln.
- Rindermann, H. (2010, November). Lesson, school and skills development. Invited guest talk of the State Office of Education Gera, Gera.
- Rindermann, H. (2010, October). What is it about the theses by Sarrazin? Attempt to evaluate from the view of psychology and education research. Invited contribution at the event "Sarrazin: the theses, the media", discussant, and participant of discussion Prof. Dr. Hans-Mathias Kepplinger, Mainz, invitee Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Donsbach (Institute of Communication Science at Dresden University of Technology, Dresden., Link to the report at DNN-online, Invitation to the discussion event
- Rindermann, H. (2010, October). Worldviews ("Weltanschauungen") and their influence through attitudes and education ("Bildung") on cognitive competence: An international comparison. Talk at the European Association of Personality Psychology, EAPP Expert Meeting on Personality an Culture, Lausanne.
- Rindermann, H. & Baumeister, A. (2010, September). Promoting development by nurseries and kindergarten attendance. Structured abstract on the 47th Congress of the German Society of Psychology, Bremen.
- Baumeister, A., Rindermann, H. & Steinhauser, K. (2010, September). Quality of Montessori kindergartens and traditional kindergartens and their effects on child development. Poster at the 47th Congress of the German Society of Psychology, Bremen.
- Rindermann, H. (2010, September). Why some nations are so smart? Lessons learned from international intelli-gence research useful for furtherance of abilities in developing countries (Por que algumas nações são tão inteligentes? O que pode a investigação de inteligência nos ensinar sobre a reforçar a capacidade dos países em desenvolvimento). Invited Guest Lecture/Keynote address (Carmen Flores-Mendoza) at the II Latin American Congress of Psychological Assessment, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
- Rindermann, H. (2010, May). Educational effects on intelligence. Invited Guest Lecture at Cornell University, Department of Human Development (Stephen J. Ceci), Ithaca, USA.
- Rindermann, H. (2010, February). Cultura, formação (educação), inteligência e o desenvolvimento das nações. Culture, education, intelligence and the development of nations. Invited Guest Lecture at the conference "O Estudo da Inteligência Humana no Contexto dos Países em Desenvolvimento: Tendências Atuais e Perspectivas Futuras" at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
- Rindermann, H., Sailer, M. & Thompson, J. (2009, December). The impact of smart fractions, cognitive ability of politicians and average competence of peoples on social development. Presentation at the 10th meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), Madrid, Spain.
- Perissutti, Ch. & Rindermann, H. (2009, December). Austrian parents nurture children’s intelligence by their education and not by their money. Poster at the 10th meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), Madrid, Spain.
- Rindermann, H. (2009, August). Educational policy and other possible factors as causes for differences at the national level in cognitive competence development. Round Table Session auf der EARLI 13th Biennial Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Rindermann, H. & Dresel, M. (2009, August). Teacher competence development through evaluation and consultation. Vortrag auf der EARLI 13^th Biennial Conference (Symposium: Competences as quality criteria in higher education, Leiter Manuela Paechter, Heiner Rindermann & Brigitte Mayer), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Rindermann, H. & Ceci, S. J. (2009, May). Education and country outcomes in international cognitive competence studies. Poster auf APS-Convention 2009, San Francisco.
- Rindermann, H. (2009, June). Enhancement of cognitive competence. Invited Guest Lecture at the „Cognitive Enhancement Symposium“ at the University of Oxford, Future of Humanity Institute (Nick Bostrom & Anders Sandberg), Oxford.
- Rindermann, H. (2009, June). Enhancement of intelligence: Relevance, possibilities and limitations. Invited Guest Lecture at the „Cognitive Enhancement Workshop“ at the University of Oxford, Future of Humanity Institute (Nick Bostrom & Anders Sandberg), Oxford.
- Rindermann, H. (2009). Quality development in higher education. Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung, 27/(1), 64-73.
- Rindermann, H. & Meisenberg, G. (2009). Relevance of education and intelligence at the national level for health: The case of HIV and AIDS. Intelligence, 37, 383-395.
- Rindermann, H. (2009, June). Education and cognitive skills and their social relevance. Invited guest lecture at the University of Graz, Institute of Sociology (Max Haller), Graz.
- Rindermann, H. (2009, June). Indicators of good teaching - and how "they" to improve. Invited guest lecture at the University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen.
