"Due to my retirement, please do not ask for jobs or postdoc positions." (Prof. Dr. Stefan Spange)
Research areas of the group Polymer Chemistry
Our group is focused on the synthesis and characterisation of novel complex organic/inorganic or
organic/organic hybrid materials and macromolecular architectures. The main task ist the development
of synthetic strategies towards highly porous monolithic macromolecular materials, films, particles or
hollow spheres. Such materials are essential in applications for gas storage or components of mobile
sources of energy.
Some main points of or work are shortly presented on the following sites:
Twin Polymerisation (DFG, Industry)
This novel method was developed in our group and permits the fabrication of nano composites and highly porous materials.Functionalisation and Analytics of Surfaces (DFG, service)
Metals and metal oxides can be covered by a hydrophilic or hydrophobic layer in order to influence their interaction with the surrounding. The polarity of (functionalised) surfaces is examined using solvatochromic probes.Functional Dyes (DFG, Fonds der Chemischen Industrie)
Chromophoric/fluorophoric systems bearing certain functional moieties (boronic acids, amino acids, barbiturates, diols) which allow the incorporation in supramolecular structures and the detection of biologically relevant compounds.Ionic Liquids (DFG)
The polarity of room temperature ionic liquids as well as their interaction with surfaces is characterised using solvatochromic measurements. Thereby, it is possible to draw conclusions concerning their suitability as reaction medium.Services:
- Solid state NMR spektroscopy (11B, 13C, 29Si)
- Surface polarity measurements using solvatochromic dyes