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Group of Composites and Material Compounds
Professur Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde
Group of Composites and Material Compounds 

Technical Equipment


4-point resistance measurement

Device: Jandel RM 5000 with ceramic flat heater


  • Surface resistance range: 1 mΩ/□ (10-3) up to 5 x 108 mΩ/□ with 0,3 % accuracy
  • constant measuring current between 10 nA and 99.999 mA,
  • constant measuring voltages from 0.01 mV to 1250 mV
  • For volume (bulk) resistance measurement, the specified range is 1 mΩcm up to 1*106 Ωcm
  • Input impedance 1,000,000,000,000 ohms
  • Input bias current 4 pA
  • DVM 1300 mV and 130 mV range
  • Maximum contact pressure 0.3 N.
  • Center distance 1mm, Rµ = 500 µm


  • Non-destructive and invasion-free determination:
    • of the sheet resistance of planar solids
    • Determination of the specific resistance for certain or known layer thicknesses
    • Determination of the temperature coefficient at temperatures between 35–500 ° C
  • Standard measuring method for determining the electrical conductivity in semiconductor technology, photovoltaics etc.
Prinzipskizze der 4-Punkt-Messmethode zur Ermittlung des Schichtwiderstands-Temperatur-Koeffizienten Jandel Multiheight Probe Station Diagramm: Temperatur Schichtwiderstands-Messung div. Ni-C Schichten Diagramm: Ermittelte TCR-Werte div. Ni-C-Schichten

Temperature layer resistance measurement of various Ni-C layers as well as determined TCR values

Contact Person

Foto des Ansprechpartners Maik Trautmann
Dr.-Ing. Maik Trautmann