- Rindermann, H. (2009, February). Systemizing self-evaluation - Evaluation in the system of school. Invited guest lecture to the Western Academy of state and district school inspectors from Vorarlberg, Salzburg and Tyrol, in the Hermann Gmeiner Academy of Innsbruck, Innsbruck.
- Rindermann, H. (2009, February). Evaluation of courses - an opportunity of further development for all stakeholders (students, teachers, presidency). Invited guest lecture at the University of Education Tyrol in Innsbruck, Innsbruck.
- Rindermann, H. & Meisenberg, G. (2008, December). Relevance of education and intelligence at the national level for health: The case of HIV and AIDS. Talk at the 9th meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), Decatur.
- Heiling, B. & Rindermann, H. (2008, December). The relevance of emotional intelligence (EI) for mental health, personality and real life criteria.: Talk at the 9th meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), Decatur.
- Oesterdiekhoff, G. W. & Rindermann, H. (2008, December). The Flynn effect has deeper grounds and more consequences than usually assumed. Talk at the 9th meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), Decatur.
- Rindermann, H. (2008, November). Skills development from childhood to old age. Invited guest lecture by the Styrian Society of Psychology, University of Graz, Graz.
- Rindermann, H. (2008, August). Educational policy and international cognitive competence levels – an update with new PISA 2006 and PIRLS 2006 data. Talk at the EARLI SIG 18 Conference (Educational effectiveness:Theoretical and methodological challenges for research), Frankfurt.
- Rindermann, H. (2008, July). Educational policy and international cognitive competence levels. Talk at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2008), Berlin.
- Rindermann, H. (2008, January). Quality criteria, evaluation and development of higher education. Invited guest lecture on the working days "criteria of good higher education teaching" at the University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen.
- Rindermann, H. (2007, December). Philosophies of life as religious, cultural and political beliefs and their relationship to intelligence. Talk at the 8th meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), Amsterdam.
- Rindermann, H. (2007, November). Educational policy and cognitive skills: results of international and domestic German Analyses. Invited guest lecture at the University of Marburg, Department of Psychology (Jörn Sparfeldt), Marburg.
- Rindermann, H. (2007, September). Religion, culture, upbringing, education and intelligence - are global differences in cognitive abilities explainable culturally? Structured abstract at the 9th Workshop of Differential Psychology, Vienna.
- Rindermann, H. (2007, September). The influence of framework conditions on quality of teaching and learning success in higher education teaching. Talk at the 9th Conference of Educational Psychology, Berlin.
- Rindermann, H. (2007, July). Religion, culture, education and intelligence – International differences in intelligence, could they be explained by cultural factors? Talk at the 13th ISSID-Conference, Gießen.
- Karthaus, Ch. & Rindermann, H. (2007, July). Psychometric properties of the Emotional-Competence-Questionnaire (ECQ). Poster at the 13th ISSID-Conference, Gießen.
- Rindermann, H. (2007, June). Education and skills as a bourgeois phenomenon. Invited guest lecture at the University of Stuttgart, Institute of Philosophy (Christoph Hubig), Stuttgart.
- Rindermann, H. (2007, March). Effective use of teaching evaluation. Invited Workshop at the University of Zurich, Center for Higher Education didactics, Zurich.
- Rindermann, H. (2007, March). W-grade, teaching quality and student course evaluation. Invited talk at meeting of the Working Group of Evaluation in higher education, University Neubrandenburg, Neubrandenburg.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, December). Relevance of education and intelligence at the national level for politics: Democracy, rule of law and political liberty. Talk at the 7th meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR), San Francisco.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, December). Student teaching evaluation: a contribution to ensure the quality of university teaching? Invited talk at Dies Academicus of the Faculty of Education, University of Leipzig, Leipzig.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, October). Interactions between intelligence and society - methodological problems and theoretical conclusions from the perspective of psychometric intelligence research. Talk at the conference of Culture and Cognition: The contributions of psychometry and Piagetian psychology to the understanding of cultural differences, Magdeburg.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, September). Attempt to explain the States differences in international comparative school achievement and intelligence studies exclusively considering educational characteristics. Structured abstract at the 45th Conference of DGPs in Nuremberg, Nuremberg.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, September). Self- and foreign selection of students - the current status. Invited talk at entry-symposium No. 2, Berlin.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, September). Capture international education studies also professional skills?? Talk at the 68th AEPF, Munich.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, September). Development of questionnaires for teaching evaluation. Invited talk at the 3rd EvaSys User Conference, Zurich.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, June). Application and analysis modalities of teaching evaluation with EvaSys based on HILVE. Invited talk at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Erfurt.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, May). Evaluation of teaching as a tool for quality assurance. Invited talk at the University of Saarbrücken, Department of Sociology, Colloquium of the study course Masters of Evaluation, Saarbrücken.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, May). Reasons and consequences of international differences in cognitive skills - analysis on Lynn & Vanhanen, PISA, PIRLS and TIMSS. Invited talk at Dresden University of Technologies, Department of Psychology, Buhler Colloquium, Dresden.
