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Group of Composites and Material Compounds
Professur Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde
Group of Composites and Material Compounds 

Technical Equipment

Microstructure analysis, material analysis and material characterization

Glow Discharge



  • High-resolution optical emission spectrometer, equipped for a large number of chemical elements including H, O and N
  • DC and HF glow discharge
  • Analytical circular area with 4 and 2.5 mm diameter
  • Adapter for cylindrical samples


Chemical composition of materials (both electrically conductive and insulating) in the area of the surface or grinding surface

  • Bulk analysis in the concentration range ppm to 100%
  • Depth profile analysis (vertical element concentration distribution) of graded surface layers or coated surfaces up to a maximum depth of 150 µm
Glimmentladungsspektrometer SPECTRUMA GDA750 Glimmentladungsspektrometer SPECTRUMA GDA750

Contact Person

Foto des Ansprechpartners Susann Hausner
Dr.-Ing. Susann Hausner