Metallic materials and material fatigue
Welcome to the Department of Metallic Materials and Material Fatigue.
The focus of our department is research into the interactions between the Manufacturing and processing process the Microstructure and the resulting Properties of a material (mechanical, corrosive, tribological). Understanding these interactions enables the targeted design of the material for the respective application.
The microstructural and mechanical characterisation of the material and in particular the Material behaviour under cyclic stress supported by Simulation are the basis for this. The range of materials we analyse focuses primarily on Metallic materials, especially steels, aluminium alloys and high and medium entropy alloys . Our expertise also lies in the area of Fatigue of anodic, plasma-electrolytic and thermally sprayed coating systems .
Under the tabs at the top of this screen you will find more detailed information on our research activities, the services we offer and the extensive range of equipment and methods available in our department.
Do you have any further questions, or can we support you in your tasks? Then simply contact us at the telephone number or e-mail address below.
We look forward to working with you!
Below you will find a selection of our latest research topics and projects.
We would be happy to advise or support you with our expertise in solving your tasks. Just get in touch with us!
- Modelling of material and surface changes for the FEM simulation of drop forging of carbon steels
- Simulation-based property design along the combined primary and forming technology process chain
- Crack propagation behaviour of highly plastically deformed medium entropy alloys as a function of the microstructure
- Fatigue behaviour of anodically and plasma-electrolytically oxidised high-strength aluminium alloys
- Microstructural and mechanical properties of electrochemically and thermally coated additively manufactured components
- Qualification of metallic foils for ultra-thin bipolar plates in fuel cell stacks
- DFG Research Unit 5380 "Functional surfaces through adiabatic high-speed processes: Microstructure, Mechanisms and Model Development - FUNDAM 3 ENT
- DFG Priority Programme SPP2013: Improvement of the application behaviour of incrementally formed components through targeted residual stress induction
The services offered by the Metallic Materials and Material Fatigue department include analytical and investigative tasks as well as simulation-supported, targeted material development.
You will find the technical equipment available to us for this purpose organised by laboratory area under the corresponding tab on this page.
We offer the following services as standard.
Talk to us if you would like us to support you with special tasks!
X-ray fine structure analysis using XRD:
- Qualitative and quantitative phase analysis and determination of lattice parameters
- Determination of particle sizes and micro-distortions
- Residual stress measurement
- Texture analysis
- Coating thickness, roughness and density determination using reflectometry
- Simultaneous performance of thermogravimetry (TG) and optionally differential thermal analysis (DTA) or differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
- Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) to determine the behaviour of materials under mechanical and thermal stress
- Mechanical testing under tension, compression, bending and shear
- Wear testing in solid-state contact
- Corrosion testing
- Fatigue testing in the LCF and HCF range under tensile, compressive and bending loads
- Heat treatments according to specifications and development of heat treatment routines
- Zoz Simoloyer CM08-8l high-energy ball mill
- High-energy ball mill Zoz Simoloyer CM01-2l / SiN
- Planetary ball mill Fritsch Pulverisette 5
- Powder atomisation system
- AMC casting device
- Electric arc furnace (utilisation via PVW professorship)
- Spark plasma sintering plant (SPS) (utilisation via the PVW professorship)
- Various muffle and protective gas furnaces and quenching baths
- Materialographic preparation technique
- Electron microscopic preparation technique
- Light microscopic examination technique
- Quantitative microstructure analysis OLYMPUS a4i
- DURAMIN microhardness tester
- Recording hardness measurement FISCHERSCOPE HM2000 XYm
- Scanning electron microscope LEO1455VP with X-ray micro-range analysis EDAX GENESIS
- NEON40EsB field emission scanning electron microscope with EDXS and EBSD
- HITACHI H8100 transmission electron microscope with EDAX GENESIS X-ray micro-range analyser
- Nanoindenter UNAT
- RUMUL resonance pulsator - Wöhler tests
- RUMUL resonance pulsator - crack propagation tests
- MTS Landmark (100kN) equipment - strain-controlled fatigue tests
- MatLab
- Mathcad
- Deform
- Fluent
- JMatPro
- MemBrain
- Model tests in the laboratory
- Boiling test (intergranular and stress corrosion cracking test)
- Corrosion test chamber HK 400
- Potentiostat PS6 (determination of current density potential curves)
- Electrochemical MiniCell (ECMC)
- Pitting and crevice corrosion test, ASTM G48
- Climate test chamber
- Micro corrosion cell
- Corrosion test chamber HK 430
- 3-D profilometer
- pH value measuring device
- X-ray fluorescence material analyser
- Colour and gloss meter BYK Gardener spectro-guide
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