- Rindermann, H. (2006, March). Good teaching in higher education: What says the research? Invited talk at the PH FHNW, universities Northwestern Switzerland, Workshop of the planning group "Quality model teaching ', Basel.
- Rindermann, H. (2005, December). Experience with student selection process. Invited talk at University of Harz (Wernigerode, Congress "student selection - practical implementation and experiences" from 8.12.2005 to 9.12.2005), Wernigerode. (Presentation published as a DVD by Michael Wruck & Sebastian Goedecke (
- Rindermann, H. (2005, October). Teaching evaluation - the need of high school didactic companion? Invited talk at the University of Zurich (Center of Higher Education didactics), Zurich.
- Rindermann, H. (2005, October). Teaching evaluation - the need of high school didactic companion? Invited talk at the University of Zurich (Vice-President for Teaching), Zurich.
- Rindermann, H. (2005, September). Causal analysis on macro-social level: Are Reasons of a good or bad Performance in international comparative studies of cognitive skills (intelligence, academic achievement) explainable? Talk at the 7th meeting of Methods and Evaluation, Münster.
- Rindermann, H. (2005, September). What measure international school achievement studies? Structured abstract at the 8th Workshop of Differential Psychology, Marburg.
- Karthaus, Ch. & Rindermann, H. (2005, September). Verification of a questionnaire to measure emotional competence (Emotional Competence Questionnaire ECQ). Poster on the 8th Workshop of Differential Psychology, Marburg.
- Rindermann, H. (2005, September). Are Reasons of different results between states in international school achievement studies explainable? Structured abstract at the 10th Conference of Educational Psychology, Halle.
- Rindermann, H. (2005, July). Assessment of the quality of teaching as diagnostic and intervention. Invited talk at the Institute of Psychology, Saarbrücken.
- Rindermann, H. (2005, April). HILVE-IIK, Norm-building and counseling. Invited talk at the 2nd EvaSys Users' Conference, Lüneburg.
- Rindermann, H. (2005, January). Possibilities and limitations of quantitative and qualitative evaluation. Invited talk at the university day of the University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden.
- May, M., Grauer, G. & Rindermann, H. (2005, January). Possibilities and limitations of quantitative and qualitative evaluation. Invited workshop at the university day of the University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden.
- Rindermann, H. (2004, September). Selection of students by universities. Short presentation at a panel discussion at the 44th Conference of DGPs in Göttingen, Göttingen.
- Rindermann, H. (2004, September). Cognitive-conducive education in grammar schools: can be worked out teaching characteristics to promote the cognitive abilities of an above-average pupil qualified? Talk at the 44th Conference of DGPs, Göttingen.
- Rindermann, H. (2004, June). Evaluation of course quality. Invited talk at the University of Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt.
- Rindermann, H. (2004, April). Standard profiles and counseling texts - why we need standards and counseling in teaching evaluation? Invited talk at the 1st EvaSys User Conference, Bad Homburg.
- Rindermann, H. & Sauerbrey, A. & Uslucan, H.-H. (2003, September). Attractiveness and stability factors of partnership relations in dependence of expression of evolution psychological determinants. Talk at the 7th Differential Psychology Workshop, Halle.
- Rindermann, H. (2003, September). Development of cognitive skills: Which conditions turn out on which levels as conducive? Structured abstract at the 9th Conference of Educational Psychology, Bielefeld.
- Rindermann, H. & Hentschel, Ch. (2003, September). Problems and possibilities of effect level measures. Talk at the 6th Conference Methods and Evaluation, Vienna.
