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Die TU Chemnitz in den Medien – Archiv

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15 Suchergebnisse

2024-05-06 | PhysOrg

Giving Holocaust survivors a digital voice in the world

Researchers at TU Chemnitz and LMU Munich have developed a chatbot that can be used to learn more about the Holocaust. The interactive online testimony of Abba Naor enables users to have individual digital conversations with a Holocaust survivor in English.
2024-03-23 | PhysOrg

Research team proposes a novel type of acoustic crystal with smooth, continuous changes in elastic properties

A team led by David Röhlig at the Technische Universität Chemnitz in Germany is proposing to create function phononic crystals, with smooth and continuous changes in elastic properties instead of strict periodic variations. The research is published in the journal Europhysics Letters.
2024-02-19 | PhysOrg

"I'm gonna get totally and utterly X'"': Can you really use any English word to mean 'drunk'?

Linguistic study by Chemnitz University of Technology and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig investigates over 500 English synonyms for “drunk”.
2024-01-04 | PhysOrg

Soft microrobots with super-compliant picoforce springs as onboard sensors and actuators

Researchers from Chemnitz, Dresden und Shenzhen (China) describe in an article in the prestigious journal "Nature Nanotechnology“, how tiny magnetic springs can significantly advance medical applications.
2023-11-27 | PhysOrg

May the 'Star Wars' vocabulary be with us

These days, "Star Wars" is everywhere. There are numerous films and all kinds of merchandise. But is "Star Wars" also an integral part of the English language? That is the question Prof Dr. Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer, chair of English and Digital Linguistics at Chemnitz University of Technology, set out to investigate. "I wanted to find out whether words from the 'Star Wars' universe have already become part of our own universe," notes the linguist.
2023-06-26 | PhysOrg

New VR app makes an adventure out of studying

Prof. Dr. Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer, Chair of English and Digital Linguistics at Chemnitz University of Technology, and Elisabeth Mayer from the Leibniz Computing Center of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities have developed the novel VR adventure quiz app "Bridge of Knowledge VR" with their students.
2023-06-12 | PhysOrg

Breakthrough in understanding charge transport in organic solar cells

Researchers from the Professorship of Optics and Photonics of Condensed Matter, headed by Prof. Dr. Carsten Deibel, of Chemnitz University of Technology and other partner institutions are currently working together on solar cells made of novel organic semiconductors, which can be manufactured using established printing or thermal evaporation methods.
2021-12-22 | PhysOrg

World's smallest microelectronic catheter for minimally invasive surgery of the future

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt, head of the Professorship for Material Systems for Nanoelectronics, designated Scientific Director of the Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN) at Chemnitz University of Technology a research team has now presented the world's tiniest flexible, microelectronic microcatheter.
2021-08-24 | PhysOrg

Smallest biosupercapacitor provides energy for biomedical applications

Einem inter­nationalen Forschungsteam unter Leitung von Oliver G. Schmidt an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz gelang ein Durchbruch: Die Forschenden entwickelten den bisher kleinsten Biosuper­kondensator, der bereits in künst­lichen Blutbahnen funktioniert und als Energiequelle für ein winziges Sensor­system zur Messung des pH-Wertes verwendet werden kann.
2021-08-10 | PhysOrg

Black Lives Matter in Europe: What remains of the movement?

Ein internationales Forschungsteam mit TU-Beteiligung hat Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer sowie die Organisationsstruktur von BLM in vier europäischen Ländern untersucht – Besonders große Kundgebungen in Deutschland und Dänemark.

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