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Seniorenkolleg an der TU Chemnitz

Projektgruppe "More than Neighbours" des Seniorenkollegs an der TU Chemnitz


Unsere feststehenden Termine:

  • Englischunterricht jeden Dienstag von 11.30 Uhr bis 13.00 Uhr

  • Treffen unserer Projektgruppe zur Besprechung der Aufgaben jeden Dienstag von13.45 Uhr bis 15.15 Uhr

  • Besuch der Vorlesungen des Senioren Kollegs jeden Dienstag von 15.30 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr/



Our constant activities:

- English lessons every Tuesday from 11.30 am until 1.00 pm

- Meeting of the group to discuss the project tasks and activities
every Tuesday from 1.45 pm until 3.15 pm

- Participating of the lectures of the Seniors College at the
university every Tuesday from 3.30 pm until 5.00 pm

26.10. 2011/ 5.11. 2011/ 28.12.2011
Excursions along the mills at the river Zschopau

24. / 25. 11.2011
First meeting with our Czech friends from Liberec with the aim to
get know each other and to discuss our common work.

We send our partners best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Excursion to "Chemnitz Museum of Industry"
Guided tour through the special exhibition "Industrial Architecture in Saxony" and visiting of the "Textile Street".


Excursion to Hartmannsdorf "Museum of Local History" to get information about the history and present of the glove knitting factory.




Pupils of the school class 3c of the Theodor-Körner-Primary School from Freiberg made a visit to Chemnitz University of Technology to meet members of our project group "More than Neighbours".

- What's the project "More than Neighbours"?

- Why is it necessary to live cooperative and harmonic together in the big "European House"?
- How has Europe developed within the last 100 years?
- What does Europe mean for us?
- Why is learning English so important?
- Intergenerational Learning: What can children learn from elderly people and reversed? How can we live together well?




Excursion to the "Local History Museum" Wittgensdorf,
Report from the association chairman about the history and present of the textile industry in the village