- Rindermann, H. & Wendt, V. (2003, July). Emotional Competence: Measurement and modelling by use of self and external ratings. Talk at the 11th meeting of ISSID, Graz.
- Rindermann, H. (2003, May). General conditions of course evaluations. From the relevance of student course criticism through to the publication of results. Invited talk at the workshop "Evaluation of Teaching" at the University of Kassel, Kassel.
- Rindermann, H. (2003, February). Teaching evaluation in higher education: consequences of students critique of courses. Invited workshop at the 4th Workshop to Evaluation at universities at the University Rectors Conference at the University of Potsdam, Potsdam.
- Rindermann, H. (2003, February). Grow, develop, come of age. Developmental psychology and implications for schools. Invited talk at the Education Centre Schloss Wendgräben, Wendgräben..
- Rindermann, H. (2002, October). Effects of course evaluations on the communication of teachers. Invited talk at the 5th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Evaluation at the University of Mainz, Mainz.
- Rindermann, H. (2002, September). Teaching evaluation in higher education: Conclusions of 10 years of research for theory and practice of university teaching and evaluation. "State-of-the-art paper" at the 43rd Conference of DGPs, Berlin.
- Rindermann, H. & Wendt, V. (2002, September). Emotional competence: Review of the dimensionality and validity, and explanatory power for work, leisure and Partnership. Talk at the 43rd Conference of DGPs, Berlin.
- Rindermann, H. & Wagner, A. (2002, May). Dropout and change of subject : causes and intervention possibilities. Talk at the 4th Conference of Psychology Didactics and Evaluation, Trier.
- Rindermann, H. & Greunke, E. (2002, May). Training in systemic psychological counseling techniques for-educator: Presentation of the program and evaluation results. Talk at the 4th Conference of Psychology Didactics and Evaluation, Trier.
- Rindermann, H. (2002, April). Concept, implementation and analysis of evaluations of virtual teaching and Implementation of their results. Invited Workshop at the University of Zurich, eQuality symposium, Zurich.
- Rindermann, H. (2002, April). Evaluation of computer-based courses. Invited talk at the University of Zurich, eQuality symposium, Zurich.
- Rindermann, H. (2001, October). Quality of teaching and Teaching evaluation - an overview presentation. Invited guest talk at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Graz.
- Rindermann, H. & Wagner, A. (2001, September). Dropout, change of university and change of subject: Are there differences between dropping out of changers?? Poster presented at the 8th Conference of Educational Psychology, Landau.
- Rindermann, H. (2001, September). Talent and personality: Are there differences between gifted children and adolescents and their peers in personality?? Talk at the 6th Workshop of the Section of Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and psychological diagnostics, Leipzig.
- Rindermann, H. & Dresel, M. (2001, September). Use of structural equation models in the teaching evaluation research: Projection of the student-rated teaching achievement. Talk at the 5th expert groups meeting Methods and Evaluation, Frankfurt.
- Rindermann, H. (2001, May). Selection of freshmen by universities and the Central Office for the Allocation of Study Places - Criteria, procedures and predictability of academic success. Invited guest talk at the 5th Meeting of the working group study place allocation (ZVS, HRK, Speakers of German ministries of education), Göttingen.
- Rindermann, H. (2001, March). Sociobiology and evolutionary psychology in the field of tension between science, Society and Ethics. Talk at the 2nd MVE Conference 2001 (Human behavior in evolutionary perspective), Kassel.
- Kohler, J. & Rindermann, H. (2000, September). Evaluation of teaching, followed by advice to the lecturers - an effective Method for improving the quality of teaching? Yes! Talk at the 42nd Conference of DGPs, Jena.
- Rindermann, H., Görlitz, G. & Heupel, M. (2000, September). Promoting social and emotional skills of gifted children. Talk at the 42nd Conference of DGPs, Jena.
- Rindermann, H. (2000, May). Recognize and promote talent. Erfurt: Invited working group for primary school teachers (Thuringian Institute of Teacher Training), Erfurt.
- Ahlgrimm, H., Alex, D., Böttcher, F., Dubiel, M., Engelhardt, C., Goerke, C. & Rindermann, H. (2000, May). Design of a child-friendly school entry phase in the tension of working with high performance and low performance pupils. Invited panel discussion at the symposium "Design of a child-friendly school entrance phase" (Thuringian Institute of Teacher Education), Erfurt.
