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Group of Composites and Material Compounds
Professur Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde
Group of Composites and Material Compounds 

Technische Ausstattung

composite materials

Granulometer / Particle Sizer (Cilas 1180)

Fully automatic instrument for measuring the particle size distribution of powder metals, suspensions and emulsions.

  • Resolution: 100 classes
  • Measuring range: 0.04-400 µm
  • Laser: diode laser 830 nm (635 nm) with power of 3mW
  • Detector: special multi-element photodiodes
  • Working temperature: +10°C to +40°C
Vollautomatisches Instrument zur Messung der Partikelgrößenverteilung von pulverförmigen Metallen, Suspensionen und Emulsionen

Contact Person

Foto des Ansprechpartners Susann Hausner
Dr.-Ing. Susann Hausner