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Group of Composites and Material Compounds
Professur Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde
Group of Composites and Material Compounds 

Technical Equipment

Microstructure analysis, material analysis and material characterization

Electron microscopic preparation technique

  • Emitech K450 to sputter samples with carbon
  • Emitech K550 to sputter samples with gold or gold / palladium
  • Gatan PECS for ion etching and sputtering SEM samples
  • Diamond wire and disc cutting machines
  • Apparatus for parallel grinding of TEM preparations
  • Gatan PIPS for thinning TEM preparations using an Ar-ion beam
  • Struers TENUPOL 5 for the electrolytic thinning of TEM preparations
K550 und K450

K550 and K450: Evaporator to sputter non-conductive samples with carbon


TENUPOL 5: Ultra high precision diamond wire saw for preparing TEM samples


PECS: Etching system from GATAN for sample preparation of SEM-samples


PIPS: Ion polishing system from GATAN for TEM-sample preparation

Anlage zum chemischen Ätzen von TEM-Proben

Plant for chemical etching of TEM samples

→ see also materialography service

Contact Person

Foto des Ansprechpartners Andreas Gester
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Gester