- Rindermann, H. (2000, April). Development of questionnaires and observation techniques for school lessons. Invited advanced training of LAG school psychology, Speyer.
- Rindermann, H. (2000, February). Course evaluations and counseling of lecturers at the Department of Architecture at University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg in the winter semester 1999/2000. Invited Presentation and consultation, Nuremberg.
- Rindermann, H. (2000, January). selection of Freshmen and scholars - Criteria, procedures and Predictability of academic success. Invited guest talk at the Medical University of Hannover (German National Academic Foundation - Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pabst), Hannover.
- Rindermann, H. (1999, December). The student evaluation of courses - state of research and implications. Invited guest talk at the symposium evaluation at the University of Graz - between quality management and end in itself, Graz.
- Rindermann, H. (1999, November). Promoting social and emotional skills of gifted children. Invited guest talk at the annual meeting of LVH Giftedness, Stuttgart. (
- Rindermann, H., Tanzer, N. & Heller, K.A. (1999, October). Validity and realism of the multidimensional self-concept of primary school pupils. Talk at the 5th Workshop of Differential Psychology, Wuppertal.
- Rindermann, H., Heller, K.A. & Reimann, R. (1999, October). Eight year grammar school for highly gifted pupils in Baden-Wuerttemberg: Run acceleration and ability grouping in improved development of intelligence, personality and school performance?. Talk at the 5th Workshop of Differential Psychology, Wuppertal.
- Rindermann, H. & Oubaid, V. (1999, October). Should universities choose students themselves? - results, procedures and criteria. Talk at the 5th Workshop of Differential Psychology, Wuppertal.
- Rindermann, H. (1999, October). Current issues in educational evaluation research. Invited guest talk at the Annual Meeting of the German Statistical Society, Hannover.
- Rindermann, H. (1999, September). Research of teaching evaluation and practice of teaching evaluation - issues and current developments. Talk at the 4th expert groups meeting Methods, Leipzig.
- Rindermann, H. (1999, September). Promotion of geometric abilities in gifted and interested primary school pupils. Talk at the 7th Conference of Educational Psychology and 14th Meeting Developmental Psychology, Fribourg.
- Rindermann, H. (1999, September). What makes a "good" lecturers and "good" events? Results of a survey of students and teachers. Talk at the 7th Conference of Educational Psychology and 14th Meeting Developmental Psychology, Fribourg.
- Rindermann, H., Tanzer, N.K. & Heller, K. A. (1999, June). Self-concept of gifted students attending the German gymnasium with regular (9 year) versus accelerated program (8 year). Vortrag auf der Joint European Conference of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology and the International Test Commission, Universität Graz, Graz.
- Rindermann, H. (1999, March). Methods of Teaching Evaluation - An Overview. Invited guest talk at the 45th biometrical Colloquium, Dortmund.
- Rindermann, H. & Heller, K. A. (1998, September). Personality development of gifted pupils. Poster presented at the 41st Conference of DGPs, Dresden.
- Kohler, J. & Rindermann, H. (1998, September). Advice to lecturers to improve teaching quality - First results of an effectiveness test. Poster presented at the 41st Conference of DGPs, Dresden.
- Neber, H., Gruber, H., Lehmann, W., Perleth, Chr., Rindermann, H., Ziegler, A. (1998, September). Research of giftedness and promotion of giftedness. Panel discussion at the 41st Conference of DGPs, Dresden.
- Heller, K. A. & Rindermann, H. (1998, June). Giftedness, motivation and performance excellence: Recent research findings on eight-year grammar school in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Talk at the Evangelical Academy in Bad Boll, conference "Identifying, recognizing and promoting for gifted learners, Bad Boll.“.
- Rindermann, H. (1997, December). Research of teaching evaluation: An overview of the key issues and developments. Guest talk at the University of Jena, Department of Psychology, Jena.
- Rindermann, H. (1997, December). The development of giftedness. Guest talk at the University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim.
- Rindermann, H. (1997, December). Improve teaching through evaluation. Guest talk at the University of Mainz, Institute for Medical Psychology, Mainz.
- Rindermann, H. & Heller, K. A. (1997, October). Predictive validity of basal measures of intelligence: To what extent can be predicted school performance based on the information processing speed? Poster presented at the 4th Workshop of Differential Psychology, Bamberg.
