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Group of Composites and Material Compounds



Ines Gora

List of Staff Members

Degree Last Name Fist Name Room Phone
+49 371 531...
+49 371 531...
M.Sc. Abdou Raouf 3/E012 (neu: E06.012) 35850 835850
Dipl.-Ing. Ahmad Husam 3/E012 (neu: E06.012) 35986 835986
Dr. Chzhan Viktoriia 3/B106 (neu: E02.106) 37256 837256
Einenkel Alexander 3/A115 (neu: E01.115) 33598 833598
Gasha Bihon Shimelis 3/E019 (neu: E06.005)
M. Sc. Gester Andreas 3/A105 (neu: E01.105) 33649 833649
Gora Ines 3/B113 (neu: E02.113) 36171 23819
Dr.-Ing. Hausner Susann 3/A102 (neu: E01.102) 37929 837929
Hofmann Sebastian 3/B106 (neu: E02.106) 31418 831418
Körner Jonas 3/A115 (neu: E01.115) 31413 831413
M.Sc. Lorenz Toni 3/E005 (neu: E06.005) 33193 833193
Naumann Nicole 3/A101 (neu: E01.101) 36683 836683
Dipl.-Ing. Nier Natalia 3/E117 (neu: E06.117) 33353 833353
Dr.-Ing. Ozherelkov Dmitrii 3/E001 (neu: E06.001) 33234 833234
M. Sc. Palaniyappan Saravanan 3/E019 (neu: E06.019) 33873 833873
Pauli Sven 3/E001 (neu: E06.001) 32644 832644
M. Sc. Rebrin Marat 3/E001 (neu: E06.001) 33669 833669
Rudolph Nick 3/A115 (neu: E01.115) 33952 833952
M. Sc. Sattler Benjamin 3/E005 (neu: E06.005) 32808 832808
Senß Thomas 3/D032 (neu: E04.032) 37747 837747
M. Sc. Sprigode Toni 3/E101 (neu: E06.101) 37575 837575
Dr.-Ing. Trautmann Maik 3/A104 (neu: E01.104) 38846 838846
Dr.-Ing. Wächtler Christiane 3/E101 (neu: E06.101) 34463 834463
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wagner Guntram 3/B114 (neu: E02.114) 36171 23819
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wielage Bernhard 3/A106 (neu: E01.106) 36169 836169

List of Student Assistants

Last Name First Name Field
Ahsan Syed-Intiser Webseite
Ballout Alaa Pulvermetallurgie
Hanna Abanoub CMC
Memaripanah Motahareh Materialografie
Sajeev Sreelakshmi Nanofügen
Yehune Berhanu MMC

Former Leading Staff Members

Degree Last Name First Name Phone E-Mail
Dr.-Ing. Hoyer Ina +49 341 42743-512
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klose Holger +49 375 536-1780
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lampke Thomas +49 371 531-36163
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Mücklich Silke +49 375 536-1771
Dr.-Ing. Mucha Herbert
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Nestler Daisy +49 371 531-36546
Dr. rer. nat. Podlesak Harry
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rupprecht Christian
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steinhäuser Siegfried +49 371 531-36171
Dr.-Ing Thomä Marco +49 202 29 78 97 80
Dr.-Ing Uhlig Thomas
Dr.-Ing. Wank Andreas
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Weis Sebastian +49 375 536-1689
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wilden Johannes +49 2151 822-5073