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JungChemikerForum Chemnitz

04.04.2024 Presentation: "Analytische Chemie in der Gerichtsmedizin: Spannungsfeld zwischen Laborroutine und außergewöhnlichen Fällen" by Dr. Nadine Theofel


Lecture on analytical chemistry in forensic medicine by Dr. Nadine Theofel. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to ask questions in a post-lecture discussion over coffee, tea and sweets!

When: 04.04.2024 4:00 p.m.
Where:  1/232

Upcoming events of the JCF and other student initiatives

tba: Research Group Presentation

FSR Chemistry

The FSR Chemistry is also organising exciting events for you this semester. You can find an overview of the FSR events on their website.