- Rindermann, H. & Heller, K.A. (1997, September). Self-concept of particularly gifted young people: differences to grammar school pupils with average intelligence? Talk at the 6th Conference of Educational Psychology, Frankfurt.
- Rindermann, H. (1997, September). Factor structure of student course evaluations. Poster presented at the 6th Conference of Educational Psychology, Frankfurt.
- Rindermann, H. & Heller, K.A. (1997, September). Development of problem-solving ability. Talk at the 13th Meeting Developmental Psychology , Wien.
- Rindermann, H. (1997, May). Scales of teaching evaluation: Which aspects should be assessed in university courses? Talk at the Symposium on Psychology didactic and evaluation of the BDP, Gießen.
- Rindermann, H. (1996, December). Teaching Evaluation: Design and use of a questionnaire for the assessment of courses at universities. Workshop at the conference "Re-invigorating the university" of the RCDS, Heidelberg.
- Rindermann, H. (1996, September). Are student course evaluations generalizable to other courses of a lecturer or to (equal) parallel courses of different lecturers? Poster presented at the 40th Conference of DGPs, Munich.
- Heller, K. A. & Rindermann, H. (1996, September). Improved performance and promotion of intelligence for gifted pupils by attending an eight-year grammar school with special needs? Poster presented at the 40th Conference of DGPs, Munich.
- Rindermann, H. (1995, November). Conformity and divergence in student evaluation of courses. Talk at the 3rd Workshop of Differential Psychology, Trier.
- Rindermann, H. (1995, September). Improvement of teaching through course evaluation? Talk at the 5th expert groups meeting Educational Psychology, Leipzig.
- Rindermann, H. & Heller, K.A. (1995, September). Eight year grammar school with special needs: Evaluation results for the first four measurement points. Talk at the 5th expert groups meeting Educational Psychology , Leipzig.
- Rindermann, H. (1995, May). The Heidelberger Inventar zur Lehrveranstaltungs-Evaluation (HILVE): Experience with validity and usefulness of student course evaluation. Talk at the Colloquium at Dresden University of Technologies; "Evaluation - An Opportunity in Higher Education", Dresden.
- Rindermann, H. & Amelang, M. (1994, September). The validity of the assessments of courses by students. Talk at the 39th Conference of DGPs, Hamburg.
- Rindermann, H. & Amelang, M. (1993, September). Construction and empirical testing of the inventory for evaluation of teaching by Rindermann and Amelang (Leira). Talk at the 4th expert groups meeting Educational Psychology, Mannheim.
- Symposium "Nurturing intelligence: Opportunities and limits" at the ICPS-Convention 2019 in Paris, 7-9 March 2019.
- Session "Cognitive human capital, growth and wealth Perspectives of economics and psychology" at the ASSA/AEA Meeting (Allied Social Science Associations/American Economic Association 2014, participants: Garett Jones & Niklas Potrafke; Heiner Rindermann; Eric Hanushek, Jens Ruhose & Ludger Woessmann; Gerhard Meisenberg; James Heckman & Tim Kautz) in Philadelphia, USA.
- Symposium "International cognitive competence levels: Causes, consequences and development" at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2008) in Berlin.
- Symposium "International differences in intelligence" at the 8th Conference of the International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Amsterdam, December 2007.
- Paper session "Students' evaluation of instruction" ("Lehrevaluation: Alea jacta est: Rückmeldung von Evaluationsergebnissen") at the 42nd Congress of the German Society of Psychology in Jena, September 2000 (together with Michael Henninger).
- "Students' evaluation of instruction" ("Lehrevaluation: Diagnose oder Therapie") at the 7th Meeting of the German Section of Educational Psychology in Freiburg/Switzerland, September 1999 (together with Michael Henninger).
- "Applied diagnostics" ("Angewandte Psychodiagnostik") at the 40th Congress of the German Society of Psychology in Munich, September 1996.
- "Intelligence and memory" ("Intelligenz und Gedächtnis") at the 40th Congress of the German Society of Psychology in Munich, September 1996.
- Lexikon der Psychologie [encyclopaedia of psychology], 2000, Spektrum.
- Lexikon der Erziehungswissenschaft [encyclopaedia of educational science], 2011, Klinkhardt/UTB.
- Dorsch, Psychologisches Wörterbuch [dictionary of psychology], 2013, Huber.
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