Brown Bag Meeting of the Institute of Psychology
This semester the meeting will take place virtually. You will find information on the individual lectures as to whether the lecture will take place at the Institute of Psychology or digitally.
The page is updated continuously. Please communicate appointment requests and information via Prof. Dr. Stefan Brandenburg.
Dates - Tuesday, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wintersemester 2023/2024
Discussion room: W.-Raabe-Str. 43, 09120 Chemnitz - Room 104
Chronische Insomnie, Hyperarousal und REM-Schlaf-Instabilität
Sommersemester 2023
Discussion room: W.-Raabe-Str. 43, 09120 Chemnitz - Room 104
Sitzung findet online statt:
A Defense of Free Inquiry into the Cause of Population Differences
Audiovisuelle Wahrnehmung von Fußgängern im Straßenverkehr