Technical Equipment
Low-Heat Joining Process
Zwick ProLine 10 kN
- Quasistatic testing of different materials, material compounds or components
- Tensile-, Compression- or bend tests
- Calibrated force range: 20 – 10.000 N
- Traverse speed: 0,0005-1000 mm/min
- Position, strain or force controlled testing
- High-precision strain extensometer for gauge lengths of 10 – 100 mm (continuously)
- Asymmetrical and/or symmetric tightening of specimen by wedge-screw grips

Contact Partner

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Gester
- Telefon:+49 371 531-33649
- Fax:+49 371 531- 833649
- Raum:3, 3/A105
- E-Mail: