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Group of Composites and Material Compounds
Professur Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde
Group of Composites and Material Compounds 

Technical Equipment

Low-Heat Joining Process


Device for pressure-assisted / pressureless joining under high vacuum

Purpose: This setup enables joining of metal components under high vacuum by inductive heating. Simultaneously, an adjustable joining pressure can be applied or the process can be done pressureless. Suitable for joining processes with nanosuspensions or similar tasks.


  • Manufacturer: Self-made plus components from Leybold GmbH and EFD Induction
  • Induction system: frequency range from 10 – 25 kHz, output power 15 kW max.
  • Controllable heating, temperature measurement via thermocouples or pyrometer
  • 2-stage vacuum generation using rotary vane and turbomolecular pumps
  • Vacuum monitoring with a combined Pirani and Piezo sensor
  • Application of joining forces up to 3,000 N


Foto des Ansprechpartners Susann Hausner
Dr.-Ing. Susann Hausner